The purpose of this division is to establish minimum standards for landscaping in the city in order to enhance property values, improve the appearance of the city, and enhance the community’s ecological, environmental and aesthetic qualities.
It is the intent of these standards to insure that landscaping shall not be limited to the application of turf or grass; but shall include also the coordinated planting (or retention) of grass, shrubs, ground cover, flowering plants, and trees and the grading or moving of earth to form a visually aesthetic and pleasing environment.
It is the intent of these standards to reduce the negative effects of increases in air temperatures, glare, noise, erosion and sedimentation caused by expanses of impervious and unvegetated surfaces within the urban environment.
It is the intent of these standards to recognize that the use of landscaping elements can contribute to the processes of air purification, oxygen regeneration, groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff retardation, and the abatement of noise, glare and heat.
It is the intent of these standards to maximize the preservation of existing trees of a size and type that are beneficial to the environment.
The review of all site plans pursuant to this division shall include the consideration of the plan applicant’s efforts in coordinating a variety of plant material with the physical features of the property.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.01), adopted 2/28/08)
Scope of division.
The standards contained in this division are minimum standards.
All of the provisions of this division shall apply in all zoning districts to any unimproved tract or platted lot to be used for any purpose other than single-family residences regardless of tract or lot size.
The provisions of section 14.02.483 shall apply to tracts and/or platted lots to be used for single-family residential purposes; and
Nothing herein shall be deemed to regulate the removal of trees located in street right-of-way or other permanent public easements when such removal is reasonably necessary to the use of the easement by the city or other easement owner.
As used in this division, the following words or terms shall have the meanings herein provided.
For newly installed trees, the diameter of the trunk measured 6" above ground level. For existing trees, the diameter of the trunk 4-1/2 feet above the ground. The caliper of a multi-trunk tree shall be the full caliper of the largest trunk plus one-half the caliper of the other trunks.
Ornamental tree.
A perennial woody plant generally having a height of 25 feet or less at maturity, which may branch to the ground and has significant seasonal color, texture or other ornamental characteristics.
Protected tree.
Any existing tree of at least 6" caliper.
Replacement tree.
A tree planted or preserved to mitigate the loss of a protected tree. A preserved tree shall have a minimum caliper of 3" in order to be considered a replacement tree. Newly planted trees shall have a minimum caliper of 3" at planting.
A perennial woody plant with a single trunk or multiple trunks that at maturity will obtain a minimum 6" caliper.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.02), adopted 2/28/08)
The provisions of this division shall be administered and enforced by the zoning administrator (in this division called the administrator). Administrative fees shall be as prescribed in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
No permits for the use or improvement of property within the scope of this division shall be issued or development contracts executed by the city until a landscape plan conforming to provisions of this division has been submitted and approved by the city. (1) A plan shall be submitted and approved at the time of submission of a preliminary plat or application for plat revision. (2) If the property is already finally platted, the plan shall be submitted and approved before the issuance of any building permit on the property. (3) With approval of the planning and zoning commission, plan submission may be deferred prior to development, but in any event, a plan shall be submitted and approved prior to the removal from the property of any protected tree, as herein defined. The city shall review a submitted site plan and respond to the applicant within thirty (30) days after submission. If not approved, the response will include written, specific comments setting forth the changes to the plan necessary to conform to this division.
Prior to issuance of an initial certificate of occupancy for any building or structure, or, in the case of a residential lot for which no certificate of occupancy is otherwise required, prior to the approval of the property for utility service, all screening and landscaping shall be in place in accordance with the approved landscape plan. If an initial certificate of occupancy is sought at a season of the year in which the administrator determines that it would be impractical to plant trees, shrubs or grass, or to lay turf, a conditional occupancy certificate may be issued, notwithstanding the fact that the landscaping required by the landscape plan has not been completed, if the applicant shall escrow with the city a sum of money, in cash, reasonably sufficient, in the opinion of the administrator, to pay all of the costs of implementation of the plan as of the commencement of the planting season next following the date of escrow.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.03), adopted 2/28/08)
The landscape plan shall be prepared by a landscape architect, landscape contractor or landscape designer. Landscape plans shall be drawn to a minimum scale of (no smaller than) one (1) inch = fifty (50) feet. A plan shall be on a standard drawing sheet of a size not to exceed 24" x 36". A plan that cannot be drawn in its entirety on a single sheet must be drawn with appropriate match lines on two or more sheets. The plan shall contain the following:
Date, scale, north point and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the property owner and the person preparing the plan.
