Unless specific written permission is obtained by the animal control officer, the city hereby limits ownership of cats and dogs within the city limits to a total of four (4) cats or four (4) dogs or any combination thereof. More than four (4) cats or dogs or a combination thereof, may be allowed by the animal control officer, but such approval must be in writing and obtained from the animal control officer based on the standards set forth in subsection (c) of this section.
Exceptions to subsection (a) above are hereby made for breeders as provided for in this chapter, pet shelters, kennels, and new litters of dogs or cats that are less than 60 days provided that each of these exceptions must be approved in writing by the animal control officer.
If an applicant requests permission to keep more than a total of four cats or four dogs or any combination thereof, the animal control officer may inspect the property where the dogs or cats are to be kept to determine whether written approval should be granted to the applicant. Written approval may not be granted to the applicant if it is found that the animals cannot be maintained without creating noise or odor nuisances or otherwise being detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. The animal control officer may deny the applicant’s request if he or she determines in writing that there is a reasonable probability that the additional animals would not be maintained in a healthy or sanitary environment. The animal control officer may revoke a multi-animal permit at any time as long as the officer makes a written finding of necessity of revocation within 10 business days.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.601; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)
Pet shelters and kennels that meet applicable state law and the requirements in this chapter are allowed to exceed the limit of four dogs and cats or any combination thereof, if they obtain permits from the animal control officer on an annual basis to serve as a pet shelter or kennel. Pet shelters and kennels are not required to obtain permits for each animal above the limit, but instead shall be required merely to obtain one license to operate as a pet shelter from the animal control officer on an annual basis. The animal control officer may inspect a pet shelter or kennel at his or her discretion during weekday business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
(Ordinance 996 adopted 5/2/07; 2004 Code, sec. 2.602; Ordinance 1237 adopted 11/7/17)