This article is intended to provide a safe and orderly means to operate a game room within the corporate limits of the city. The regulations in this article are deemed necessary for the protections of the health, safety, and general welfare of the businesses and citizens of the city.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Amusement redemption machine.
A recreational machine that provides the user with an opportunity to receive something of value other than a right of replay and which complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable to such machines.
A skill or pleasure coin-operated machine that is designed, made and adapted solely for bona fide amusement purposes, and that by operation of chance or a combination of skill and chance affords the user an opportunity to receive exclusively non-cash merchandise prizes, toys, novelties, or a representation of value redeemable for those items.
Any electronic, electromechanical or mechanical contrivance designed, made and adapted solely for bona fide amusement purposes if the contrivance rewards the player exclusively with non-cash merchandise, prizes, or novelties, or a representation of value redeemable for those items, that have a wholesale value available from a single play of the game or device of not more than ten times the amount charged to play the game or device once or $5.00, whichever amount is less.
Amusement redemption machine game room or game room.
Any establishment, building, facility, or other place where two or more amusement redemption machines, with the exception of excluded machines, are displayed or exhibited for public use.
City official.
A police officer, code enforcement officer, building official of the city, or other as designated by the city manager.
Excluded machine.
A machine that awards the user non-cash merchandise prizes, toys or novelties solely and directly from the machine, including claw, crane, or similar machines;
A machine from which the opportunity to receive non-cash merchandise prizes, toys, or novelties, or a representation of value redeemable for those items, varies depending upon the user’s ability to throw, roll, flip, toss, hit, or drop a ball or other physical object into the machine or a part thereof, including basketball, skeet ball, golf, bowling, pusher, or similar machines; or
A machine or any device defined in V.T.C.A., Penal Code, § 47.01 as a gambling device, or any activity prohibited or described in V.T.C.A., Penal Code ch. 47.
Game room owner or “owner”.
A person who has an ownership interest of at least 25 percent in a game room.
Any person, individual, firm, company, association, or corporation operating an amusement redemption machine game room in the city.
Operational machine.
An amusement redemption machine that is ready to be played and which is accessible to the public.
Any person, individual, firm, company, association, or corporation maintaining, displaying for public patronage, or otherwise keeping for operation the public any gaming machine in the city.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
No person shall operate an amusement redemption machine game room in the city without first obtaining a permit from the city, as required by this article. No permit shall be issued until:
The application has been filed, verified, and deemed accurate;
The venue has been deemed, at the time of application, in compliance with the city code;
The permit fee has been paid in full.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
All building and fire code standards must be met. Inspection by building officials and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall be obtained before a permit for an amusement redemption machine game room is issued.
Only one amusement redemption machine game room shall be permitted on any lot or in any single building, structure or strip center except for amusement redemption machine game rooms in existence as of the date this article goes into effect and which do not meet this criteria; in which case full compliance with this subsection shall be required within six (6) months of the effective date of this article or upon abandonment of use at such location, whichever occurs first.
No amusement redemption machine game room shall be situated within 500 feet of any church, school, daycare, or hospital except for amusement redemption machine game rooms in existence as of the date this article goes into effect and which do not meet this criteria; in which case full compliance with this subsection shall be required within six (6) months of the effective date of this article or upon abandonment of use at such location, whichever occurs first.
The distance shall be measured in a straight line without regard to intervening objects or structures and from the nearest lot line of the amusement redemption machine game room seeking a permit to the nearest lot line of the church, school, daycare, or hospital.
No amusement redemption machines, or related business activities shall be allowed to be situated and/or performed outdoors.
The owner, operator, or manager of the permitted premises must be present to supervise the operation of the amusement redemption machine game room. The amusement redemption machine game room shall not be left unattended.
Amusement redemption machines must be situated within the permitted premises as to be in full and open public view, which entails being visible to all patrons of the establishment.
No person under the age of 21 years shall be permitted inside the building, structure, facility, or space housing the amusement redemption machine game room.
A sign stating that no one under the age of 21 is allowed inside the amusement redemption machine game room shall be posted in plain sight immediately inside the entrance stating that:
“No person under the age of 21 years shall be permitted inside the building, structure, facility or space housing the amusement redemption machine game room.”
An amusement redemption machine game room operator must be a person who is at least 21 years of age.
Game rooms shall only be permitted in existing C-3 commercial (“C3”), I-1 light industrial (“I1”) or I-2 general industrial (“I2”) zoning districts. A person, including the manager, operator, or owner of a game room, commits an offense if he or she operates or permits the operation, or establishment of a game room in any other zoning district of the city.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed or have the effect to permit, permit, authorize or legalize any machine, device, table, or gaming machine, the keeping, exhibition, operation, display or maintenance of which is illegal or in violation of any ordinance of the city, any regulation of the county, any section of the penal code of this state, or the constitution of this state.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
An applicant for a permit under the provisions of this article shall file with the city planning department. A separate application must be filed for each location sought to be permitted. The following information is required in the application:
Name, address, telephone number, and driver’s permit number of the applicant;
Name, address, telephone number and driver’s permit number of all persons who own 25 percent or more interest in the amusement redemption machine game room;
Name, address, telephone number and driver’s permit number of all corporate officers, if any, of such business;
Name, address, telephone number of the business;
If incorporated, the name of the business registered with the Texas Secretary of State;
If a partnership, the name, address, telephone number and driver’s permit of each of the general and limited partners;
The trade name by which the applicant does business and a true and correct copy of the registration of the applicant’s assumed name filed in the office of the county clerk, bearing the file mark or stamp that evidences its filing in that office;
The street address of the premises;
If applicant is not the owner of the premises, the applicant shall furnish the name, address, and telephone number of the property owner;
Name, address, and telephone number of the operator of the premises to be permitted;
Whether a previous permit of the applicant, or, if applicable, a corporate officer of the applicant, has been revoked within two years of filing of the application;
The previous occupation(s) of the applicant and, if applicable, all corporate officers and partners of the applicant within the preceding five years;
A notarized statement, under oath, that:
All the facts contained in the application are true and correct;
The amusement redemption machines are not and will not be used as gambling devices;
The location and operation of the amusement redemption machine game room will not violate any applicable deed restrictions;
The amusement redemption machine game room will be operated in accordance with all laws;
Name, address, and telephone number of an emergency contact person who can be reached after hours;
Sales tax certificate;
Any other plans that may be required by this code.
