The city council hereby establishes that city equipment may be used on private property under the following circumstances:
Enforcement of city ordinances, including:
Article 3.08 “dangerous buildings”;
Article 8.03 “junked and abandoned vehicles”; and
Article 8.06 “nuisances”;
Maintenance and/or repair of a public easement located on private property;
Pursuant to a city council adopted economic development program, such as a chapter 380 economic development program;
For the benefit of special events such as festivals, parades or other events that promote the city;
For the benefit of nonprofit organizations and/or organizations and/or associations promoting and/or benefiting the city and/or serving a public purpose;
Catastrophic and/or emergency events, such as sewer backups and/or other city utility problems; and
Provided that the specific uses of city equipment under subsections (1) through (6) herein are approved in advance by the city manager, except for situations under subsection (6) where if the city manager is unavailable, then the department head may approve the work. The city manager shall report to the city council the use of city equipment used on private property pursuant to this section by the next city council meeting following the use of the city equipment.
(Ordinance 1158 adopted 3/19/15)