The following rules and regulations shall apply to all outdoor signs, or any portion thereof, as defined below, which are erected, constructed, reconstructed, converted, altered, enlarged, extended, placed, or moved within the city limits.
Unless specifically stated, all rules apply to residential and commercial property and to establish reasonable regulations for all exterior signs and structures that serve the purpose of a sign within the incorporated limits of the city in order to:
Balance the right of individuals to identify businesses and convey messages within the right of the public to be protected against the unrestricted proliferations of signs;
Protect the public health, safety, and welfare;
Reduce traffic hazards;
Provide for an aesthetically pleasing community; and
Protect property values.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
Except as provided in sec. 151.06, no person may erect, construct, reconstruct, convert, alter, enlarge, extend, place, or move a sign, or any portion thereof, within the incorporated city limits without first obtaining a permit and paying the required fee.
All applications for a sign permit must be made on a form provided by the city and be accompanied by plans and specifications showing the location of the sign, the proposed sign and its method of construction (commercial signs shall be professionally constructed), and any other information required to show compliance with this chapter and all other applicable city ordinances.
The city’s Code Enforcement Official or designee will examine the application and supporting information and, if the proposed sign complies with this chapter and all other applicable ordinances of the city, will approve a permit for the proposed sign.
Penalty, see sec. 151.99
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
Every applicant for a permit under this chapter must pay the most current permit fees as approved and established by the City Council. The current fee schedule shall be maintained in the city offices.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
An applicant may appeal a denial of a permit by the Enforcement Official or designee to the City Council by filing a request for a CUP with the City Secretary within 30 days after the date the permit is denied. The City Council will send the CUP to the Zoning Commission, which will follow the CUP rules as listed in the most recent version of the zoning ordinance (Ordinance 2011-27(f)).
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
The Code Enforcement Official or designee may revoke a permit if there has been a violation of this chapter or a misrepresentation on the permit application.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
A permit is not required for:
Temporary real estate signs not exceeding six square feet in area and three feet in height in residential zoning districts, and not exceeding 64 square feet in area and 12 feet in height in commercial districts that advertise the property on which the sign is located for sale or lease. The signs must be removed within seven days after the property is sold or leased;
Temporary political signs for candidates for public office or ballot issues may not be erected earlier than 60 days prior to an election and must be removed within seven days after the election;
Temporary signs advertising a “garage sale” or “yard sale” not exceeding six square feet in area. These signs may not be posted earlier than three days before and must be removed within one day after the sale;
Government signs regulating traffic, providing directions to public facilities, or giving notices of general interest to the community;
Temporary signs placed on construction sites to identify the contractor, engineer, architect, or developer not exceeding 64 square feet in commercial zoning districts and 6 square feet in area in residential zoning districts. These signs may not be erected prior to approval of a site plan and must be removed within seven days after completion of the project;
Private signs regulating traffic on the property on which the sign is located;
Flat signs of solid-face construction that are placed against, or attached to, the vertical wall of a building located in a commercial district. These signs may not obstruct any wall opening, may not project beyond the wall to which they are attached, and must be attached at least ten feet above ground level. These signs may only be located on the street side of any commercial establishment located within 200 feet of a residential zoning district;
Banners approved by the Code Enforcement Official, or his or her designee. These banners must be safely and securely installed with wires or steel cables and must not be permitted to obstruct any public right-of-way;
Temporary signs for special events such as charitable, church, or community activities. These signs may not be posted earlier than three days before and must be removed within one day after the event;
Signs placed in and around parks, lakes, and reserves by the city’s Property Owners Improvement Association; or
Commonly accepted decorative, artistic and informational signs including, but not limited to:
Graphic or artistic signs without words or company logos;
Signs of seasonal and/or personal celebrations;
Typical welcome and home owner/address identification signs;
State authorized and informational/directional signs unrelated to commercial entities;
Personal warning signs such as “no trespassing,” “beware of dog,” video surveillance/alarm protected, etc.; and
Signs signifying support of US military branches and other personal affiliations.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15; Ordinance 2021-08 adopted 5/20/21; Ordinance 2021-09 adopted 6/17/21)
Size; height.
