Reasonable efforts must be made by the police department to promptly notify the owner of any impounded animal. No impounded animal shall be redeemed unless approved for redemption by the animal control officer. To obtain approval for redemption, the owner shall provide proof of vaccinations and registration and pay all applicable fees, cost and expenses incurred in the seizure, impoundment and redemption of the animal including an impoundment fee, daily boarding fees, and fees for alteration, vaccination and registration.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.111; Ordinance 1194 adopted 5/3/16; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
The owner of an impounded dog has the right to redeem possession of an impounded dog within the timeframe specified below upon payment of all applicable fees, cost, and expenses incurred in the seizure, impoundment, and redemption of the dog including impoundment fees, daily boarding fees, and fees for alteration, vaccination and registration and proof of vaccination and registration. The owner of an impounded dog has the right to redeem an impounded dog which is wearing a tag required by this chapter within 120 hours of impoundment. The owner of an impounded dog has the right to redeem an impounded dog which is not wearing a tag required by this chapter within 72 hours of impoundment. An owner and the animal control officer may extend the time to redeem the impounded dog by written agreement if an agreement is made during the 120-hour or 72-hour period, as applicable, and the agreement does not exceed ten days of total impoundment time. No impounded animal shall be redeemed unless approved for redemption by the animal control officer.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.112; Ordinance 1194 adopted 5/3/16; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
The owner of an impounded animal, other than a dog, may redeem possession of the animal upon payment of all applicable fees, cost, and expenses incurred in the seizure, impoundment, and redemption of the animal including impoundment fees, daily boarding fees, and fees for alteration, vaccination and registration and proof of vaccination and registration.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.113; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
If any dog or other animal is being held under quarantine or observation for rabies, the owner shall not be entitled to possession until it has been released from quarantine or observation by a veterinarian, and after payment of all fees necessary for such release. The payment of fees may be deferred until the animal is eligible for release.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.114; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
Any dog impounded and not reclaimed by the owner as set forth in section 2.02.002 above may be euthanized after being held for at least 120 hours if such dog is wearing a tag and 72 hours after impoundment if such dog is not wearing a tag. If the animal control officer determines that any unclaimed dog is reasonably healthy, currently vaccinated against rabies, and should not constitute a threat to the public or the health of the animals in the community, the animal control officer may, after the applicable 120- or 72-hour holding period, offer the dog for adoption. If the dog is not adopted, it shall be euthanized, or relinquished to approved 501(c)3 non-profit rescue service. Prospective adopting persons must show proof of reasonable facilities for caring for an adopted animal before being permitted to adopt.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.115; Ordinance 1194 adopted 5/3/16; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
If any impounded animal, other than a dog, is not reclaimed by the owner as set forth in section 2.02.003 within 120 hours if wearing a tag or 72 hours if not wearing a tag, the animal shall be held for such time as the animal control officer deems reasonable, considering the animal’s probable value, condition of health and suitability for use. Upon expiration of such reasonable time, the animal control officer may offer the animal, if suitable, to be sold by posting the date of sale, animal’s description and sale location for five (5) days on the city hall bulletin board, on the courthouse door and on one other public place in the city. Animals not suitable for sale shall be euthanized.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.116; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
Any animal impounded and suffering from serious injuries, in great pain with probability of recovery remote, or having a communicable or infectious disease, which would endanger the health of people or other animals, may be euthanized after reasonable efforts to determine ownership have failed. However, no animal under quarantine or observation for a bite incident or under suspicion of having rabies shall be destroyed until it has been released from quarantine or observation for rabies testing.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.117; Ordinance 1194 adopted 5/3/16; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
Notwithstanding the prescribed impoundment periods, the animal control officer shall have the discretion to dispose of any animal determined to be at risk due to a state of illness, injury or infancy in the most humane manner as possible to avoid prolonging its suffering or transfer an animal determined to be at risk due to a state of illness, injury or infancy to an approved 501(c)3 non-profit animal rescue service.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.118; Ordinance 1194 adopted 5/3/16; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
An impoundment fee shall be collected for each occurrence.
A daily board fee shall be charged for every day or fraction thereof that an animal is confined.
A fee shall be charged for animal pickup service requested by the owner of the animal.
The city council shall establish the amount of the fees by separate ordinance.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.119; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
Any dog redeemed by or released from quarantine to an owner shall be required to meet the vaccination and registration requirements of this chapter prior to release.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.120; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)