Words and phrases used in this article shall have the meanings set forth in this section. Words and phrases which are not defined in this article but are defined in other ordinances of the city shall be given the meanings set forth in those ordinances. Other words and phrases shall be given their common, ordinary meaning unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Headings and captions are for reference purposes only, and shall not be used in the interpretation of this article.
Abandoned motor vehicle.
Has the meaning prescribed by section 683.002 of the Texas Transportation Code, as it may be amended.
Antique vehicle.
A passenger car or truck that is at least twenty-five (25) years old.
Any person whose business is to convert the motor vehicle into processed scrap or scrap metal or otherwise to wreck or dismantle motor vehicles.
Inoperable motor vehicle.
A motor vehicle that because of mechanical failure, breakdown, or disrepair cannot be started, driven, operated, steered, or stopped under its own power and without causing damage to the vehicle.
Junked vehicle.
Has the meaning prescribed by section 683.071 of the Texas Transportation Code, as it may be amended.
Motor vehicle collector.
A person who:
Owns one (1) or more antique or special vehicles; and
Acquires, collects or disposes of an antique or special interest vehicle or part of an antique or special interest vehicle for personal use to restore and preserve an antique or special interest vehicle for historic interest.
Any person designated by the city council as authorized to investigate and enforce suspected violations of city ordinances or regulations. The term may include the chief of police or his/her designee, a police officer, a city code enforcer, or another person so designated.
Special interest vehicle.
A motor vehicle of any age that has not been changed from original manufacturer’s specifications and, because of its historic interest, is being preserved by a hobbyist.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-190; Ordinance adopting 2016 Code)
An abandoned motor vehicle or a junked vehicle is a public nuisance.
It shall be unlawful for any person, individual, company or corporation to maintain, possess, or locate any junked vehicle, or parts or portion thereof, within the city.
An inoperable motor vehicle left on public property for more than forty-eight (48) continuous hours is a public nuisance.
A person commits an offense if the person creates or maintains a public nuisance described by this section. Each day that the nuisance persists is a separate offense.
A culpable mental state is not required, and need not be proved, for an offense under this section.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-191)
Chapter 683 (Abandoned Motor Vehicles) of the Texas Transportation Code is adopted by reference. Should any provision hereof conflict with chapter 683 in a manner that is not authorized by that chapter, or should this article be silent on a matter that is addressed in chapter 683, the provisions of chapter 683 shall be followed.
The city may abate a nuisance, take custody of a vehicle, and dispose of a vehicle as provided in chapter 683 of the Texas Transportation Code.
The municipal court shall issue necessary orders to enforce procedures prescribed by this article or by chapter 683 of the Texas Transportation Code.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-192)
Any person may file a complaint alleging the existence of an abandoned or junked vehicle, or part thereof, as a public nuisance in the city. The complaint must:
Be in writing;
Provide sufficient details about the alleged nuisance;
Be signed by the complainant; and
Be filed with the city secretary, the municipal court clerk or an officer.
On his or her own knowledge or on the basis of a written complaint, an officer shall investigate the alleged existence of an abandoned or junked vehicle, or part thereof, on private or public property or a public right-of-way within the city.
The officer may enter private property where the alleged junked vehicle, or part thereof, is located in order to examine the public nuisance, to obtain information to identify the nuisance and to remove or direct removal of the nuisance.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-193)
Not later than forty-eight (48) hours before impounding an abandoned motor vehicle under this article, an officer shall securely affix a visible, dated, brightly colored notice to the vehicle. The police chief or his/her designee shall maintain a record of the date and time each notice is affixed.
Proof that the motor vehicle was not removed from the public or private property after the notice was attached to the vehicle is prima facie proof in any court that:
The vehicle was left unattended and abandoned for the period of time between the affixing of the notice and the impounding of the motor vehicle; and
The owner of the vehicle allowed the motor vehicle to remain at the place where the motor vehicle was impounded for the period of time between the affixing of the notice and the impounding of the motor vehicle.
After the passage of forty-eight (48) hours or more since the affixing of the notice provided in subsection (a), the city may take the abandoned vehicle into custody as provided in sections 683.011–683.012, Texas Transportation Code.
After impoundment, the city shall follow the procedures for sending notice, storage fees, auction, auction proceeds and use of abandoned vehicles provided in sections 683.011– 683.016, Texas Transportation Code.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-194; Ordinance adopting 2016 Code)
If a junked vehicle is located on property in violation of this article, the police chief or his/her designee shall mail, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, a written order to the owner or the occupant of the property, or, if the vehicle is located on a public right-of-way, to the owner or occupant of the property adjacent to the right-of-way, that:
States the nature of the public nuisance;
Orders the owner or occupant to remove and abate the vehicle no later than the tenth day after receipt of the notice;
Describes the right to request a hearing; and
States the consequence of a failure to request a hearing as set forth in this section.
An owner or occupant who receives a notice under subsection (a) may request a hearing to determine whether a vehicle is a junked vehicle. The owner or occupant must make the request to the municipal court clerk not later than the tenth day after the date the owner or occupant receives the notice. The request may be made in person or in writing, without the requirement of bond.
If an owner or occupant does not timely request a hearing under subsection (b):
It is conclusively presumed that the vehicle is a junked vehicle; and
The police chief or his/her designee shall:
Remove the vehicle; and
Take possession of the vehicle.
