The city council hereby establishes a court to be known as the Jarrell Municipal Court (“municipal court”), which court shall be deemed always open for the trial of causes, with such jurisdiction, powers, and duties as are given and prescribed by the laws of the state.
(Ordinance 2003-019, sec. 3, adopted 11/4/03)
The municipal court shall be presided over by a person who shall be known as the judge of the municipal court (“judge”).
Position created.
There is hereby created the position of judge of the municipal court for the city.
The position shall be filled by appointment, said appointment to be made by vote of the city council.
The term of office to be held by the judge so appointed shall be two (2) years. The term of the initially appointed judge of the municipal court shall be from the date of appointment after the effective date of the ordinance from which this section derives.
In order for a person to be eligible for appointment to the position of judge of the municipal court, he must:
Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
Have a minimum of a high school or equivalent education;
Be familiar with the duties of the office of the judge of the municipal court; and
Not have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude.
The judge of the municipal court shall hear all cases which may be filed in the municipal court and which shall be within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the court, including, but not limited to, the provisions of section 29.003 of the Government Code, and any amendments thereto.
Temporarily unavailability, conflict or resignation.
In the event that the judge is temporarily unable to act, has a conflict, or resigns, upon the occurrence of any one or more of such events, the city council has the authority to appoint:
A substitute for such conflict or period of unavailability; or
A successor, either on a temporary basis until the judge’s position is filled, or to fill the position until the end of the unexpired term of the prior judge.
(Ordinance 2003-019, sec. 4, adopted 11/4/03; Ordinance 2008-05 adopted 5/13/08)
The judge shall, with the approval of the city council, appoint a clerk of the municipal court. Such clerk shall, in addition to all other powers provided by law, have the power to administer oaths, issue warrants and summons, notices, prepare complaints, affix the seal of the court to documents, and generally do and perform any and all acts necessary in issuing processes of the court and conducting business thereof. Such clerk shall be bonded before entering upon the duties of such office.
(Ordinance 2003-019, sec. 5, adopted 11/4/03)
The city council retains the prerogative to change procedures, as permitted by law, for filling any and all court positions, from time to time.
(Ordinance 2003-019, sec. 6, adopted 11/4/03)
Editor’s note–Former section 1.05.031 pertaining to the road construction and maintenance and traffic enforcement fee and deriving from Ordinance 2004-019 adopted 9/21/04, was repealed and deleted in its entirety by Ordinance 2015-7-28A adopted 7/28/15.
The city council hereby establishes a $4.00 fee to be imposed on each fine imposed in the municipal court of the city. This fee is to be segregated and maintained in a separate fund to pay for court technology.
(Ordinance 2004-014 adopted 8/17/04)
The city council hereby establishes a $3.00 fee to be imposed on each fine imposed in the municipal court of the city. This fee is to be segregated and maintained in a separate fund to pay for court security.
(Ordinance 2004-015 adopted 8/17/04)
The city council hereby establishes a $25.00 special expense warrant fee to be imposed on each fine imposed in the municipal court of the city for individuals who are served a warrant to compel their appearance in court as the result of a failure-to-appear (FTA) or a failure to appear after a voluntary-promise-to-appear (VPTA). This fee is to be segregated and maintained in a separate fund to pay for warrant delivery services.
(Ordinance 2004-016 adopted 8/17/04)