Street maintenance fee.
The city council hereby finds, determines and declares that in order to protect the citizenry from the deterioration of the quality and safety of the street system that they rely upon and use on a regular basis, it is necessary and in the best interest of the public health and safety to establish a street maintenance fee based on the citizen’s use of the street system to provide a properly maintained street system.
Fee established.
The city council hereby establishes a monthly street maintenance fee in the amount established by city council applied to all citizens who reside and businesses which are located within the city limits and who purchase any type of utility service from the city as listed in chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances.
Street maintenance fund.
The city hereby creates a special revenue fund known as the street maintenance fund. All street maintenance fees collected by the city pursuant to this section shall be deposited in this fund and used for maintenance as provided in this section. Such revenues will be used for the purposes of maintenance of the street system of the city. It shall not be necessary that expenditures from the fund specifically relate to any particular property from which the fees for such purpose were collected.
Annual report.
An annual report of the fund and the street maintenance fee program shall be provided to the city council.
Billing and collection.
The fee shall be added to, billed and collected with the monthly utility bill for those citizens and businesses utilizing city utility services and who reside within the city limits and/or who are located in the city limits. All such bills shall be rendered monthly and shall become due and payable upon receipt.
Recovery of unpaid fee.
Any street maintenance fee due under this section that is not paid when due may be recovered in an action at law by the city. Pursuant to article 13.03, Termination and Discontinuance of Utility Services, the city may discontinue utility services to a customer who fails to pay the street maintenance fee by the delinquent date.
(Ordinance 1186 adopted 9/21/17)