The monthly rates to be charged to customers for public electric utility services shall be in accordance with the schedules as follows:
Applicable to residential customers for all domestic usage where all energy is taken through a single meter. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the city covering this type of service.
Character of service.
A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts.
As set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Minimum monthly charge.
The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the meter service charge as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Power cost adjustment.
The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with section 13.05.032.
Special condition of service–Residential.
Service will be rendered under this rate schedule when the city has facilities immediately adjacent to the customer’s premises. If a power line extension is required to provide service to the customer, the customer’s cost of the line extension will be determined in accordance with the city’s extension fee (established by Ordinance 891) in effect at the time of the extension.
Small commercial.
Applicable to nonresidential customers billed through a single meter whose power transformer for electric service is between 0 and 50 KVA. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the city covering this type of service.
Character of service.
A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 or 240/480 volts; three-phase 120/240/208, 120/208, 277/480 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad-mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service.
As set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Minimum monthly charge.
The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the meter service charge as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Power cost adjustment.
The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with section 13.05.032.
Special condition of service–Small commercial.
Service will be rendered under this rate schedule when the city has facilities immediately adjacent to the customer’s premises. If a power line extension is required to provide service to the customer, the customer’s cost of the line extension will be determined in accordance with the city’s extension fee (established by Ordinance 891) in effect at the time of the extension.
Large commercial.
Applicable to all commercial customers where service is taken through one meter at one point of delivery and where the power transformer for electric service is greater than 50 KVA for at least two billing cycles within a rolling 12-month period. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the city covering this type of service. Before service is furnished hereunder, an individual electric service agreement contract between the customer and the city may be required outlining all details or requirements of the service to be supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party.
Character of service.
A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 or 240/480 volts; three-phase 120/240/208, 120/208, 277/480 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad-mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service.
As set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Minimum monthly charge.
The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the meter service charge as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Power cost adjustment.
The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with section 13.05.032.
Special condition of service - large commercial.
Service will be rendered under this rate schedule when the city has facilities immediately adjacent to the customer’s premises. If a power line extension is required to provide service to the customer, the customer’s cost of the line extension will be determined in accordance with the city’s extension fee (established by Ordinance 891) in effect at the time of the extension.
Applicable to all commercial customers where service is taken through one meter at one point of delivery and where the power transformer for electric service is greater than 1000 KVA for at least two billing cycles within a rolling 12-month period. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the city covering this type of service in addition to any other applicable criteria established by the wholesale power supplier. Before service is furnished hereunder, an individual service agreement contract between the customer and the city may be required outlining all details of the service to be supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party.
Character of service.
A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 or 240/480 volts; three-phase 120/240/208, 120/208, 277/480 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad-mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service.
As set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Minimum monthly charge.
The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the meter service charge as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Power cost adjustment.
The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with section 13.05.032.
Special condition of service–Industrial.
Service will be rendered under this rate schedule when the city has facilities immediately adjacent to the customer’s premises. If a power line extension is required to provide service to the customer, the customer’s cost of the line extension will be determined in accordance with the city’s extension fee (established by Ordinance 891) in effect at the time of the extension.
Power factor–Demand meters.
The customer shall control voltage fluctuations caused by customer’s equipment at customer’ expense. The customer’s equipment shall not cause voltage fluctuations that exceed 1% on the city’s primary distribution system.
A power factor penalty may be assessed if the necessary equipment for determining power factor is installed and if the power factor during the coincident peak KW demand period is less than 0.97.
The power factor penalty shall be calculated by increasing the measured coincident peak KW billing demand such that the corrected billing demand and measured kilo volt ampere reactive (KVAR) yield a calculated power factor of 0.97. If the measured power factor is 0.97 or greater, the billing KW demand shall be the KW demand in accordance with the appropriate fee schedule.
The additional metering equipment necessary to measure or compute KVAR or power factor may be installed at any demand metered customer without notice at the discretion of the city.
Distributed generation.
Any city electric utility retail customer receiving electric service from the city that also owns and operates an on-site generating system capable of producing ten megawatts (10 MW) or less and interconnects with the city’s electric distribution system. The customer shall be compliant with the city’s distributed generations (DG) policies and terms and conditions prior to being assigned to this rate.
As set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
(Ordinance 1104 adopted 10/1/12; 2004 Code, sec. 13.1001; Ordinance 1253, sec. 1, adopted 7/17/18; Ordinance adopting 2019 Code)
The purpose of this adjustment rate is to accurately recover from city customers the cost of total delivered wholesale power purchases.
Wholesale power energy purchases shall include but are not limited to transmission charges, ERCOT fees, delivery charges, and any other necessary delivery fees.
All wholesale power cost adjustment shall be billed by the city on its monthly bills to the retail customer as a power cost adjustment, determined in accordance with the provisions set forth below.
The formula for calculation of the power cost adjustment is as follows:
(1) Net Power Supply Cost
(2) Net kWh Sold
PCA = Power cost adjustment ($ per kWh) rounded to the nearest 0.0001 cent.
Net power supply cost = The total amount charged to the city for energy supplied by the city’s wholesale provider(s).
Net kWh sold = The total kWh sold to all electricity customers of the city.
On a periodic basis the city will compare the total amount of power cost dollars which should be recovered to the actual power cost adjustment revenues received in the previous city billing period(s). Any difference realized will be added or subtracted from the power cost adjustment formula calculation to be recovered in the next city billing period(s).
(Ordinance 1104 adopted 10/1/12; 2004 Code, sec. 13.1002; Ordinance 1253, sec. 2, adopted 7/17/18)
The installation fees and monthly rates for security lights installed by the city are as follows:
Installation fees are as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Monthly rates are as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. Monthly rates for all other security lights shall be charged at a rate that will recover the cost of material, labor, and wholesale energy cost over the life of the security light provided.
(Ordinance 1092 adopted 12/20/11; 2004 Code, art. 13.1100; Ordinance adopting 2019 Code)