No person, firm, or corporation shall park any vehicle with
a manufacturer’s rated capacity of over one (1) ton for any
purpose other than for loading or unloading, on any of the following
designated streets, avenues, highways, or alleys, including the parkways,
located within the limits of the City of Panhandle, Texas: On Main
Street from First Street north to Ninth Street; on Elsie Avenue from
Ninth Street north to Panther Avenue; on Euclid Avenue from Broadway
north to the city limits; on Park Avenue from Fourth Street north
to the city limits; on Franklin Avenue from Broadway north to the
city limits; on Charles Avenue from Broadway north to the city limits;
on Oak Avenue from First Street north to the city limits; on Maple
Avenue from Broadway north to the city limits; on Pecan Avenue from
Broadway north to Seventh Street, and from Fourteenth Street north
to the city limits; on First Street from Oak Avenue west to the city
limits; on Broadway from Franklin Avenue west to the city limits;
on Third Street from Franklin Avenue west to the city limits; on Fourth
Street from Euclid Avenue west to the city limits; on Fifth Street
from Euclid Avenue west to the city limits; on Sixth Street from Euclid
Avenue west to the city limits; on Seventh Street from Main Street
west to the city limits; on Eighth Street from Main Street west to
the city limits; on Ninth Street from Elsie Avenue west to the city
limits; on Tenth Street from Euclid Avenue west to the city limits;
on Panther Avenue from Texas 207 west to Euclid Avenue; on Eleventh
Street from Euclid Avenue west to the city limits; on Twelfth Street
from North Main Street west to the city limits; on Thirteenth Street
from North Main Street west to the city limits; on Fourteenth Street
from Oak Avenue west to the city limits; on Fifteenth Street from
Park Avenue west to Franklin Avenue; on Sixteenth Street from the
alley east of Oak Avenue west to the city limits; and on an area bounded
by, and including, Broadway on the south, Flora Avenue on the west,
Sixth Street on the north, and Cora Avenue on the east.
(1993 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 17, Article 2,
Sec. 17-11)
No person, firm, or corporation shall park any vehicle with a manufacturer’s rated capacity of over one (1) ton on any public street, avenue, highway, or alley, including the parkways, not prohibited in Section
12.221 of this article, within fifty (50) feet of an intersection with another street, avenue, highway, or alley; and no person, firm, or corporation shall park any vehicle, regardless of type or size on any public street, avenue, highway, or alley, including the parkways, within the limits of the City of Panhandle, Texas, in such a manner that it obscures a clear view of as intersection or cross street, or in any other manner that would create a hazard or obstruction to the safe and efficient flow of normal traffic.
(1993 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 17, Article 2,
Sec. 17-12)
Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article found guilty or who pleads guilty, shall upon conviction therefor, be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision in Section
1.109 of this code.
(1993 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 17, Article 2,
Sec. 17-13)