No person shall engage in the business of installing electric wiring and apparatus within any building in the city for use in connection with electric light, heating or power without first appearing in person, or by duly authorized representative, at the office of the city secretary and showing proof of having a current International Building Code license and current bond or by securing from him or her a master electrician’s license after successfully passing the examination established by the city. It shall be unlawful for a person who does not hold a city master electrician’s license or who is International Building Code certified to perform electrical work in the city or on the premises outside the city where such house or premises is served by or connected to the electrical distribution system of the city.
(1965 Code, sec. 8-63; Ordinance adopted 8/1/95; Ordinance adopted 7/7/98; Ordinance adopted 4/6/04; 1989 Code, sec. 5-166; Ordinance adopting 2016 Code)
Each applicant for a master electrician’s license shall file with the city secretary a bond of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), conditioned upon compliance with this article and other ordinances of the city regulating electrical wiring and apparatus and the faithful performance of all contracts entered into for the installation of electric wiring and apparatus inside of any building for use in connection with electric light, heat or power.
(1965 Code, sec. 8-64; 1989 Code, sec. 5-167)
A master electrician’s license shall entitle the holder thereof to engage in the business of installing wiring and apparatus inside buildings for use in connection with electric light, heat or power within the limits of the city for a period of one (1) year from the date of issue.
(1965 Code, sec. 8-66; 1989 Code, sec. 5-169)
Each master electrician’s license shall expire one (1) year after its issuance.
(1965 Code, sec. 8-67; 1989 Code, sec. 5-170; Ordinance adopting 2016 Code)
Any failure on the part of the holder of a master electrician’s license to comply with the provisions of this article or any other ordinances of the city regulating electric wiring and apparatus or to faithfully carry out the conditions of the contract for installing electric wiring and apparatus shall be deemed sufficient cause for revoking the master electrician’s license together with all rights and privileges thereunder and the forfeiture of the bond filed pursuant to the requirements of section 3.03.102.
The city secretary is hereby authorized to refuse to issue a master electrician’s license to any previous holder of one (1) which has been revoked or to any person, corporation, partnership or association with which such holder is associated.
The amount realized upon the forfeiture of any bond under this section, over and above the expense involved in its forfeiture, shall be expended in making the necessary changes in the electric wiring and apparatus found to be contrary to the provisions of this article or other ordinance or deficient in quality or other particulars as specified in the contract or contracts entered into and covered by the bond, and the unused balance, if any, shall be paid into the city treasury.
(1965 Code, sec. 8-68; 1989 Code, sec. 5-171)