The location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the lot, the zoning classification of the lot and of adjacent properties; and, a vicinity map.
Project name, address and lot and block description of all property in the project.
An inventory and location of all trees of 6" and greater caliper. Trees shall be identified by size and species and classification as canopy or ornamental tree.
An inventory and location of all trees proposed for removal and the reasons for removal, together with a plan for tree replacement and preservation conforming to section 14.02.483 hereof.
An inventory of protected trees and how they will be protected from damage during construction on the property.
The location of all plants and landscaping material to be used including paving, benches, screens, fountains, statues and other landscape features.
Size, species, quantity and spacing of all plant materials to be used.
A general layout and description of irrigation, sprinkler or water systems, including placement of water sources as designed by a licensed irrigator.
Description of maintenance provisions for the landscape plan.
Planting and irrigation specifications as part of the landscape plan.
A general grading and drainage plan.
Projected date of completion.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.04), adopted 2/28/08)
Twenty percent (20%) of the total land area in any proposed development in the SF, MF, B-1 and B-2 districts, and fifteen percent (15%) in the B-3 and LI districts shall be landscaped. At least fifty percent (50%) of the total required landscaped area shall be located in the street yard(s) (exhibit A). The following are minimum requirements for grass, shrubs, and trees to be provided by an applicant pursuant to an approved plan:
All ground surfaces not used for buildings, sidewalks, roadways or other impermeable surfaces shall be covered with live grass, turf, shrubbery, trees, ground cover, flowering plants or appropriate mulching.
Shrubs not less than eighteen (18) inches in height or five (5) gallons in container size shall be planted on-site, one shrub for each five (5) lineal feet of the public street right-of-way located adjacent to the property.
Landscaping shall include the retention or planting of one (1) three (3) inch caliper tree per each fifty (50) feet of street frontage which may be credited toward satisfying the requirement of trees in parking lot perimeter areas contained in section 14.02.479(1)(B) hereof. Planting locations on the street frontage will be at the applicant’s discretion.
Minimum spacing of required plants shall be based upon 75% of the expected width of the plant at maturity.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.05), adopted 2/28/08)
Plant materials used in conformance with the provisions of this division shall conform to the standards of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, or equal thereto. Grass seed, sod and other material shall be clean and reasonably free of weeds and noxious pests and insects.
Appendix A is a list of recommended landscape plant material. The applicant may use other plant material not listed if it is determined to be an appropriate and functional element of the landscape plan. Plant materials recommended by the Texas Extension Service, Tarrant County office, shall be deemed appropriate under this division.
The following is a list of plant materials which shall not be incorporated in a landscape plan:
TABLE 14.02.476
Arizona Ash
Fraxinus velutina ‘Arizona’
Bois D’arc
Maclura pomifera
Populus deltoids
Siberian Elm
Ulmus pumila
Celtis occidentalis
Silver Maple
Acer saccharinum
Albizzia julibrissen
Morus alba
Lombardy Poplar
Populus nigra italica
Platanus occidentalis
Chinese Tallow
Sapium sebiferum
Thuja occidentalis
Euonymus japonicus
Weeping Willow
Salix babylonica
Wax Ligustrum
Ligustrum japonicum
Pittosporum tobira ‘Variegata’ or ‘Wheeler’s Dwarf’
Eriobotraya japonica
Nerium oleander
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.06), adopted 2/28/08)
Landscape credits may be applied to the overall landscape requirement, as provided in section 14.02.475, Required landscape mixture. However, in no instance shall the credits reduce the total amount of landscaping on a lot to less than ten (10) percent of the total lot area. Credits will only be allowed if they are maintained as a permanent element of the landscape plan. Credits may be obtained as follows:
For each one (1) square foot of area that is landscaped in the public street right-of-way, one (1) square foot of landscape credit will be applied to the overall landscaping requirement.
For each one (1) square foot of area that is landscaped with flowering seasonal color, two (2) square feet of landscape credit will be applied to the overall landscaping requirement.
In addition to the required shrub planting, for each newly planted shrub 18" in height or contained in a five (5) gallon container, which is maintained in a living and growing condition fifteen (15) square feet of landscape credit will be applied to the overall landscape requirement.
