The purpose and intent of these regulations are to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to lessen congestion in the streets and alleys; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation and circulation; to conserve the value of building and land uses; and to encourage the most appropriate use of land. To this end, in all zoned districts, there shall be provided at the time any use is established or expanded, or any building is erected or structurally altered (except as otherwise provided elsewhere in this section) minimum off-street parking in conformance with the requirements established herein.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served, except that where an increase in the number of spaces is required by a change or enlargement of use or where such spaces are provided collectively or used jointly by two or more buildings or establishments, the required spaces may be located and maintained not to exceed three hundred (300') feet from an institutional or other nonresidential building served.
Up to fifty (50%) percent of the parking spaces required for theaters, public auditoriums, bowling alleys, dance halls, nightclubs or cafes, and up to one hundred (100%) percent of the parking spaces required for a church or school auditorium, may be provided and used jointly by banks, offices, retail stores, repair shops, service establishments and similar uses not normally open, used or operated during the same hours; provided, however, that written agreement thereto is properly executed and filed as specified below.
In any case where the required parking spaces are not located on the same lot with the building or use served, or where such spaces are collectively or jointly provided and used, a written agreement assuring their retention for such purposes, shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties concerned, approved as to form and execution by the City Attorney, and shall be filed with the application for a building permit.
No required off-street parking space shall be located within any public highway, street or alley right-of-way.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
In computing the minimum size and area of parking spaces and parking areas the following rules shall govern:
Parking Space Size:
No parking space shall be less than ten (10') feet in width by twenty (20') feet in length.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
In computing the number of parking spaces required, the following rules shall govern:
Floor Area shall mean the gross floor area of the specific use.
Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be construed to be the nearest whole number.
The parking space requirement for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature as determined by the City Manager or his/her designee; or in the case where the City Manager is not able to make this determination, then the City Council shall make the determination.
Whenever a building or use constructed or established after the effective date of this ordinance is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity or otherwise, to create a need for an increase of ten (10%) percent or more in the number of existing parking spaces, such spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change. Whenever a conforming building or use existing prior to the effective date of this ordinance is enlarged to the extent of fifty (50%) percent or more in floor area or in the area used, said building or use shall then and thereafter comply with the parking requirements set forth herein.
In the case of mixed or joint uses, the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required for residential and nonresidential uses shall be in conformance with the following:
Residential Uses
Single-Family Detached Dwellings: two (2) spaces per dwelling unit.
Duplex Dwelling: two (2) spaces per dwelling unit plus one (1) additional space for guest parking (total of five (5) spaces required)
Multifamily Dwelling (Apartments, Condominiums, Apartment Hotels, Single-Family Attached, etc.);
1 Bedroom - 1.50 spaces
2 Bedroom - 1.75 spaces
3 Bedroom - 2.00 spaces
Greater than 3 Bedroom - 1 space per bedroom
Guest Parking:
0 - 30 spaces: 1 space per 5 required spaces
31 - 60 spaces: 5 spaces + 1 per 10 required spaces
Over 60 spaces: 8 spaces + 1 per each 15 required spaces over 60
Boarding House or Rooming House: one (1) space per each bed or individual sleeping room.
Nursing, Rest or Convalescent Home, Assisted Living, Senior Citizens Apartment Dwelling, or other similar dwelling or institution: one (1) space per each three (3) beds or one (1) space per individual sleeping unit, whichever is greater.
Nonresidential Uses:
Elementary: one (1) space for each classroom or teaching station, plus one (1) additional space for each four (4) seats in any auditorium, gymnasium, or other place of assembly, whichever is greater.
Junior High/Middle School: Same requirements as for elementary schools.
High School: one (1) space for each classroom or teaching station, plus one (1) additional space for each three (3) students accommodated in the school.
College or University: Same requirements as for high schools.
Day Care Centers or Kindergarten: one (1) space per each five (5) pupils accommodated, plus sufficient space to accommodate off-street circulation for pickup and delivery of children by auto.
Churches and Places of Worship: one (1) space for each three (3) seats in the main sanctuary or auditorium.
Other Institutions and Special Uses:
Hospital, General Acute Care: one (1) space per each bed.