Any failure to provide the documents required by this section shall be grounds for denial of the application to which it applies.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
The city shall refuse to approve issuance or renewal of a permit or permittee for one or more of the following reasons:
Any failure to provide the information required by this article;
A determination by the city that inaccurate, erroneous or incomplete information has been submitted;
A false statement as to a material matter made in an application for a permit;
Revocation of a permit, pursuant to this article, of the applicant or a co-owner or a corporate officer of the applicant within two years preceding the filing of the application;
Refusal or failure to pay the correct permit fee amount;
The applicant or a co-owner for such permit has, within the past three years, been convicted of any violation of this article;
The applicant or a co-owner for such permit has, within the past five years, been convicted of any violation of regulations adopted by the county relating to game rooms; and/or
The city shall not issue or renew a permit under this article and has the authority to suspend or cancel a permit if it be determined that the applicant or permittee is indebted to the city for any fee, costs, penalties, or delinquent taxes.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
Power and authority.
If any individual, company, corporation, or association who owns, operates, exhibits, or displays any amusement redemption machine(s) in an amusement redemption machine game room in this city shall violate any provision of this article, the city shall have the power and authority to suspend or revoke the permit(s) issued hereunder to any of the foregoing by giving written notice, stating the reason justifying such suspension or revocation, and the same shall be suspended or revoked ten days from date of such notice.
The city manager or designee shall suspend a permit for a period not to exceed 30 days if he determines that a permittee or an employee of a permittee has:
Violated or is not in compliance with any of the provisions of this article;
Refused to allow or interferes with an inspection of the amusement redemption machine game room premises; or
Demonstrated an inability to operate or manage an amusement redemption machine game room in a peaceful and law-abiding manner thus necessitating action by law enforcement officers.
Revocation for continuing violations.
The city manager or their designee shall revoke a permit if a cause of suspension occurs and the permit has been previously suspended within the preceding twelve months.
Automatic revocation.
The city manager or their designee shall revoke a permit if he determines that:
A permittee gave false or misleading information in the material submitted to the city during the application process;
A permittee or an employee of a permittee knowingly allowed the possession, use, or sale of a controlled substance on the premises; or
A permittee or an employee of a permittee knowingly operated the amusement redemption machine game room during a period when the permittee’s permit was suspended.
Effect of revocation.
No permit shall be issued within a period of one-year to anyone whose permit has been revoked, except at the discretion of the city manager or their designee. If the permit of an individual, company, corporation, or association owning, operating, or displaying amusement redemption machines in this city is cancelled, such individual, company, corporation or association shall not operate, display or permit to be operated or displayed such amusement redemption machines in any amusement redemption machine game room until a new permit is granted.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
If the city manager or their designee refuses to approve the issuance of a permit or the renewal of a permit to an applicant, or suspends or revokes a permit issued under this article, this action is final unless the applicant or permittee, within ten days after the receipt of written notice of the action, files a written appeal with the city secretary, who shall, within 30 days after the appeal is filed forward same to city council for its consideration at a public meeting following a hearing. The city council shall, within 30 days, grant such hearing to consider the action. The city council has authority to sustain, reverse, or modify the action appealed. The decision of the city council is final.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
A valid permit issued under this article for an amusement redemption machine game room shall be displayed at or near the entrance of the business premises, and such display shall be permanent and conspicuous.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
The premises in which such amusement redemption machines are located shall conform to all building codes and fire prevention codes of the city and the fire marshal of the city and his assistants, the city inspector/code enforcement officer, and the chief building official may enter into the premises where such amusement redemption machines are located at any time during normal business hours for the purposes of inspecting said premises for fire hazards.
All law enforcement personnel and the inspector/code enforcement officer of the city shall have the right to enter said premises at any time during normal business hours for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of the tenants of this article.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
A permittee hereunder shall not permit any of the following activities within the permitted premises:
The operation of any amusement redemption machine by a person younger than 21 years of age;
Gambling by any person;
The possession of gambling materials; and
Unlawful or criminal activity of any kind.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
Any person who desires a permit for the operation of two or more amusement redemption machines in one specific location shall be required to provide sufficient off-street parking to accommodate the vehicles of the patrons as provided herein. Such parking area shall be maintained in a safe, clean manner and shall not interfere with safe and expeditious movement of other vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
Nothing herein shall be construed or have the effect to permit, permit, authorize or legalize any machine, device, table, or gaming machine, the keeping, exhibition, operation, display or maintenance of which is illegal or in violation of any ordinance of the city, any regulation of the county, any section of the penal code of this state, or the constitution of this state.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)
A person who fails to comply with the requirements of this article commits a class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine as detailed by the city code, chapter 9A, section 7.03, penalties.
Each day that a violation occurs is a separate offense.
In addition to the penalty described in subsection (a) above, the city may pursue other remedies such as injunctive relief, abatement of nuisance, revocation and removal of current permit, and securing an amusement redemption machine so as to render it inoperable.
(Ordinance 2020-1027-04 adopted 10/27/20)