In addition to the required tree planting, for each newly planted or acceptable existing tree of at least three (3) inches in trunk diameter, measured twelve (12) inches above grade, which is maintained in a living and growing condition, one hundred (100) square feet of landscape credit will be applied to the overall landscape requirement. Planting of two (2) ornamental trees of eight (8) feet height shall receive the same landscape credit as one (1) three (3) inch caliper tree.
In addition to the required tree planting, for each newly planted or acceptable existing tree of at least six (6) inches in trunk diameter, measured twelve (12) inches above grade, which is maintained in a living and growing condition, two hundred fifty (250) square feet of landscape credit will be applied to the overall landscape requirement. Each additional one (1) inch diameter of tree over six (6) inches shall receive twenty (20) square feet of landscape credit.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.07), adopted 2/28/08)
All landscaping maintenance shall be the responsibility of the property owner, occupant, or person otherwise in charge of the property. The following are minimum standards for landscaping maintenance:
All landscaping shall be permanently maintained and shall include an underground irrigation system installed by a licensed irrigator and meeting all applicable requirements of the city.
Irrigation systems may be buried on public street rights-of-way. The city or any franchised utility will not be responsible for damage to any landscaping material or equipment while performing repairs or maintenance to its systems. However, landscaped rights-of-way shall be irrigated.
Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other such material or plants not a part of the landscaping.
All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year.
Plant materials which die shall be replaced with plant material of similar variety and size within a six (6) month period.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.08), adopted 2/28/08)
It is the intent of this section to encourage the design and construction of parking areas so as to landscape areas within a parking lot as well as areas considered unusable for parking or maneuvering space. The following are the minimum requirements for parking and vehicle use areas exceeding 9,000 square feet or 16 parking spaces, whichever is greater. Landscaping of parking lots shall be credited toward satisfying minimum lot landscaping as provided in section 14.02.474 [14.02.475] hereof.
Perimeter landscaping.
Off-street parking and vehicular use areas shall be screened from all abutting properties and/or public rights-of-way with a thirty (30) inch high screen, hedge, berm or other durable landscape barrier. Perimeter landscape areas shall be protected from vehicle encroachment by six (6) inch concrete curbs and shall conform to the following criteria and standards:
Whenever an off-street parking or vehicular use area abuts a public right-of-way, except a public alley, a perimeter landscape area of at least fifteen (15) feet in depth, which may include landscaped right-of-way, shall be maintained between the abutting public street and off-street parking or vehicular use area.
Plants and materials used in living screens shall be at least 18 inches high at time of planting and shall be of an evergreen type and species that will attain a maximum height of thirty (30) inches at maturity. Spacing should be calculated to obtain a seventy-five (75) percent screen two (2) years after planting. Other barriers or screening devices shall be thirty (30) inches in height. The remaining areas shall be landscaped with shrubs, grass or other ground cover in accordance with criteria contained in section 14.02.476, above, except they shall include at least one (1) tree for each fifty (50) lineal feet, or fraction thereof, of the lot. perimeter. Trees required by section 14.02.474(3) [14.02.475(3)] which are also located in perimeter areas may be applied to satisfy this requirement.
Necessary accessways from the public right-of-way and between adjacent lots shall be permitted through all such landscaping. The maximum width for accessways shall be: fifty (50) feet for nonresidential two-way movements; thirty (30) feet for residential two-way movements; twenty (20) feet for one-way movements.
Whenever an off-street parking or vehicular use area abuts an adjacent property line, a perimeter landscape area at least ten (10) feet in width shall be maintained between the edge of the parking area and the adjacent property line except in those areas where off-street parking is continuous, or is planned to be continuous, across lot boundaries. Shrub centers shall be offset from the property line a distance of not less than fifty percent of the mature width of the shrub. Landscaping criteria contained in subsections (1)(B) and (C) of this section shall apply.
Interior landscaping.
Parking lots shall contain a minimum of one hundred forty (140) square feet of landscaped island per each sixteen (16) contiguous parking spaces required. The landscape island shall include one (1) three (3) inch caliper tree. Islands at the end of parking rows abutting vehicle accessways qualify for this purpose and are encouraged.
Landscaped islands shall be irrigated by an underground system as provided in section 14.02.478 hereof. Irrigation of all landscaped areas adjacent to any parking and/or driving surfaces shall be so designed, operated and maintained that a minimum of water is applied to parking and/or driving surfaces.
