Unless there is executed an agreement for payment of impact fees in another manner, the community impact fee imposed by this article shall apply to new development.
The community impact fee for development coming under this section shall be assessed and collected with respect to:
Land platted after the adoption of this article, at the time the city releases such plat for recording; and
Development which occurs or is proposed without platting, at the earlier of the time application is made for a building permit or application is made for connection to the city’s water or wastewater system.
Impact fees may be assessed but not collected for property where service is not available unless:
The city commits to commence construction of necessary facilities identified in the capital improvements plan within two years and will have service available within a reasonable time not to exceed five years;
The city agrees in writing to permit the property owner to construct or finance the required capital improvement(s) or facility expansion(s) and that the costs incurred or funds advanced by such owner will either:
Be credited against the impact fees otherwise due from such owner;
Reimburse the owner for such costs from impact fees paid from such owner and other new developments that will use such improvements or expansions, in which case fees shall be reimbursed to the owner as and when collected by the city from new development; or
The owner voluntarily requests the city to reserve capacity to serve future development and the city and the owner enter into a valid written agreement;
provided that any such impact fee assessed but not collected, and for which no written agreement is entered into between the city and the property owner pursuant to subsection (d) of this section, shall be thereafter collected at the earlier of the time the city contracts for the capital improvements necessary to serve the property or service is made available to the property.
A property owner and the city may enter into a valid written agreement providing for the time and method of the payment of impact fees, which agreement shall prevail over any contrary provision of this article.
(Ordinance 2011-9-20A, pt. 3, sec. 3.1, adopted 9/20/11)
Impact fees shall be calculated based upon the number of service units as determined by using the conversion table provided in exhibit A to Ordinance 2011-9-20A. The impact fee required for any property, development or application shall be determined by multiplying the number of service units in the proposed development by the amount of the respective impact fees per service unit set forth in section 9.05.028 and in exhibit A to Ordinance 2011-9-20A.
Should the number of service units required for any property increase after the impact fees for such property are assessed and collected, the impact fees for such property shall be increased in an amount equal to the impact fee established by this article multiplied by the number of additional service units required for such property.
The total amount of impact fees to be paid to and deposited into the impact fee account by the city for any development shall be reduced by any allowable credits, if any, for the category of capital improvements as provided in section 9.05.056.
If at any time impact fees are assessed against any property but are unpaid, the total amount of such unpaid impact fees shall be attached to the development application, plat and/or other documents applicable to the property and thereafter collected:
At the earliest time provided for in this article; and
In no event later than the date service is connected to the property.
Replatting shall not require recalculation of impact fees unless the number of service units is increased. If a proposed replat increases the number of service units, the impact fee shall be recalculated as provided in subsection (b) above.
(Ordinance 2011-9-20A, pt. 3, sec. 3.2, adopted 9/20/11)
The community impact fee shall be charged in addition to all other fees set out by city ordinance or regulation including, but not limited to, building permit fees and tap fees, parkland dedication requirements and payments in lieu, and dedication of easements and right-of-way.
(Ordinance 2011-9-20A, pt. 3, sec. 3.3, adopted 9/20/11)
If granting of easements or rights-of-way is necessary to construction of an impact fee capital improvement, said easement shall be granted by the record owner of the land so affected, exclusive and in addition to the payment of the impact fee, and at the time of payment of the impact fee, as a condition of service. If construction of an impact fee capital improvement is undertaken by the city in any public right-of-way due to lack of said easement, and subsequent relocation of the improvement is required by any public agency, the record owner of the land shall bear all expense of said relocation.
(Ordinance 2011-9-20A, pt. 3, sec. 3.4, adopted 9/20/11)
The property owner or applicant for new development may appeal the following decisions to the city council:
The applicability of an impact fee to the development;
The amount of the impact fee due;
The availability or the amount of any credit;
The application of any credit against an impact fee due;
The amount of a refund due, if any.
The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to demonstrate that the amount of the fee or the amount of the credit was not calculated according to the applicable schedule of service units or the guidelines established for determining credits.
