An auxiliary police force to be known as the police reserve is hereby established.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.20)
The chief of police shall be the head of the police reserve and the members of the reserve shall be under the authority, control and command of the chief of police, subject to all ordinances of the city and provisions of this article.
The chief of police may, by order, establish rules and regulations to govern the police reserve force, to fix specific duties of its members, and to provide for the maintenance of discipline. He may change such orders from time to time, and he may command members of the police reserve force to obey the instructions of regular police officers in carrying out their orders.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.21)
The police reserve force shall be composed of personnel who have volunteered to join the organization and whose applications for membership have been accepted and who have complied with all the rules, regulations and orders provided for the conduct and control of the members thereof. It shall be composed of not more than ten (10) members.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.22; Ordinance 2020.05.14B adopted 5/14/20)
The chief of police may by order diminish or expand the membership of the police reserve force as exigency may require, within the limit established by section 2.04.073.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.23)
Application for membership in the police reserve shall be filed with the police department. Such application shall be on a form prescribed by the chief of police.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.24)
Each applicant for membership in the police reserve shall furnish satisfactory proof of good character, temperate habits, freedom from communicable diseases, and physical ability to perform the duties of the position for which he seeks appointment.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.25)
Every police reserve shall subscribe to an oath that he will observe and obey the Constitution of the United States, the constitution of this state, and the laws of this nation, this state, and this city and that he will carry out the duties of a member of the police reserve force to the best of his ability.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.26)
The duties of the police reserve force, subject at all times to the direction, supervision and control of the chief of police, shall be to assist the regular members of the police department in the enforcement of law and the maintenance of peace and order during periods of emergency designated by the chief of police. The chief of police may prescribe other duties than those mentioned herein to be performed by the police reserve force, not inconsistent with the provisions of this article.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.27)
A member of the police reserve force shall have the following powers of arrest and none other:
He may arrest only while on active duty.
He may arrest for a breach of the peace or a felony committed in his presence.
He may lend physical aid to any regular member of the police department in making any lawful arrest.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.28; Ordinance 2020.05.14B adopted 5/14/20)
Membership of any person in the police reserve may be terminated by the chief of police at any time for any cause deemed sufficient by the chief of police, and any member may resign from the police reserve at any time, but it shall be his duty to notify the chief of police of his resignation.
In addition to the penalties provided by law, any violation of law under color of the performance of his duty as a member of the police reserve force, and any breach of the rules and regulations established by the chief of police, shall subject any member to summary expulsion and the fact thereof may be published at the order of the chief.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.29)