This article establishes procedures conforming to subchapter E of chapter 683 of the Texas Transportation Code for the abatement and removal from private or public property or a public right-of-way of a junked vehicle or a part of a junked vehicle and procedures for the abatement and removal of a junked boat, junked off-road motorcycle or junked all-terrain vehicle as a public nuisance.
(Ordinance 1185, sec. 2 (8.201), adopted 12/1/15)
A junked vehicle, including part of a junked vehicle, that is visible at any time of the year from a public place or public right-of-way:
Is detrimental to the safety and welfare of the public;
Tends to reduce the value of private property;
Invites vandalism;
Creates a fire hazard;
Is an attractive nuisance creating a hazard to the health and safety of minors;
Produces urban decay adverse to the maintenance and continuing development of the city; and
Is a public nuisance.
(Ordinance 1185, sec. 2 (8.202), adopted 12/1/15)
In this article:
Antique vehicle.
A passenger car or truck that is at least 25 years old.
Authorized person.
Any person designated by the city manager, including but not limited to a city director, city staff, and a third-party vendor.
Not in running condition without the necessity of being repaired by, for example but without limitation, installing a part or parts, removing or replacing a damaged or missing part or parts, inflating a tire or tires, or charging of the vehicle’s battery.
Junked all-terrain vehicle.
An all-terrain vehicle that is wrecked, discarded, partially dismantled or inoperable.
Junked boat.
A boat or personal watercraft that is wrecked, partially dismantled, discarded, lacking a watertight hull, or inoperable.
Junked off-road motorcycle.
An off-road motorcycle that is wrecked, partially dismantled, discarded or inoperable.
Junked trailer.
A trailer that is wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled or inoperable.
Junked vehicle.
A vehicle that:
Is self-propelled; and
Wrecked, dismantled or partially dismantled, or discarded; or
Inoperable and has remained inoperable for more than:
72 consecutive hours, if the vehicle is on public property; or
30 consecutive days, if the vehicle is on private property.
For purposes of this article, “junked vehicle” includes a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft. This article applies only to:
A motor vehicle that displays an expired license plate or does not display a license plate;
An aircraft that does not have lawfully printed on the aircraft an unexpired federal aircraft identification number registered under Federal Aviation Administration aircraft registration regulations in 14 C.F.R. part 47; or
A watercraft that:
Does not have lawfully on board an unexpired certificate of number; and
Is not a watercraft described by section 31.055, Parks and Wildlife Code.
Motor vehicle collector.
A person who:
Owns one or more antique or special interest vehicles; and
Acquires, collects or disposes of an antique or special interest vehicle or part of an antique or special interest vehicle for personal use to restore and preserve an antique or special interest vehicle for historic interest.
Ordinary public view.
Visible at any time of the year from any public property or from any adjacent land (including any point below the second floor of any building located on the adjacent land) that is owned or occupied by a person other than the owner or occupant of the land on which a violating vehicle is kept. In relation to an antique vehicle or a special interest vehicle, “screened from ordinary public view” includes screening the vehicle with a fitted cover designed or fabricated for the make and model of the vehicle and that is in good condition and the cover does not contain rips, tears or other holes.
Special interest vehicle.
A motor vehicle of any age that has not been changed from the original manufacturer’s specifications and, because of its historical interest, is being preserved by a hobbyist.
A vehicle without motive power that is designed, adapted or used to carry property or passengers on its own structure exclusively.
Violating vehicle.
Includes a junked vehicle, junked all-terrain vehicle, junked boat, junked trailer or junked off-road motorcycle or part thereof that is in violation of this article.
Damaged by collision, impact or other force, or by fire or explosion, in a manner that critically affects the proper operation or structural integrity of the vehicle. Notwithstanding, and without excluding other measurements or systems of damage rating, a vehicle is considered wrecked if the vehicle has been or would be classified on a state department of transportation Form CR-3 as having sustained a vehicle damage rating of “3” or greater. The term does not include damage due to ordinary wear and tear.
(Ordinance 1185, sec. 2 (8.203), adopted 12/1/15; Ordinance adopting 2019 Code)
A person commits an offense if the person causes, suffers, allows or permits the keeping of a violating vehicle on premises owned or controlled by that person.
Unless otherwise permitted by applicable law, regulation, permit, or zoning regulations, a person commits an offense if the person causes, suffers, allows or permits the parking or standing of a motor vehicle or a trailer in a residential or nonresidential zone on private property, within public view, owned or controlled by that person if the vehicle:
Has one or more flat tires;
Is missing one or more wheels; or
Is supported by one or more jacks, jack stands, blocks or similar means.
The municipal court shall order abatement and removal of the violating vehicle upon conviction.