All shrubbery, flowering plants, and trees planted in parking lot islands or adjacent to parking lots shall be set back three (3) feet from any curb that provides for “head-in” automobile parking, as illustrated in exhibit A to this division.
Landscape material in parking lots shall include shrubs and trees or a combination thereof, which in turn may be planted with a combination of grass, ground cover and/or flowering plants.
All landscaping within the parking lot shall be located within a landscaped island or module, delineated from the surrounding paved area by a curb or barrier, constructed of masonry or concrete, not less than six (6) inches in height around the perimeter of the island or module.
At least three-fourths (3/4) of the tree drip line (at maturity) area must be in permeable area, as illustrated in exhibit B to this division.
For larger existing trees located in the parking area, which are being retained and incorporated into the landscape plan, an appropriate aeration system or an alternative method of protecting the tree must be provided and detailed in the landscape plan.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.09), adopted 2/28/08)
For any development in commercial districts, and those institutional uses including churches, schools and governmental facilities in all zoning districts which abut districts zoned residential, there shall be a minimum twenty (20) foot wide green belt of “live plant material of the evergreen variety” which is expected to grow to six (6) feet in height at maturity, a minimum of three (3) feet in height at the time of installation and planted on five (5) foot centers, for the entire distance along which the development abuts the residential district. Where a fire lane is required, the green belt may be reduced to five (5) feet, as illustrated in exhibit C to this division. Shrub centers shall be offset from the line of the abutting district a distance of not less than fifty percent of the mature width of the shrub.
These requirements are in addition to requirements for screening devices required by sections 14.02.125 and 14.02.171(c)(4) of this article.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.10), adopted 2/28/08)
Landscape planting shall not be erected or installed in such a manner as to interfere with traffic view or impose a safety hazard. Visibility triangles required by article 10.02 shall apply to intersections of vehicle accessways and public streets.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.11), adopted 2/28/08)
All uses existing at the time of adoption of this division which do not meet the standards provided herein will be considered as nonconforming to city landscape standards. Effective conformance with these standards may be approved by accomplishment of the following within four (4) years of the adoption of this division; otherwise, the nonconforming uses will be subject to provisions of division 12 of this article.
The owner shall provide a landscape plan to the city for approval in accordance with provisions of section 14.02.475, addressing landscaping of existing open areas and parking facilities. The standards of this division shall be applied to the extent that existing physical layouts and improvements will permit without making major modification thereto.
Landscape work shall be completed in accordance with the approved plan. The administrator will inspect completed work and upon approval shall issue a conditional certificate of occupancy noting the effective compliance with landscape standards. The certificate shall remain valid as long as landscaping is protected and maintained in accordance with provisions of this division.
(Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.12), adopted 2/28/08)
This section provides a methodology for tree preservation. Tree preservation is required with respect to any tract or platted lot on which there exists at least one protected tree. The intent is to protect a percentage of protected trees from being destroyed.
Before any live protected tree can be removed, cut down or destroyed, a tree removal permit must be obtained from the city. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, cut down or destroy any protected tree without first having obtained a tree removal permit therefor. Each protected tree removed without a permit shall constitute a separate violation of this section. The city shall prescribe the form and content of the permit and the application therefor.
Tree point accumulation.
Tree points shall be determined when there are protected trees to be destroyed or removed. One point shall be equal to one caliper inch. Fractions shall be rounded upward to the nearest one-half inch. Compliance with this section shall exist when the number of tree points earned through tree replacement or retention equals or exceeds the number of tree points lost for trees removed or destroyed, subject to the following requirements:
Tree points lost on a lot shall be determined by combining the total caliper inches of all protected trees that are to be removed and that are: (i) located within the proposed building pad plus ten (10) feet around the perimeter of the proposed structure and are at least 30" or greater caliper; or (ii) located elsewhere on the site and are at least 6" or greater caliper.
Tree points shall be separated into caliper inches of removed ornamental trees and caliper inches of trees that are not classified as ornamental trees. Tree points lost through removal or destruction of trees that are not ornamental trees must be replaced with tree points from replacement trees which are not ornamental trees. Replacement trees for ornamental trees may be either ornamental or non-ornamental trees.
Newly planted replacement trees shall be of a type listed in appendix A of this division.
Protection of preserved trees.
All trees to be preserved shall be flagged by the permittee prior to commencement of construction on the site (including pre-construction clearing of a site or any portion thereof) and maintained until completion of construction. Flagging shall be done with brightly colored vinyl tape wrapped around the main trunk at a height of 4' or more above the ground so as to be visible to workers on foot or driving equipment.
