[Adopted 12-7-2020 by Ord. No. 445-20]
There is hereby created, effective January 4, 2021, the "Easttown Township Environmental Advisory Council" ("EAC" or "Council"), which shall exist and function until this article is revoked. The EAC shall be comprised of a minimum of three and a maximum of seven members, who are residents of the Township.
Council members shall be appointed in accordance with the following procedures:
All Council members shall be appointed by the Township Board of Supervisors.
Council members' terms of office shall expire on December 31 of a given term.
Duly appointed Council members shall serve a term of three years, except as originally established herein, so that initial appointments shall variously expire on an annual basis.
Initial terms.
The initial members of the EAC shall be appointed to terms of office as follows:
One member for a term to expire January 4, 2022;
Two members for terms to expire January 3, 2023; and
Two members for terms to expire January 2, 2024.
If the Board of Supervisors appoints a sixth and/or seventh member, the initial terms shall expire January 4, 2022 and January 3, 2023, respectively.
The Easttown Township Planning Commission shall annually appoint one Planning Commission member to be a liaison to the EAC.
The Board of Supervisors shall fill vacancies in the term of EAC membership for the unexpired term.
The Board of Supervisors shall appoint a Board of Supervisor liaison to the EAC.
Pursuant to 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2323(d), the Township Board of Supervisors has statutory authority to designate the Chair of the Council. The Township Board of Supervisors hereby delegates the authority for naming an EAC Chairperson to the Council itself. The EAC shall select the Chair annually.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. 458-23]
The EAC shall elect all other necessary officers, including a Secretary, at its annual organization meeting (i.e., the first regular meeting each calendar year). All officers shall be elected for a period of one year, being coterminous with the calendar year.
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Council and provide a copy to the Township Secretary.
The Council shall make an annual report to the Board of Supervisors. Each calendar year, the EAC and the Township Board of Supervisors shall mutually establish agreed-to goals and focuses for the EAC, and annual reports shall identify the goals and focuses from the prior year, and progress made. The annual report shall include a summary of the activities of the EAC, with particular reference to the extent and adequacy of the program and its effectiveness in use of public expenditures, as well as achievement of Township objectives in service of its citizenry.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. 458-23]
The Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) shall have the following power and responsibilities:
The EAC is to be advisory to and shall coordinate its activities with the Board of Supervisors, Township Administration, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board, Citizen's Advisory Committee, Historical Commission, and other such Township entities as may now or hereafter exist;
The EAC shall advise the Board of Supervisors regarding the identification of environmental problems, issues, conditions, and matters of concern;
The EAC shall recommend plans and programs to the appropriate agencies for the promotion and conservation of the natural resources, and for the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment within the area of the Township;
The EAC shall make recommendations as to the possible use of open land areas of the Township;
The EAC shall provide for and promote a community environmental program, which shall include a community education component to highlight awareness and knowledge as to environmental priorities, protections, or regulatory requirements in the Township;
The EAC shall create and maintain an index of all open areas, publicly or privately owned, including, but not limited to, flood prone areas, wetlands, swamps, and other unique natural areas, including, but not limited to, areas of steep slope and wooded areas;
The EAC shall advise the appropriate agencies of the Township in the acquisition of property, both real and personal; and
The EAC shall undertake such environmental tasks as requested or directed by the Township Board of Supervisors, as they relate specifically to the acquisition, protection, preservation, and management of open space in the Township. If directed or requested by the Township Board of Supervisors, specific initiatives may include, but shall not be limited to, the review of proposed ordinance provisions and proposed land development plans. Each calendar year, the EAC and the Township Board of Supervisors shall mutually establish agreed-to goals and focuses for the EAC pursuant to § 13-22D.
The EAC shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its own meetings and Council business. Said rules and regulations shall comply with all applicable Township policies and practices, as well as statutory regulations, including, but not limited to, the Sunshine Act (65 Pa.C.S.A. § 701, et seq.) and PA Act 177 of 1996, as amended (53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2322, et seq.).
Council members are Township volunteers and shall receive no compensation for their services, but may be reimbursed for reasonable and authorized expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in the performance of their duties, subject in all cases to such expenses being approved in advance by the Township Board of Supervisors. The Township Board of Supervisors may, from time to time, appropriate funds for the expenses incurred by the Council. Such expenses require approval in advance by the Township Board of Supervisors.