Districts I, II, and III which are zoned residential shall have no sign that exceeds six square feet in area or exceeds three feet in height.
Districts IV and V which are zoned commercial shall have no building-mounted sign that exceeds 150 square feet in area and exceed eight feet in height, and must be professionally fabricated. Signs mounted on building shall not extend beyond the roofline or sides of the building.
No sign, other than public traffic-control signs and other governmental signs, may be located within the public right-of-way. All signs, including any overhead projections, must be located completely within the boundaries of the property on which they are located.
Spacing and size.
Only one free-standing sign located adjacent to a public street will be permitted for each legal lot, unless the lot has more than 200 feet of street frontage. If a lot has more than 200 feet of street frontage, one sign will be permitted every 200 feet. Private traffic-control signs will not be included in this spacing requirement. Pole-mounted signs may not exceed twenty-one feet overall height.
Responsible party.
Parties responsible for signs shall be identified as follows:
A sign shall have printed upon it, in a legible manner, the name and address of the party responsible for the placement, maintenance, and removal of the sign;
A sign shall clearly indicate within its advertising medium the party responsible for the placement, maintenance, and removal of the sign; or
All signs which do not comply with either division (D)(1) or (D)(2) above shall become the responsibility of the property owner upon which the sign is placed. Such responsibility shall include that of repair, maintenance, or removal as may be necessary.
Penalty, see sec. 151.99
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
Temporary signs described in divisions (A), (B) and (C) below may be installed or placed on property for one 30-day period only, subject to compliance with the other provisions of this chapter:
Temporary real estate directional signs; and
Portable signs. PORTABLE SIGNS include signs with a display surface utilizing removable letters that are readily movable from site-to-site and signs that are not permanently attached to the ground, a building, or other fixed object, including those installed on trailers or other mobile structures. Portable signs may not exceed five feet by ten feet in area, and may be used only for the following purposes:
To promote or advertise the opening of a new business; or
To promote or announce charitable, church, community, or public events.
Temporary ground-mounted signs for local community-based nonprofit, church and/or charitable groups serving the citizens of Ivanhoe such as the Ivanhoe Volunteer Fire Department (IVFD), Ivanhoe Property Owners Improvement Association (IPOIA), Friends of Ivanhoe (FOI), Ivanhoe Civic Club, Churches and Volunteer-led Youth Groups advertising activities, sales and miscellaneous events.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15; Ordinance 2022-2 adopted 8/18/2022)
The following signs are prohibited within the city limits.
Permit requirement.
No sign may be erected or maintained in violation of the permit requirements of this chapter.
Maintenance and removal.
All signs shall be kept in good repair and, unless of galvanized or non-corroding metal or treated with appropriate wood preservative, shall be thoroughly painted as often as is necessary consistent with good maintenance. All braces, bolts, clips, supporting frame, and fastenings shall be free from deterioration, termite infestation, rot, or loosening. In case any sign is not so maintained, the Code Enforcement Official or designee shall give written notice to the owner or lessee thereof to so maintain the sign or to remove the sign.
Should any sign in the opinion of the Code Enforcement Official or designee become insecure or in danger of falling or otherwise unsafe, the Code Enforcement Official or designee shall give written notice of the condition of the sign to the person owning, leasing, or responsible for the sign. Such person so notified shall correct the unsafe condition of the sign in a manner to be approved by the Code Enforcement Official or designee in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
In case any sign shall be installed, erected, constructed, or maintained in violation of any of the terms of this chapter, the Code Enforcement Official or designee shall give written notice to the owner, lessee, or person responsible for the sign ordering such owner, lessee, or person to alter the sign so as to comply with this chapter or to remove the sign.