All preserved trees shall have protective fencing installed at the permittee’s expense prior to commencement of construction on the site (including pre-construction clearing of a site or any portion thereof) and maintained until completion of construction. The fencing shall be located at approximately the tree’s drip line. The protective fencing may be brightly colored vinyl, chain link or similar fencing with an approximate height of four (4) feet.
Any newly planted replacement tree that dies shall be replaced with a new tree meeting the same requirements as were applicable to the tree being replaced. The new tree shall be planted within six months of notice from the city requiring such replacement.
A permit for removal of a tree suffering damage or disease may be issued by the city if, in the reasonable judgment of the city’s code enforcement official, the failure to remove the tree would create a health or safety hazard.
With reference to a single-family residence, the provisions of this section 14.02.483 shall be deemed satisfied if the property complies with all applicable tree replacement requirements 90 days after the residence has been approved by the city for utility service; provided, that subsection (4) of this section shall remain effective for one year following the planting of any replacement tree.
Overstory trees (range from 30 to 60 feet).
Bald Cypress
Taxodium districhum
Cedar Elm
Ulmus crassifolia
Lacebark Elm
Ulmus parvifolia
Carya illinoenesis
Chinese Pistache
Pistacia chinesis
Bur Oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Red Oak
Quercus shumardii
Sweet Gum
Liquidambar styraciflua
Green Ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Live Oak
Quercus virginiana
Western Soapberry
Sapindus drummondii
Post Oak
Quercus stellata
Black Jack Oak
Quercus marilandica
Eastern Red Cedar
Juniperus virginiana
Southern Magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora
Slash Pine
Pinus elliotii
Japanese Black Pine
Pinus thunbergi
Austrian Pine
Pinus nigra
Afghan Pine
Pinus eldarica
Accent trees (range from 10 to 20 feet).
Cercis Canadensis
Crape Myrtle
Langerstroemia indica
Yaupon Holly
Ilex vomitoria
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’
Texas Sophora
Sophora affinis
Wild Plum
Prunus Americana
Crab Apple
Malus Augstifolia
Deciduous Holly
Ilex decidua
Flameleaf Sumac
Rhus copallina
Prunus caroliniana
Chaste Tree
Vitex angus-castus
Shrubs (range from 3 to 5 feet).
Dwarf Crape Myrtle
Langerstoemia indica nana
Dwarf Buford Holly
Ilex cornuta ‘Burfordii Nana’
Dwarf Chinese Holly
Ilex cornuta ‘Rotunda’
Dwarf Yaupon Holly
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’
Fraser’s Photinia
Photinia fraseri
Purple Sage
Leucophyllum frutescens
Purple Leaf Japanese Barberry
Berberis thunbergi ‘Atropurpurea’
Pampas Grass
Cortaderia selloana
Nandina domestica
Juniperus chinensis
Fountain Grass
Ground cover (ranges from 18 inches).
Juniper, Creeping
Juniperus horizontalis or procurnbens
Vinca major
Liriope muscari
Asian Jasmine
Trachelospermun asiaticum
Confederate Star Jasmine
Trachelospermun jasminoides
Monkey Grass
Ophiopogon Japonicus
Coral Honeysuckle
Lonicera sempervirens
Carolina Yellow Jasmine
Gelsemium sempervirens
Lady Banksia Rose
Rosa banksiae
Cross Vine
Bignonia capreolata
Sweet Autumn Clematis
Clematis paniculata
Virginia Creeper
Parthenociss quinquefolia
Boston Ivy
Parthenociss tricuspidata
Perennial and annual flowers.
Canna generalis
Copper Leaf
Acalyopha wilkesiana
Catharanthus roseus
Lantana camera
Narcissus Jonquil, Tazetta, & King Alfred
Petunia hybrida
Caladium hortulanum ‘Candidum’ ‘Pink Beauty’
Moss Rose or Portulaca
Portulaca grandiflora
Wild flowers
(2005 Code, ch. 17.11.12, exhibit A; 2005 Code, ch. 17.11.12, exhibit B; 2005 Code, ch. 17.11.12, exhibit C; 2005 Code, ch. 17.11.12, app. A; Ordinance 08-01, sec. 1 (17.11.13), adopted 2/28/08)