Hospital, Chronic Care: one (1) space per each three (3) beds.
Institution for Alcoholic, Narcotic or Psychiatric Patients: one (1) space for each two (2) employees or attendants.
Health or Fitness Center: one (1) space per each two hundred (200 SF) square feet of floor area.
Institutions of a Philanthropic Nature: ten (10) spaces plus one (1) space for each employee.
Community Facilities.
Art Gallery or Museum: one (1) space per each one thousand (1,000 SF) square feet of floor area.
Library: one (1) space per each five hundred (500 SF) square feet of floor area.
Community Center (public or private): one (1) space per each one hundred (100 SF) square feet of floor area.
Meeting Rooms and Places of Public Assembly: one (1) space per each three (3) seats or one (1) space per each 100 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
Lodge or Fraternal Organization: one (1) space per each two hundred (200 SF) square feet of floor area.
Personal Service (including, but not limited to, beauty shops, barbershops, and nail salons) and Retail uses.
Personal Service Shop or Establishment: one (1) space per each two hundred (200 SF) square feet of floor area.
Mortuary/Funeral Home: one (1) space per each fifty (50 SF) square feet of floor area in slumber rooms, parlors, and individual service rooms, or one (1) space per each two (2) seats accommodated in a chapel area, whichever is greater.
Furniture Stores and Appliance Stores: one (1) space per each four hundred (400 SF) square feet of floor area.
Gasoline Service Stations: Minimum of six (6) spaces. (For Gasoline sales in combination with convenience stores - both gasoline service station and retail store calculations must be used)
Retail Stores or Shops: one (1) space per each two hundred (200 SF) square feet of floor area.
Open (outdoor) Retail Sales: one (1) space per each six hundred (600 SF) square feet of open site area utilized, exclusive of buildings.
Office, Professional or Financial Uses.
Banks, Savings and Loan or other similar financial establishments: one (1) space per each three hundred (300 SF) square feet of floor area.
Doctor’s Offices and Medical Clinics: one (1) space per each one hundred (100 SF) square feet of floor area.
Veterinarian Offices or Clinics: one (1) space per each three hundred (300 SF) square feet of floor area.
Offices, General: one (1) space per each three hundred (300 sq. ft.) square feet of floor area.
Dance, Music, Display or Drama Studios: one (1) space per each two hundred (200 SF) square feet of floor area.
Business, Trade or Craft School: one (1) space per each three (3) students in attendance at peak time of day.
Transient Lodging Uses.
Hotel, Motel: one (1) space per each room, unit or guest accommodation plus specific requirements for restaurants, cocktail lounges, and related facilities prescribed elsewhere in this section.
Seasonal Camp or Cabin: one (1) space per each sleeping unit or cabin.
Eating and Drinking Establishments.
Restaurant, Cafeteria or Cafe: one (1) space per each three (3) seats under maximum seating arrangement, or one (1) space per each one hundred (100 SF) square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
Drive-In Eating and Drinking Establishments: twelve (12) spaces plus one (1) space per each fifty (50 SF) square feet of floor area.
Cocktail Lounges, Taverns and Similar Establishments: one (1) space per each one hundred (100 [sq.] ft.) square feet of floor area.
Social, Recreation and Entertainment Uses.
Commercial Amusement Establishments: one (1) space per each one hundred (100 SF) square feet of floor area.
Bowling Alley: six (6) spaces per each bowling lane.
Private Club or Nightclub: one (1) space per each one hundred (100 SF) square feet of floor area.
Theater: one (1) space per each three (3) seats.
Country Club: one (1) space per each one hundred (100 SF) square feet of floor area, exclusive of locker rooms and bathhouses.
Recreation Club or Area, Private: one (1) space per each one hundred (100 SF) square feet of floor area.
Golf Course: five (5) spaces per each green.
Dance Hall or Ballroom: one (1) space per each one hundred (100 SF) square feet of floor area.
Sports Arena, Stadium or Gymnasium: one (1) space per each four (4) seats or bench seating spaces.
Wholesale, Warehousing, Enclosed Storage, Manufacturing, Processing and Repairing Uses.
