The boundaries and limits of the City of Brady shall, until changed in the manner hereinafter provided, be the same as have heretofore been established and as exists on the date of the adoption of this Charter. Such boundaries are described in the files of the City Secretary.
The boundaries of the City of Brady may be extended from time to time by the annexation of additional territory by any of the methods hereinafter designated. All annexations of territory to the City must be consistent with State law and must meet the limitations established in Chapter 43, Municipal Annexation, Local Government Code as now exists or as amended. Such annexations shall be accomplished by ordinance providing for the alteration and extensions of the boundary limits.
Prior to the first reading of the ordinance, the Council must publish notice and provide for a public hearing on the proposed annexation in accordance with State law. Only one (1) contiguous area proposed for annexation be described in any one (1) ordinance. Upon final acceptance of property for annexation by any of the methods prescribed herein, the boundaries of the City shall be so extended and the territory shall become a part of the City; and the said land and its residents and future residents shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, codes, resolutions and regulations of the City and such the residents shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the City.
Annexation by Petition.
The owners or owner of any property which is without residents, or if inhabited, the majority of the residents of such property who are qualified electors in this State may petition the Council in a written request that the property be annexed to the City of Brady. Such property to be considered for annexation:
Must be contiguous and adjacent to the limits of the City.
Must lie entirely within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City.
Must be described in the petition by metes and bounds in such manner as is accepted in this County.
Together with the above written request, the petitioner(s) must submit to the Council a document describing plans for extending utilities and other City services to the area proposed for annexation. This planning document must:
Be prepared at the expense of the petitioner(s).
Be coordinated with and/or reviewed by the appropriate members of the City staff prior to its submission to the Council.
State the estimated costs to the City of extending such utilities and services to the area.
Estimate a time for providing such utilities and services.
Satisfy the requirements of Chapter 43, Municipal Annexation, Local Government Code, as now exists or as amended.
The Council shall hear all petitions and provide for annexation by ordinance and may accept or refuse the ordinance as prescribed above. The Planning Document shall be appended to the ordinance annexing the proposed area and shall be considered at all readings of the ordinance. The territory described in the ordinance shall become annexed only after the final passage of the ordinance and proper recording in the records of the City.
Annexation by the City.
The Council, upon its own initiative, may annex territory which is contiguous to the limits of the City by the method prescribed herein, subject to other procedural rules as may be prescribed by State Law. Such property:
Must be described in the annexation ordinance by metes and bounds.
Must lie entirely within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City.
Must meet the limitations as prescribed in Chapter 43, Municipal Annexation, Local Government Code, as now exists or as amended.
When initiating annexation procedures for annexing a specific area, the Council shall cause to be prepared an ordinance for the annexation of the territory and a document describing the plans for extending utilities and other City services to the area proposed for annexation. This Planning Document must:
State the estimated costs to the City of extending such utilities and services to the area.
State the method whereby the costs of such services will be paid.
Estimate a time schedule for providing such utilities and services.
Satisfy the requirements of Chapter 43, Municipal Annexation, Local Government Code.
Such [sic] The Planning Document shall be appended to the ordinance annexing the proposed area and shall be considered at all readings of the ordinance. The ordinance shall be subject to public hearing and all the stipulations prescribed in this Section. The territory described in the ordinance shall become annexed only after the final passage of the ordinance and proper recording in the records of the City.
Annexation of City-owned Property.
The City may annex any property owned by the City subject only to the procedural rules as prescribed by State Law. Annexation of City-owned property shall be by ordinance as prescribed for other categories of property.
(Resolution 2015-007 adopted 2/17/15, prop. 2, approved at election of 5/9/15)
Subject to the limitations prescribed by State Law, the Council may contract the boundaries of the City by passing an ordinance removing territory from the limits of the City. The procedures for disannexing territory from the City must be consistent with State law.
If there is property within the limits of the City which is not suitable for development, the Council may initiate action to disannex the property. Prior to final action on the ordinance, the City must obtain the written approval of the majority of the qualified voters residing in the area, or if uninhabited, the approval of the majority of the owners of that area. If the City is unable to obtain such approval, the Council may order an election to be held within the City; and, if at the election, the majority of the legal voters voting at the election cast their vote in favor of disannexing said area, the Council shall cause the property to be disannexed and thereby adjust the limits of the City.