In addition to the order mailed under subsection (a), a police officer shall securely affix to the vehicle a visible, dated, brightly colored notice to the vehicle. The notice must be of a color other than the color used for a notice under section 8.05.005. The notice shall state:
The information required in subsection (a); and
The date the notice was affixed.
The notice described in subsection (d) is not a condition or requirement precedent to any proceeding or official action to abate a public nuisance, and a proceeding or action is not void, voidable, or in any way affected by a failure to affix the notice. The time within which a hearing must be requested is controlled by the order under subsection (a).
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-195; Ordinance adopting 2016 Code)
If a hearing is requested under section 8.05.006, the municipal court clerk shall notify the owner or occupant of a date and a time when the owner or occupant may appear before a municipal court judge for a hearing to determine whether a vehicle is a junked vehicle.
A municipal court judge shall determine by a preponderance of the evidence whether or not a vehicle is a junked motor vehicle. The hearing is civil in nature and shall be as summary as due process and orderly procedure allow.
On a finding that a vehicle is a junked vehicle, the judge shall order that:
The owner or occupant shall remove the vehicle and abate the nuisance no later than the tenth day; and
If the owner or occupant fails or refuses to abate or remove the vehicle as ordered, the police chief or his/her designee shall:
Remove the vehicle; and
Take possession of the vehicle.
The municipal court clerk shall deliver notice of a hearing set under this section to the police chief or his/her designee.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-196; Ordinance adopting 2016 Code)
In the event the owner or occupant of the premises does not request a hearing as herein provided, it shall be his or her duty to comply with the provisions of the notice given him or her and to abate such nuisance within ten (10) days after the date of the receipt of such notice.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-197)
After a vehicle has been removed in accordance with or under the terms and provisions of this article, it shall not be reconstructed or made operable.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-198)
Notice shall be given by the municipal court judge to the state department of transportation within five (5) days after the date of removal, identifying the vehicle or part thereof.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-199)
This article shall not apply to a vehicle or vehicle part:
That is completely enclosed in a building in a lawful manner and is not visible from the street or other public or private property; or
That is stored or parked in a lawful manner on private property in connection with the business of a licensed vehicle dealer or junkyard, or that is an antique or special interest vehicle stored by a motor vehicle collector on the collector’s property, if the vehicle or part and the outdoor storage area, if any, are:
Maintained in an orderly manner;
Not a health hazard; and
Screened from ordinary public view by appropriate means, including a fence, rapidly growing trees, or shrubbery.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-200)
The administration of this article shall be by regularly salaried, full-time employees of the city, except that the removal of vehicles or parts thereof from property may be by any other duly authorized person. Investigations and enforcement actions may be initiated under this article by any officer, without regard to the officer’s payroll status, provided that officer is supervised by a regularly salaried, full-time employee of the city.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-201)
Within ten (10) days after notice has been delivered to the owner or occupant of the premises on which a junked vehicle is located if a hearing is not requested, or, if a hearing is requested, within ten (10) days after an order requiring the removal of such junked vehicle has been served upon or delivered to the owner or occupant of the premises on which said vehicle is located, the officer may, if said nuisance has not been abated, remove or cause to be removed the vehicle which was the subject of such notice to a suitable city storage area.
Such vehicle shall be stored in such storage area for a period of not less than ten (10) days, during which period any party owning or claiming any right, title or interest therein shall be entitled to claim possession of same by the payment to the city of the actual cost of the city of abating such nuisance. The officer may in such cases, if he or she deems it necessary, require such person to post bond of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00), conditioned that such person will not use said vehicle to create another nuisance in the city.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-202)
When any junked vehicle has remained in the storage area provided in section 8.05.013 hereof for not less than ten (10) days, it shall be the duty of the officer to dispose of same by removal to a scrap yard or by the sale to a demolisher for the highest bid or offer received therefor or to remove same to any suitable site operated by the city or the county for processing as scrap or salvage. If there is not a bid or offer for the junked vehicle, the officer may dispose of same by causing it to be demolished or removed to a place provided by the city council, or by permitting it to be removed by a demolisher who is willing to do so for the benefit of the junk or parts he or she can salvage.
Out of the proceeds of same the officer shall pay for the cost of removal and storage, and the balance, if any, shall be paid to the person entitled thereto (either the city, the owner or the lienholder).
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-203)
The city shall have the power to administer and enforce provisions of this article as may be required by governing law. Any person violating any provision of this article is subject to suit for injunctive relief as well as prosecution for criminal violations.
Any person violating any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be fined a sum in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code. Each day that a provision of this article is violated shall constitute a separate offense. An offense under this article is a misdemeanor.
Nothing in this article shall be construed as a waiver of the city’s right to bring a civil action to enforce the provisions of this article and to seek remedies as allowed by law, including but not limited to the following:
Injunctive relief to prevent specific conduct that violates this article or to require specific conduct that is necessary for compliance with this article;
A civil penalty up to one hundred dollars ($100.00) a day when it is shown that the defendant was actually notified of the provisions of this article and after receiving notice committed acts in violation of this article or failed to take action necessary for compliance with this article; and
Other available relief.
(Ordinance adopted 1/3/07; 1989 Code, sec. 17-204; Ordinance adopting 2016 Code)