The name of this organization shall be the Schulenburg Public Library board.
The purpose of the Schulenburg Public Library board shall be to provide free, efficient library service to all children, youth and adults for their personal growth and cultural enrichment.
(Ordinance adopted 7/2/91, secs. 1, 2; 1989 Code, sec. 2-116)
The library board shall consist of the Schulenburg Public Library board members and the librarian as an ex officio, nonvoting member.
The library board shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by the city council who have the following affiliations and representation:
Two (2) from the city at-large;
One (1) member of the Literary Club (president or representative);
One (1) member of the Friends of the Library (president or representative);
One (1) teacher or librarian for the Schulenburg Independent School District;
One (1) teacher or librarian for the St. Rose of Lima Catholic School;
One (1) teacher of librarian for Blinn College;
Two (2) patrons from the city at-large who use the library frequently, (recommended by the library administrator).
Officers shall be a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary, to be elected by the membership of the board at its April meeting after appointment by the city council. A term shall consist of two (2) years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Dismissal and replacement of members.
Any board member having three (3) consecutive unexplained absences from regular meetings of the library board shall be reported to the city council for replacement, and a name will be submitted at the same time to fill the vacancy.
Any board member shall be subject to removal by the city council for any cause deemed by the city council sufficient for his or her removal in the interest of the public service, but only after a public hearing before the city council on charges publicly made, if demanded by such member within ten (10) days.
The unexpired term of a board member whose place has been removed or otherwise become vacant, except for absences, shall be filled by one recommended by the library board and approved by the city council.
The library board:
Shall follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the city council for the conduct of its business.
Shall act only in an advisory capacity to the city council in all matters pertaining to the library.
Shall study and encourage the development of adequate library facilities for the residents of the city.
Shall recommend policies on library service for approval by the city council.
Shall advise the librarian on problems of development of library facilities, programs and improved library services.
Shall recommend to the city council suggested programs on the development of library facilities, programs and financial support.
Shall have periodic inventories made of library services that exist or may be needed, and make recommendations to the city council and to the librarian.
Shall advise in coordinating the library service with the programs of other governmental agencies and voluntary organizations.
Shall review the effectiveness of the librarian with the city administrator and city council.
Shall assist in interpreting the policies and functions of the library department to the public.
Shall make recommendations to the city council relative to the annual budget for the library department.
Shall advise the librarian on the development of long-range capital improvement programs, and when, in its opinion, the need exists for additional library facilities, it shall make appropriate recommendations to the city council.
Shall recommend to the city council the amount to be charged as a fee for the use of any library facilities.
Shall recommend to the city council rules and regulations governing the administration of the library program and the use of library facilities.
Shall make any other recommendations to the city council regarding library matters that it considers advisable.
May solicit for the city gifts, revenues, bequests or endowments of money or property as donations or grants from persons, firms or corporations, subject to the approval and acceptance by the city council.
Shall, whenever in its opinion it is desirable or necessary to establish operating hours during which library facilities shall be operated, recommend to the city council such hours of operation, and if approved by the city council such hours shall be posted on the entrance of such buildings, facilities, etc., and shall be deemed as the official hours of operation.
(Ordinance adopted 7/2/91, sec. 3; 1989 Code, sec. 2-117; Ordinance adopted 3/5/18)
The duties of the librarian shall be as follows:
Be the chief administrative officer of the library department of the city subject to the direction of the city administrator, and as such shall be in immediate charge of the care, maintenance, and operation of the library facilities contained therein of the city.
Attend meetings of the library board, and shall advise the library board pertaining to the planning, development and operation of the library facilities of the city.
Recommend for employment required personnel according to the standard procedures as set forth by the city, and, upon employment, shall supervise them in the performance of their various duties.
Administer, operate and maintain existing library facilities and plan for the acquisition, development and operation of proposed facilities in accordance with the policies as approved by the city administrator and the city council.
Inform the general public of the services and facilities being provided by the library department.
Solicit suggestions from the general public to improve or increase the effectiveness of the services.
Cooperate with governmental and voluntary organizations and agencies in the furtherance of library facilities.
Prepare manuals, bulletins, and reviews on library problems.
Provide, upon request, assistance of a technical nature to community agencies and organizations having problems relating to library facilities and programs.
Counsel with officials of public and private organizations and other interested groups concerning community library activities and assist them in promotion of library services.
Conduct studies of local conditions and needs for library services and assist with recruitment and training of library personnel.
Prepare an annual budget for submission to the city administrator.
Furnish each member of the library board a copy of the library ordinance, with amendments, and such other information that may be helpful in carrying out their duties.
(Ordinance adopted 7/2/91, sec. 4; 1989 Code, sec. 2-118)
The library board shall establish such professional library association relationships as shall enhance the growth and service of the Schulenburg Public Library. It will cooperate with local, state and national agencies in their efforts to raise the standards and enrich the efforts of library services.
(Ordinance adopted 7/2/91, sec. 5; 1989 Code, sec. 2-119)