This article is adopted to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare within the city through the enactment of reasonable security measures while maintaining the proper environment suitable to provide services within a reasonable manner. The purpose of this article is to provide for security within city facilities and on city premises.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1401)
General rules.
Words and phrases used in this article shall have the meanings set forth in this section. Words and phrases which are not defined in this article but are defined in other ordinances of the city shall be given the meanings set forth in those ordinances. Other words and phrases shall be given their common, ordinary meaning unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Headings and captions are for reference purposes only, and shall not be used in the interpretation of this article.
Specific definitions.
City facility.
Any building that is located on city premises. For purposes of this article, the term specifically includes but is not limited to city hall, the public service building, the city warehouse and maintenance facility, the city water and wastewater treatment facility, the golf course pro shop, the landfill office, and the airport office.
City hall.
The building containing administrative offices of the municipality located at 101 E. Main, Brady, Texas 76825.
City premises.
A property or portion of a property that is owned by the city or is in the possession of the city by a lease or other right and is regularly maintained or occupied by employees of the city and utilized for conducting business of the city.
Customer service representative.
Any officer or employee of the city or any class of officers or employees of the city designated by the mayor or by the mayor’s designee(s), and acting in his or her capacity as a city officer or employee, who is engaged in the performance of his or her official duties during assigned business hours.
Peace officer.
A person elected, employed, or appointed as a peace officer under article 2.12 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, section 51.212 or 512.214 of the Texas Education Code, or other law.
A human individual.
Public service building.
The facility at 209 South Elm Street, Brady, Texas, which services the police department, emergency medical services (EMS), and municipal court.
Secure area.
Any area upon any city premises to which access is controlled by a security system.
Security system.
Magnetometers, X-ray devices, card-operated entry systems, camera surveillance systems, operating regulations and related measures, or other device, or any combination thereof, that may be installed, promulgated and operated upon any city premises to ensure that persons entering a secure area are authorized to be in such area and do not have weapons in their possession.
Utility department.
That area of city hall providing direct street access to East Main Street. This term expressly excludes the series of hallways leading from the utility department into the city hall office suite, any office or other room adjoining thereto, or any area of any floor of city hall other than the first floor.
A firearm, explosive device, club, knife, chemical, or biological agent or other offensive or defensive instrument used or intended to be used in a manner that can cause harm or damage to persons or property.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1402)
Consistent with applicable state and federal laws, the mayor and/or the mayor’s designee(s) may promulgate regulations relating to the establishment of secure areas and the installation and operation of security systems.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1403)
Consistent with applicable state and federal laws, weapons shall not be brought upon city premises or city facilities except as hereinafter provided. It is unlawful to carry any firearm, other than a concealed handgun lawfully licensed under state law and in compliance with state law, onto any city premises properly marked as provided by subsection (b). Such carrying of a firearm is declared an act of criminal trespass and is prohibited, and any person so carrying a firearm is subject to immediate removal.
The city manager or designee is authorized and directed to place signs, to be printed in both English and Spanish, on city premises to indicate that the carrying of a firearm, other than a concealed handgun lawfully licensed under state law, is prohibited.
This section shall not apply to the lawful carrying of a firearm by a certified peace officer, including a commissioned peace officer of a recognized state, or a special investigator under state law, regardless of whether the peace officer or special investigator was engaged in the actual discharge of an official duty while carrying the weapon. This section shall not apply to a commissioned security officer lawfully engaged in official duties while in uniform and with the firearm in plain view, or member of the U.S. or state armed forces, engaged in official duties. Also, this section shall not apply to a firefighter or emergency personnel as defined in state law if acting in the lawful discharge of an official duty under exigent circumstances.
This section shall not apply to the carrying of a lawfully licensed handgun into a meeting of a governmental entity. It is unlawful to carry a handgun lawfully licensed under state law, and whether concealed or not, at any meeting of the city council or at any meeting of a city board or commission, if proper notice has been provided as set forth in state law. When proper notice has been provided, such carrying of a handgun at any meeting of the city council, or at any meeting of a city board or commission, is hereby declared to be an act of criminal trespass and is prohibited, and any person so carrying a handgun is subject to immediate removal and is subject to the penalties set forth in state law. The city manager or designee is authorized and directed to place signs or other notice consistent with state law to indicate that the carrying of a lawfully licensed handgun is prohibited in a meeting of the city council or city board or commission.
This section shall not apply to the carrying of a lawfully licensed handgun into any city building being used as a polling place, on the premises of any city building being utilized by the municipal court including specifically city hall and the public service building, or into secured areas of Curtis Field Municipal Airport. Applicable state and federal laws shall govern the carrying of a firearm at such locations.
The carrying of any weapon or firearm prohibited by this section is declared to be an act of criminal trespass and is prohibited, and any person so carrying a prohibited weapon or firearm is subject to immediate removal and is subject to the penalties set forth in state law.
(Ordinance 1061 adopted 1/6/10; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1404)
Unauthorized access prohibited.
No person shall enter into a city facility except as provided by this section. This section does not apply to an officer or employee of the city who enters into a building upon city premises as part of his or her official duties during assigned business hours and in compliance with the provisions of this article.
Public entry into city hall.
All persons shall enter city hall through the utility department. No person shall pass beyond the utility department unless accompanied by an authorized customer service representative.
Public entry into facilities other than city hall.
