The board shall consist of stakeholders and community members whose professional and personal backgrounds include experiences that will bring valuable knowledge, guidance and support for the benefit of Visit Brady and the city tourism business. Board membership shall be comprised as follows:
A member representing attractions within the city;
A member representing a hotelier;
A city council member;
A member of the city type B economic development corporation board;
A member of the chamber of commerce board;
A member selected by the county; and
One member representing the travel and tourism community.
(Ordinance 1262 adopted 12/4/18)
The only members who must be residents of the city are the city council member and the city manager (or designee). All other members must reside or be employed in the county.
Appointment of board members.
All members of the board shall be appointed by the city council.
Appointment of chair.
The chair and vice-chair of the board shall be voted upon by the board.
Board members shall serve staggered two-year terms. Upon creation of the board, four members will be appointed for a term of three years each. The remaining three members will be appointed for a term of two years each. Each initial term of office shall expire in June of the year the term is scheduled to expire. All subsequent appointments will be made for two-year terms. A member presently qualified and serving shall continue to serve until such time as a successor has been appointed and qualified to replace the member.
First meeting.
At the first meeting of the board, located at the municipal court building, the members shall adopt rules concerning the following business:
Select meeting location, time and dates of future meetings; and
Election of chair and vice chair.
(Ordinance 1262 adopted 12/4/18)
Overall duty.
Each board member must review and act on the Visit Brady strategic plan in the best interest of the city as his/her sole charge.
General powers.
The board shall make such rules as it may deem advisable and necessary for the conduct of its affairs and for the purpose of carrying out the intent of the board.
Specific duties and responsibilities.
The board will have the following specific duties and responsibilities:
Make recommendations to the Visit Brady staff and city council for the annual budget process; and
Support and advise the Visit Brady director; concerning the annual marketing plan; and Visit Brady goals and progress reports; and
Review financial statements for Visit Brady and monitor customer service results; and
Review and advise the city council on the operations of the Visit Brady program; and
Inform the city manager and the Visit Brady director of any failure by personnel of the Visit Brady program to carry out any orders or policies adopted by the governing body; and
In an advisory capacity, work towards the general improvement of the Visit Brady program and the advancement of the city tourism business in the community.
The Visit Brady staff and board will report its activities to the city council annually.
The HOT tax grant program is added to the duties of the tourism advisory board:
The Visit Brady director or designee shall serve as secretary, provide the tourism advisory board with all information necessary for the performance of its duties and keep a record of all transactions.
Forms and process to award and distribute grants shall be as attached in exhibit A to Ordinance 1263.
Each HOT tax grant award will be approved by city council.
(Ordinance 1262 adopted 12/4/18; Ordinance 1263 adopted 2/5/19)