The city treasurer shall receive all moneys paid to the city and shall deposit them in the appropriate account in the city depository. He or she shall draw all warrants ordered paid by the city council. He or she shall maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all payments made and received.
The city treasurer shall prepare a monthly statement of income and expenses and shall prepare a consolidated statement of income and expenses for each year. He or she shall prepare a balance sheet of city assets, liabilities and net worth in conjunction with the annual income and loss statement. In preparing such statements, he or she shall be assisted by the city secretary.
The annual statement and balance sheet may be approved by the city council and published at least once, immediately after such approval, in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. The cost of such publication shall be borne by the city.
The city council may appoint the city secretary or another employee of the city to perform the duties of the city treasurer in addition to those of that person’s current office or position.
(1965 Code, sec. 2-90; Ordinance adopted 6/20/11, sec. 2; 1989 Code, sec. 2-196)