Sewer charges shall be made by the Borough of Milford Sewer Utility System to the owners of real property upon which buildings stand in the Borough at the sanitary sewer rental or charge of a fixed annual amount as prescribed in Chapter 10, Fees, for each sewer unit, billable and payable in quarterly installments as follows:
Property Type
Number of Units
Single-family dwelling
1 unit
Multiple-family dwelling, unit per apartment
1 unit
Boarder's room in a single- or multiple-family residential dwelling, per room
1/4 unit
Boardinghouse, per person
1/4 unit
Restaurant with bar, each rentable room
5 units
Commercial establishment with 3 or less employees
1 unit
4 to 9 employees
2 units
10 to 20 employees
3 units
Each additional 10 employees
1 unit
Church or charitable institution
1 unit
Church with kitchen
2 units
School, for each classroom in use
1 unit
Service station
2 units
Manual self-service through car wash, per bay
2 units
3 units
1 unit
Club with bar
4 units
Barbershop, per chair
1/4 unit
Beauty shop, per chair
1/2 unit
Restaurant, per 10 seats
1 unit
Professional office
1 unit
Professional office with a residential dwelling
1 unit
Industrial user per 9 employees
1 unit
Commercial laundry, each machine
3/4 unit per machine
If the above schedule results in fractional units, the number of units shall be increased to the nearest 1/4 unit.
All charges for service shall be billed quarterly in accordance with the schedule set up by the Borough of Milford Sewer Utility System, copies of which are available at the Office of the Sewer Utility System, Milford Borough Hall, 30 Water Street, PO Box 507, Milford, New Jersey.
Should any bill or part thereof rendered for sewer usage remain unpaid for a period 30 days, said bill or part thereof shall be considered delinquent and subject to payment of interest at the prevailing rate fixed for interest on delinquent real estate taxes from the due date until such time as the bill is paid in full. Charges for use of sewers shall be a lien upon the premises connected until paid and be collectible, together with interest, costs and penalties, in the same manner provided by law for the collection of taxes upon real estate.
Where premises or a building are occupied by more than one use or by a combination of such uses, the charge will be determined by applying the aforesaid rates to each use.
With respect to charges for properties which shall be connected for the first time with the sewer utility system from and after the effective date of this section, the charge for the first quarterly period shall be a percentage of the fixed-cost charge hereinabove set forth, equal to the percentage of the quarterly period remaining after such connection. The following quarterly bill will include the variable charge based on the actual water usage during the initial connection quarter.