The Planning Board may require the permittee to post, before the start of land disturbance activity, a surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit, cash, or other acceptable security. The form of the security shall be approved by Town Counsel and the Planning Board, and shall be in an amount deemed sufficient by the Planning Board to ensure that the work will be completed in accordance with the permit.
If the project is phased, the Planning Board may release part of the security as each phase is completed in compliance with the permit, but the security may not be fully released until the Planning Board has received the final report and issued a certificate of completion pursuant to Article XII.
If the permittee defaults on any obligations imposed by the land disturbance permit, the Planning Board may (after notification of the permittee) inform the holder of the security (and the Municipal Treasurer if the Treasurer is not holding the funds) of the default, in which event the Town shall be entitled to the security funds.
The Planning Board may also require the applicant to secure the future maintenance of the stormwater system by a cash bond of an amount as determined by the Planning Board. In the event that the applicant does not follow maintenance procedures and programs as approved by the Planning Board, the Board shall have the authority to expend any portion of said security to provide such maintenance for up to five years after completion of the project.