Materials that are allowable per the International Residential Building Code (IRC) for use on exterior surfaces are permitted materials for exterior construction.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
The standards and criteria contained within this section are deemed to be minimum standards and shall apply to all new, altered, or repaired construction occurring within the city.
Residential buildings and structures - Construction materials and methods that are allowable per the International Residential Building Code (IRC) are permitted materials for residential construction.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
All water storage facilities that serve the public shall be designed and painted to compliment natural surroundings. All public water storage facilities shall be placed, to the extent possible, so as to have minimal negative impact on surrounding areas and shall be painted in earth-tone, natural colors. The City Council shall be authorized to approve alternate color selections if such color(s) are more acceptable with surrounding areas.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)
Temporary buildings and temporary building material storage areas to be used for construction purposes may be permitted for a specific period of time in accordance with a permit issued by the city and subject to periodic renewal by the city or its designee for cause shown. Upon completion or abandonment of construction or expiration of permit, such field offices or buildings and material storage areas shall be removed within 30 days.
(Ordinance 2011-27(f) adopted 11/12/15)