Wholesale, Warehousing and Enclosed Storage: one (1) space per each two (2) employees, or one (1) space per each one thousand (1,000 SF) square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
Manufacturing, Processing or Repairing: one (1) space per each two (2) employees, or one (1) space per each one thousand (1,000 SF) square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
Building Materials/Lumber Yard: one (1) space per each one thousand (1,000 SF) square feet of site area.
Storage Yards for Sand, Gravel or Petroleum Products: one (1) space per each two thousand (2,000 SF) square feet of site area.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
No vehicle shall be parked on a lot or tract located within any zoning district unless the area upon which such vehicle is parked is paved with a hard surface. Hard surface shall not be defined as concrete pavers, paver stones, concrete blocks or similar material. Hard surface shall be defined as asphalt or concrete except as follows:
On residential lots where the driveway exceeds 150 feet alternate materials approved by the street department and fire marshal may be utilized. Materials shall be dust-free all-weather and capable of supporting a 56,000 pound axle load.
On Industrial zoned properties where heavy truck loads are required, alternative materials approved by the street department and fire marshal may be utilized. Materials shall be all-weather and capable of supporting a 56,000 pound axle load. Employee and customer parking shall meet the design standards of this Section.
In computing the parking requirements for any lot, the total parking requirements shall be the sum of the specific parking space requirements for each use included on that lot.
Where multiple uses are proposed for a building, the parking requirements shall be calculated on the basis of the most restrictive requirements unless specific areas of different uses are delineated by floor or building segment.
Wherever a nonresidential parking lot is located across the street from, or adjacent to, residentially zoned property, and is designed so that headlight beams will shine into residences (whether or not such residences have been built at the time the parking lot is constructed), an irrigated earthen berm, evergreen shrubs or a wall or fence or other screening material of not less than three (3) feet in height above the finished grade of the off-street parking area shall be erected and maintained so as to provide a headlight screen for the residential zoning district.
Parking spaces shall be provided with sufficient space for entering and exiting without backing onto a public street. Parking spaces on the perimeter of the parking lot and abutting a property line shall have a wheel stop or curb as a barrier two (2) feet from the end of the parking space.
For MF Districts, the off-street parking spaces designated for each dwelling unit shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of the dwelling unit served by such spaces.
For properties zoned residential or multifamily, no parking space, garage, carport, or other automobile storage space or structure shall be used for the storage or parking of any truck, truck trailer, van, recreational vehicle, or boat exceeding one and one-half (1-1/2) ton capacity.
No vehicle shall be parked on a lot or tract within an area zoned as residential or multifamily when such vehicle is greater than thirty (30) feet in overall length (including tongue), including a fifth-wheel trailer, bus or recreational vehicle, unless the following conditions are met:
The vehicle is parked in a building, either attached to the main residential building or detached, completely enclosed by three walls and a roof, and the open side of the building shall have an opaque gate at least six (6) feet in height. A building used to meet the foregoing requirement shall comply with all applicable area, height, and setback requirements for attached or detached accessory buildings;
The vehicle is wholly parked on a hard surface driveway behind the front building line of the residence;
The vehicle may not be parked beside a structure in the required side yards;
On corner lots, no parking shall be allowed within 15 feet from the side property line adjacent to a street.
The vehicle may not be used as overnight sleeping quarters for more than two (2) consecutive nights within a six (6) month period of time.
For the SF-10, SF-6, SF-5, D, and MF districts, no heavy load vehicle, truck trailer, truck tractor, manufactured home, motor home, camper, trailer, boat, machinery, farm equipment or machinery, or any other similar equipment or machinery shall be parked or left standing for more than two (2) days out of any consecutive seven (7) day period within the front yard between the front building line and the front property line or within the side yard of a corner lot between the side building line and the side property line on the side of the lot abutting a street or public right-of-way.
In no instance shall any heavy load vehicle, truck trailer, truck tractor, manufactured home, motor home, camper, trailer, boat, machinery, farm equipment or machinery, or any other similar equipment or machinery including motor vehicles, trucks or vans be parked or left standing at any time on a surface other than a driveway or hard surface paved parking lot.
No vehicle shall be parked on a lot or tract located in an area zoned as residential or multifamily when such vehicle is situated on blocks, jacks or anything other than the wheels or mechanism that are originally designed to equip such vehicles for traveling purposes.
