[Adopted 8-2-2010 by Ord. No. 144]
This article shall be known as the "Charleston Township Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Ordinance."
On or after August 31, 2010, any person or carrier desiring to operate a vehicle which is oversize or overweight, as defined by law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and in § 268-18, on the roads owned by Charleston Township, shall file with the Township for a hauling permit and shall pay the required fee for permit by this section at least 24 hours in advance of such intended hauling. This article does not apply to state-designated routes that lie within Charleston Township. Movement of oversize/overweight vehicles on state routes within Charleston Township shall be regulated by a permit issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The definition of an oversize/overweight vehicle, for the purpose of this article, is as follows:[1]
Editor's Note: So in original.
[1]destination. The permit shall denote if an escort or pilot vehicle is required for the move. The permit shall be valid for seven calendar days after issuance. The Township may require, at its discretion, that a physical route survey be performed prior to issuance of permit to ensure that proposed routing can be negotiated safely.
Editor's Note: So in original.
The applicant shall assume all liability for repairs and shall perform, or have performed, to the satisfaction of Charleston Township repairs to roads or structures, which have been damaged in connection with operations under this permit. To ensure no differences of existing roadway conditions between the applicant and Township, the applicant shall have the right to videotape the travel route and provide the Township with a copy of said video.
The hours of operation for oversize/overweight vehicles in the Township are as follows:
Sunrise to sunset during weekdays, as determined by the national weather forecast;
Sunrise to 12:00 noon on Saturday; and
No movement on Sunday or on any official federal, state or local holiday.
All oversize/overweight vehicles traveling on Township roads shall display "oversize load" banners on the front and rear of the vehicle. The banners shall be at least seven feet wide by 18 inches high. The vehicle/load shall also display flags on projecting loads and must be at least 18 inches square. Oversize/overweight vehicles may not travel within 1,000 feet of another oversize load.
An escort or pilot vehicle shall not exceed 10,000 pounds. The vehicle shall have a minimum of two flashing yellow lights and also display two "oversize load" banners on the front and rear of the vehicle. The signs shall be at least five feet wide and one foot high. The vehicle must have a two-way communication with the oversize/overweight vehicle. Vehicle personnel shall have the authority to direct traffic and ensure that traffic disruption is minimal. Escort personnel shall wear an orange reflective vest when engaging in directing traffic. Escort vehicles are required to carry proof of liability insurance with a minimal coverage limit of $1,000,000, naming Charleston Township as an additional insured. Said proof of insurance is to be kept on file with Charleston Township.
One escort vehicle is needed when load or vehicle is in excess of 13 feet or when the total length exceeds 90 feet. The escort vehicle shall lead the oversize/overweight vehicle to warn oncoming traffic.
The oversize/overweight permit does not allow the vehicle or combination to exceed posted bridge limits. If a Charleston Township road is to be used that has a bridge, burden of proof that the bridge can hold the overweight load must be proved by the applicant through a registered engineer study at the applicant's expense. If a review is required by the Township's engineer, the cost for the review will be paid by the applicant.
Penalties for violations shall be as set forth in the Second Class Township Code[1] which, at the present time, permits a criminal fine not to exceed $1,000 per violation and imprisonment to the extent allowed by law for the punishment of summary offenses. In addition, violations are subject to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code,[2] and all penalties permitted for oversize/overweight violations by the said code are incorporated herein by reference and may be imposed for a violation of this article. Enforcement may also be by an action in equity pursuant to 53 P.S. § 66601(c)(4).
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 65101 et seq.
Editor's Note: See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.