It shall be unlawful for any person to keep on any premises under such person's control within the city limits any livestock, except pigs and hogs, in such a manner that the same will be located closer than one hundred and fifty feet (150') distance from any person's living quarters, other than his own.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep on premises under such person's control within the city any pigs or hogs in any platted subdivision or within one thousand feet (1,000') from any person's living quarters; it shall further be unlawful to keep any pigs or hogs in an area of unrestricted access wherein there is less than five thousand (5,000) square feet for each pig or hog; provided however, that this subsection shall not apply to any property surrounded by property not subdivided or platted. Pot bellied pigs kept as house pets are exempt.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any small livestock in an area of unrestricted access wherein there is less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet for each animal so kept. Furthermore, large livestock shall be kept on a minimum of one (1) acre of unrestricted access per animal. For purposes of calculating the minimum one (1) acre, the square footage of structures such as a house, barn, etc. shall not be used.
The provisions of subsections (a) and (c) shall not apply to any property surrounded by property not subdivided or platted.
No livestock impounded by virtue of this article shall be released to the owner until all costs and fees prescribed by this article have been paid and until the person applying for the release of such livestock signs an affidavit that he is the owner of the livestock and entitled to possession thereof.
Any livestock found running at-large shall be impounded by the local animal control authority.
All pens and enclosures wherein farm livestock, chickens, turkeys, geese, guineas, or other animals are kept shall be maintained and kept in such a manner as not to become unsanitary or offensive to persons residing in the vicinity thereof, nor shall they be maintained or kept as to breed flies or in any manner cause any injury to the health of the public residing in the vicinity of the pen or enclosure.
(Ordinance 1400-01 adopted 2/6/01; Ordinance 2271-22 adopted 5/3/2022)