Cars, vans, trucks, recreational vehicles, trailers, or boats shall not be permanently connected to sewer lines, water lines, or electricity. The recreational vehicle, trailer, or boat may be connected to electricity temporarily for charging batteries.
Parking spaces and loading spaces shall be connected by an asphalt or concrete paved driveway (of approved specifications) to a street or alley where curb cuts are provided. Drainage shall be in accordance with city standards.
Where a lot or tract of land is used for a combination of uses or mixed uses, the off-street parking requirements shall be the composite or sum of the requirements for each type of use and no off-street parking space provided for one type use or building shall be included in calculating the off-street parking requirements for any other use or building except as prescribed by ordinance.
No part of a parked vehicle may extend over the public sidewalk or the public right-of-way.
STACKING REQUIREMENTS FOR DRIVE-THRU FACILITIES: A stacking space shall be an area on a site measuring eight (8) feet by twenty (20) feet with direct forward access to a service window or station of a drive-through facility which does not constitute space for any other circulation driveway, parking space, or maneuvering area.
For kiosks, a minimum of two (2) stacking spaces for each service window shall be provided.
For each service window of a drive-through restaurant, a minimum of seven (7) stacking spaces shall be provided.
For banks with drive-through facilities, each teller window or station, human or mechanical, shall be provided with a minimum of five (5) stacking spaces.
OVERSIZED VEHICLES. No vehicle rated to have a carry capacity exceeding one (1) ton shall be parked on a lot or tract located in an area zoned as residential or multifamily unless such vehicle is being actively loaded or unloaded.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
Any lawful driveway that was in existence prior to the effective date of this ordinance, shall be deemed legal nonconforming. Should the primary structure on the property where the nonconforming driveway is located be destroyed by more than 50%, or be deemed discontinued or abandoned in the case of a nonresidential use, the property shall conform to the provisions set forth in this Article. Normal repairs, including [adding] additional gravel to the existing driveway shall be allowed; however, no expansion to the existing driveway shall be allowed. Expansions to existing driveways will require compliance with the provisions as set forth in this Article.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
No fence, screen wall or visual barrier shall be located or placed where it obstructs the vision of motor vehicle drivers approaching any street or driveway intersection. At all street or driveway intersections clear visibility shall be maintained across the lot for a proper distance along both streets and driveways.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
Off-street loading spaces shall be provided and maintained for all retail, commercial and industrial uses and structures for receiving and loading merchandise, supplies, and materials within a building or on the lot or tract adjacent thereto. Such spaces may be adjacent to a public alley or private service drive or may consist of a truck berth within a building or structure, however no portion of the off-street, loading space shall be located within or extend into any public street, highway or alley right-of-way.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
At least one-half (1/2) of the required off-street loading spaces or truck berths shall have a minimum dimension of ten (10') feet by fifty (50') feet each and the remaining required spaces or berths shall have a minimum dimension of ten (10') feet by twenty-five (25') feet each - exclusive of turnaround and maneuvering space.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
No building, structure or part thereof used for nonresidential purposes in any commercial district shall hereafter be enlarged or extended unless off-street loading space is provided in accordance with the provisions of this section.
No building, structure or part thereof used for nonresidential purposes in any industrial district shall hereafter be enlarged or extended to provide a gross floor area of twenty-five thousand (25,000 SF) square feet or more unless off-street parking is provided in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)
The minimum number of off-street loading spaces required shall be in conformance with the following schedules:
Retail, Service (except personal service), Commercial and Industrial Uses.
SF of Floor Area In Building or Structure
Minimum Number of Off-Street Loading Spaces or Berths Required
0,000 to 9,999
10,000 to 49,999
50,000 to 99,999
100,000 to 199,999
Each additional 100,000
1 additional
Office Buildings, Hotels/Motels, Restaurants and Similar Establishments
SF of Floor Area In Building or Structure
Minimum Number of Off-Street Loading Spaces or Berths Required
0,000 to 49,999
50,000 to 149,999
150,000 to 299,999
300,000 to 499,999
500,000 to 999,999
Each additional 100,000
1 additional
(Ordinance 480-14 adopted 11/20/14)