Any written notice to alter or to remove a sign shall be given by the Code Enforcement Official or designee by first class mail or written notice served personally upon the owner, lessee, or person responsible for the sign, or the owner’s agent. If such order is not complied with within fourteen days, the Code Enforcement Official or designee shall revoke the permit and direct the owners, lessee, or person responsible therefore to remove the sign.
No signs shall be placed on telephone poles or trees.
Outdated signs.
No sign may advertise a business or product that is no longer in existence. It must be removed within 30 days of such discontinuation.
Obstruction to doors, windows, or fire escapes.
No sign may be erected, relocated, or maintained so as to obstruct any door, window, or fire escape. No sign may be attached to a stand pipe or fire escape.
Traffic hazards.
No sign may:
Obstruct free and clear vision at any street intersection;
Interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be confusingly similar to any authorized traffic sign, signal, or device because of its position, shape, or color; or
Make use of the words “stop”, “look”, “drive-in”, “danger”, or other word, phrase, symbol, or character that interferes with, misleads, or confuses traffic.
Unsafe signs.
No sign may constitute a hazard to safety or health by reason of inadequate design, construction, repair, or maintenance.
Illuminated signs.
No sign may be illuminated with lights which glare into or upon the surrounding area or any residential area, or distract operators of vehicles or pedestrians on the public right-of-way.
Obscene signs.
No sign may display any matter in which the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest in sex, or is patently offensive because it affronts contemporary community standards relating to the description or representation of sexual matters, and is utterly without redeeming social value.
Vehicular signs.
No sign may be painted on, or attached to, a motor vehicle which is not road-worthy.
Signs on motor vehicles.
No sign may be placed on motor vehicles for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this chapter or when the display of such a sign is the primary purpose of the vehicle.
Moving signs.
No sign may have visible moving, revolving, or rotating parts or visible mechanical movement of any kind, except for the movable hands on street clocks, or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical, electronic, or mechanical means, except for time/temperature/date signs.
Flashing signs.
No sign with lights or illuminations that flash, move, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker, vary in intensity or color, or use intermittent electrical pulsations seen from a public roadway shall be allowed on private property.
Off-premises signs.
No off-premises signs may be erected, constructed, reconstructed, converted, altered, enlarged, extended, placed, or moved within the city limits. OFF-PREMISES SIGNS are defined as signs which advertise mainly goods, services, facilities, events, or attractions not available on the premises where the sign is located, or does not identify the owner or occupant or direct traffic on the premises.
Signs on private property.
No person shall place a sign on private property or utility easement without the written consent of the owner or agent, or the owner of the private property or utility easement.
Penalty, see sec. 151.99
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
Existing nonconforming signs within the city limits at the time of the adoption of this chapter shall be considered to be in compliance with this chapter until they become unsafe, outdated, or inadequately maintained, at which time they must be removed.
Existing nonconforming signs described in division (A) above may not be repaired or reconstructed if they are determined, in the sole discretion of the Code Enforcement Official or designee, to be unsafe or inadequately maintained. Existing nonconforming signs may not be altered, enlarged, extended, or moved within the city limits. For the purposes of this section, altering does not include altering the face of the sign without enlarging or extending the size of the face of the sign.
Penalty, see sec. 151.99
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
If the Code Enforcement Official or designee finds that any sign is prohibited by the provisions of this chapter, the Code Enforcement Official or designee will give written notice to the permittee or the owner of the property upon which the sign is located. If the permittee or owner fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with this chapter within fourteen days, the Code Enforcement Official or designee may remove or alter the sign to bring it into compliance and assess the costs to the permittee or owner. The Code Enforcement Official or designee may remove or alter any sign that presents an immediate peril to persons or property immediately and without notice.
Penalty, see sec. 151.99
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
Anything herein to the contrary, notwithstanding this chapter, shall in no way be construed to permit the erection or maintenance of any sign contrary to the laws of the state now in existence or hereafter enacted.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
Any person violating any provisions of this chapter will be subject to a fine as noted in sec. 10.99.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)