The appellant must file a notice of appeal with the city secretary within thirty (30) days following the decision appealed from. If the notice of appeal is accompanied by a bond or other sufficient surety satisfactory to the city attorney in an amount equal to the original determination of the impact fee due, the development application may be processed while the appeal is pending.
(Ordinance 2011-9-20A, pt. 3, sec. 3.5, adopted 9/20/11)
If the property owner and the city have entered into a valid written agreement authorized by the city council, then, in that event, to the extent provided for in such agreement, if any, the property owner shall be entitled to:
An off-set against or credit for the payment of impact fees otherwise payable by such property owner for the land being developed, to the extent of the approved costs and expense of any such construction, contribution, or dedication of any facility appearing on the capital improvements plan which is required to be constructed by the city in order to serve a property owner’s development, that is paid or made by such property owner;
A credit against any category of impact fee as provided in the agreement; or
Reimbursement for the costs of capital improvement(s), constructed or paid by the property owner, from impact fees received from other new developments that will use such capital improvement(s) or facility expansion(s).
(Ordinance 2011-9-20A, pt. 3, sec. 3.6, adopted 9/20/11)
On the request of an owner of property on which an impact fee has been paid, the political subdivision shall refund the impact fee if existing facilities are available and service is denied or the political subdivision has, after collecting the fee when service was not available, failed to commence construction within two years or service is not available within a reasonable period considering the type of capital improvement or facility expansion to be constructed, but in no event later than five years from the date of the fee payment.
Upon completion of all the capital improvements or facilities expansions identified in the impact fee capital improvements plan, the city shall recalculate the maximum impact fee per service unit using the actual costs of the capital improvements or expansions. If the maximum impact fee per service unit based on actual cost is less than the impact fee per service unit paid, the city shall refund the difference, if such difference exceeds the impact fee paid by more than ten percent (10%). The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying such difference by the number of service units for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount.
The city shall refund any impact fee or part thereof that is not spent as authorized by this article within 10 years after the date of the fee payment.
An impact fee collected pursuant to this article shall be considered expended if the total expenditures for capital improvements or facilities expansions authorized in section 9.05.032 within the service area within ten (10) years following the date of collection exceeds the total fees collected for such improvements or expansions during such period.
If a refund is due pursuant to this section, the city shall pro-rate the same by dividing the difference between the amount of expenditures and the amount of the fees collected by the total number of service units assumed within the service area for the period to determine the refund due per service unit. The total refund payable to any such property owner shall be calculated by multiplying the refund due per service unit by the number of service units for the property for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount.
Refunds shall be made only to the record owner of the property at the time of the refund and shall bear interest calculated from the date of collection to the date of refund at the statutory rate as set forth in section 302.002 of the Texas Finance Code, or its successor.
(Ordinance 2011-9-20A, pt. 3, sec. 3.7, adopted 9/20/11)
The city shall update its land use assumptions and impact fee capital improvements plan and shall recalculate its impact fees not less than once every five years in accordance with the procedures set forth in Texas Rev. Civil Statutes, Local Government Code, chapter 395, or in any successor statute; provided that after giving the required notice the city council may determine that no changes or amendments are required.
The city may review its land use assumptions, impact fee capital improvements plan, and other factors such as market conditions more frequently than provided in subsection (a) to determine if the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan should be updated and the impact fee recalculated or adjusted accordingly.
(Ordinance 2011-9-20A, pt. 3, sec. 3.8, adopted 9/20/11)
The payment of impact fees and credits earned under this article shall inure to the benefit of and remain with the land for which such impact fees were paid or credits earned, and may not be sold, assigned, conveyed or transferred for the benefit of any other land or property. No impact fee receipts, LUEs, rights, benefits or credits arising under this article may be sold, assigned, transferred or conveyed except to a subsequent grantee or purchaser of the land for which such fee was paid or credit earned. All rights or benefits arising from the payment of an impact fee or any credit shall automatically vest in the owner and each subsequent owner of the land for which the fee was paid or credit earned.
(Ordinance 2011-9-20A, pt. 3, sec. 3.9, adopted 9/20/11)