That there is hereby created and established for the city, a police department and police reserve force to be directed by the chief of police, who shall be approved by the majority of the city council.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)
The police department and police reserve force shall be composed of the chief of police and other such members as the city council may from time to time so determine. The chief of police shall have the immediate direction and control of the police department, subject to such ordinances, policies, rules, regulations and orders as the city council may prescribe. The chief of police will report to and be supervised by the city council.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)
The members of the police department other than the chief of police shall be selected by the chief of police except that, in compliance with section 341.012, Texas Local Government Code, the city council must approve the appointment of any member of the police reserve force who may be authorized to carry a weapon or otherwise act as a peace officer. All members of the police department shall serve at the direction and pleasure of the city council and must be approved by the city council before taking office. No police officers of the city police department will be officers for the purposes of section 22.077, Texas Local Government Code.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)
The chief of police shall make available to the city council all background checks, other information, and forms required by the Texas Occupations Code, 1701.451. The city council shall review this information prior to approving anyone as a peace officer for the city.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)
The chief of police and each member of the police department shall, before undertaking his or her duties, subscribe to an oath that he/she will faithfully, without fear or favor, perform the duties of his/her office. The duties and salaries of each member of the police department, including the chief of police, shall be set by the city council, after consultation with and recommendations by the chief of police and city administrator.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)
Such chief of police and members of the police department shall be peace officers as defined in article 2.12, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, with all of the powers and duties conferred upon peace officers under the laws of the state.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)
The chief of police and each member of the police department shall hold a license as a qualified law enforcement officer from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement as provided in Texas Occupations Code, chapter 1701, unless serving under a temporary or probationary appointment as provided in said chapter.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)
The chief of police and the members of the police department of the city shall be and are hereby vested with all the power and authority given to them as police officers under the laws of the state in taking cognizance of and enforcing criminal laws of the state and the ordinances and regulations of the city within the city limits, and it shall be the duty of each such police officer to use his/her best endeavors to prevent the commission of offenses against the laws of this state and against the ordinances and regulations of this city within the city limits.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)
After consultation with and recommendations by the chief of police, the city council shall prescribe the uniforms and badges for the chief of police and the members of the police department. The chief of police shall have authority to determine how the members of the police department shall be armed.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)
The city marshal's office as established by city Ordinance No. 2014-12 and amended city Ordinances Nos. 2015-6 108 [sic] and 2023-1 is hereby abolished pursuant to section 22.076 of the Local Government Code.
The duties of the office of the marshal as provided by Local Government Code section 341.021, as amended, are conferred upon the chief of police.
(Ordinance 2023-6 adopted 3/16/2023)