(Ordinance 1185, sec. 2 (8.204), adopted 12/1/15)
It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under section 8.06.004(a), and to the abatement procedures established by this article, that the violating vehicle:
Is completely enclosed in a building in a lawful manner and is not within ordinary public view; or
Is a junked vehicle and:
Is stored or parked in a lawful manner on private property in connection with the business of a licensed vehicle dealer or automobile wrecking yard in a zoning district in which such storage is authorized; or
Is an antique or special interest vehicle stored by a motor vehicle collector on the collector’s property, if the vehicle and the outdoor storage area, if any, are:
Maintained in an orderly manner;
Not a health hazard; and
Screened from ordinary public view.
It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under section 8.06.004(a) if the vehicle is presently under repair, if the owner shows reasonable progress within the preceding 30 days toward repairing the vehicle to an operable condition, and the vehicle is lawfully parked with a fitted cover designed or fabricated for the make and model of the vehicle and that is in good condition and the cover does not contain rips, tears or other holes.
It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under section 8.06.004(b) if the vehicle has a flat tire or missing wheel or is supported by a jack, jack stand, block or other means for less than 72 hours.
(Ordinance 1185, sec. 2 (8.205), adopted 12/1/15)
The procedures set forth in this article shall be administered by regular full-time employees of the city; provided, however, that any authorized person may remove a violating vehicle under the authority of this article.
The city may seek an owner’s written consent to enter private property to examine a suspected violation of this article, to obtain information to identify the violating vehicle, and to remove or direct the removal of the violating vehicle. The city is authorized to obtain a search warrant to conduct an inspection permitted by this section when consent to enter the property for the inspection has been refused or otherwise cannot be obtained.
No violating vehicle removed under the authority of this article may thereafter be reconstructed or made operable.
The relocation of a violating vehicle to another location within the city after a proceeding for the abatement and removal of the violating vehicle has commenced has no effect on the proceeding if the violating vehicle constitutes an offense at the new location.
The city shall notify the appropriate designated state agency of the removal of a junked vehicle not later that the fifth day after the removal of a junked vehicle by identifying the vehicle or part of the vehicle removed.
(Ordinance 1185, sec. 2 (8.206), adopted 12/1/15)
Prior to the abatement or removal of a violating vehicle under this article, the city shall provide not less than ten days’ notice of the probable violation by personal delivery, certified mail with a five-day return requested, or delivery through the United States Postal Service with signature confirmation service requested, to:
The last known registered owner of the violating vehicle;
Each lienholder of record, if any, of the violating vehicle; and
The owner or occupant of:
The property on which the violating vehicle is located; or
If the violating vehicle is located on a public right-of-way, the property adjacent to the right-of-way.
If the post office address of the last known registered owner of the violating vehicle is unknown, notice may be placed on the violating vehicle or, if the owner is located, personally delivered. If a notice is returned undelivered, any action to abate the violating vehicle shall be continued to a date not earlier than the eleventh day after the date of the return.
A notice sent under this article shall include a statement that:
The violating vehicle must be abated and removed not later than the tenth day after the date on which the notice was delivered or mailed; and
Any request for a hearing must be made before the ten-day period expires.
A person entitled to notice under this section may request a hearing prior to the removal of the violating vehicle. A request for a hearing shall be made in writing and shall be delivered to the director of the department charged by the city manager with enforcement of this article not later than ten days after receipt of the notice by the person making the request for a hearing, but in no event more than thirty days following the mailing or delivery of the notice. If a hearing is timely requested by a person for whom notice is required under subsection (a), the hearing shall be held not earlier than the eleventh day after the date of the service of the notice. If no request for a hearing is timely filed by a person to whom notice is required under this section, no hearing shall be required.
Upon the timely request for a hearing of any person to whom a notice was provided regarding a violating vehicle, a public hearing will be held before a municipal court judge. Notice of the time, date, and location of the hearing will be provided to each person who submitted a timely request for a hearing.
The issue at the hearing is whether the violating vehicle is a junked vehicle.
At any hearing conducted pursuant to this article, the violating vehicle is presumed to be inoperable unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner.
If the municipal court judge determines the vehicle to be a junked vehicle, the judge shall order the vehicle to be removed.
Any order requiring the removal of violating vehicle shall include the vehicle’s:
Vehicle identification number, if any; and
License plate, hull registration, or similar registration number, if any.
(Ordinance 1185, sec. 2 (8.207), adopted 12/1/15)
The city may remove a junked vehicle at any time following a public hearing and order of the judge or following the waiver of a hearing.
(Ordinance 1185, sec. 2 (8.208), adopted 12/1/15)
A junked vehicle, or part thereof, shall be disposed of by the city by removal to a scrap yard, demolisher, or any suitable site operated by the city for processing as scrap or salvage, and any reconstruction or work to make the vehicle operable after being removed is prohibited.
If the city council determines that commercial scrap yards or salvage yards are not available or are inadequate, the city may operate its own disposal site and make final disposition of junked vehicles or vehicle parts at the disposal site or the city may transfer the vehicle or vehicle parts to another disposal site if the disposal site is only as scrap or salvage.
(Ordinance 1185, sec. 2 (8.209), adopted 12/1/15)