From time to time and in the interest of security, the mayor and/or the mayor’s designee(s) may designate one or more points of public entry into a city facility, which shall constitute the sole point(s) of public entry into such city facilities. In such case, the mayor and/or the mayor’s designee(s) shall post and maintain public notice of such designation on all doors providing entry into the affected city facility in a manner reasonably calculated to be seen and understood by a person of average intelligence and understanding who seeks entry into the city facility.
Passing beyond designated areas.
No person shall pass beyond such designated areas unless that person is accompanied by an authorized customer service representative.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1405)
City hall.
The following areas of city hall shall not be accessible by the public:
The water utilities accounting area located behind the utility clerk counter in the utility department;
The tax accounting area located on the second floor of city hall;
The information services computer room and tape library located on the second floor of city hall;
The electrical, mechanical, and telephone closets throughout the building; and
The municipal archives and records center operated by the city secretary and located on the third floor of city hall, until such time as such records and archives are moved to 212 West Commerce, Brady, Texas. At such time, the municipal archives and records center at the 212 West Commerce location shall be permanently closed to the public.
Public service building.
The following areas of the public service building shall not be accessible to the public:
The employee working areas of the fines and docket record room on the first floor of the public service building;
The police locker room;
The record and identification sections of the police department in the public service building; and
The police and fire dispatch center.
Other facilities.
The following municipal facilities shall be inaccessible by the public:
The city warehouse and maintenance facility located at 900 West 1st Street, Brady, Texas, including any area beyond the gate leading into that facility;
The city water and wastewater treatment facility located at the end of East 6th Street, Brady, Texas;
The area located behind the counter of the pro shop at the golf course located at 200 Brady Country Club Drive, Brady, Texas;
The area located behind the counter of the landfill office located on Highway 87 North; and
The area located behind the counter of the airport office located at 3821 North Bridge Street, Brady, Texas.
Access by city officers and employees.
Only officers or employees of the city engaged in the performance of their official duties during assigned business hours and who comply with procedures set forth in official administrative directives and regulations regarding security shall have access to the areas listed above.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1406)
City hall.
All portions of the city hall are closed to the public from 5:00 p.m. until 8:30 a.m. on weekdays and are closed to the public from 5:00 p.m. Friday until 8:30 a.m. the following Monday and on all employee holidays authorized by the city council; provided that the exterior grounds and parking facilities at the city hall shall at all times be open to the public as prescribed by building regulations and/or other ordinances.
Public service building.
All portions of the public service building are closed to the public from 11:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. on weekdays and on weekends from 11:00 p.m. Friday until 7:00 a.m. the following Monday, and on all employee holidays authorized by the city council; provided that the public services building shall be accessible to the public for the purpose of attending court sessions, paying fines, posting bond, and visiting prisoners according to times and procedures prescribed by the police department; and provided further that the sidewalks and alleys shall at all times be accessible to the public, unless otherwise restricted by city regulations governing sidewalks and alleys.
Access by city officers and employees.
This section does not apply to an officer or employee of the city who enters those portions of the city hall or the public services building during closed hours when the person is engaged in the performance of official duties and complies with the procedures set forth in official administrative directives and regulations regarding security.
Exception for persons attending meeting, class or event.
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, a member of the general public who is attending an authorized public meeting, a prescribed class of instruction, or an authorized event may access those portions of the premises where the meeting, class, or event is being held and those portions of the premises necessary to gain access to the meeting, class, or event solely for the purpose of attending the meeting, class or event.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1407)
A person commits an offense if the person:
Enters a restricted area within city hall or other city facility or premises without the accompaniment of an authorized customer service representative as required by section 1.07.005;
Enters the city hall, the public service building or any other city facility or city premises during closed hours; or
Enters through an entryway into a city facility or city premises that is not designated as a public entry.
It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the person is an officer or employee of the city, is engaged in the performance of official duties, and has complied with procedures set forth in official administrative directives and regulations regarding security.
It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the person was attending an authorized public meeting, class, or event and did not go beyond those portions of the building necessary to gain access to the meeting, class, or event.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1408)
The chief of police, or the designated representative of the chief of police, is authorized to place and maintain signs at restricted areas. The signs shall state that each area is closed to the public, specifically mention this article, state the maximum penalty for a violation, and be posted so as to afford adequate notice to the public of the restricted status of each area.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1409)
This article shall not be construed to require or allow any act that is prohibited by any other ordinance. This article is specifically subordinate to any ordinance or regulations of the city pertaining to building and construction safety or to pedestrian and traffic safety.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1410)
Civil and criminal penalties.
The city shall have the power to administer and enforce the provisions of this article as may be required by governing law. Any person violating any provision of this article is subject to suit for injunctive relief as well as prosecution for criminal violations. Any violation of this article is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
Criminal prosecution.
Any person violating any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision set forth in section 1.01.009 of this code. Each day that a provision of this article is violated shall constitute a separate offense. An offense under this article is a class C misdemeanor.
Civil remedies.
Nothing in this article shall be construed as a waiver of the city’s right to bring a civil action to enforce the provisions of this article and to seek remedies as allowed by law, including but not limited to the following:
Injunctive relief to prevent specific conduct that violates this article or to require specific conduct that is necessary for compliance with this article; and
A civil penalty up to one hundred dollars ($100.00) a day when it is shown that the defendant was actually notified of the provisions of this article and after receiving notice committed acts in violation of this article or failed to take action necessary for compliance with this article; and
Other available relief.
(Ordinance 905 adopted 4/17/02; 2004 Code, sec. 1.1412)