The Township appoints the Borough of Freeland Municipal Authority as its agent for the purposes of administering the industrial pretreatment program. All reports and applications required by this part to be submitted to the Township shall be submitted to the Authority. The Authority is hereby authorized to develop all procedures for inspecting users, reporting, issuing wastewater discharge permits, reviewing pretreatment facility plans, and otherwise administering all of the provisions of this part and the industrial pretreatment program. Local limits developed by the Authority shall be applied as local limits authorized by this part and applied to such industrial users as authorized by this part. All administrative enforcement actions, as set forth in Articles VI and VII of this part, may be taken by the Authority acting as an agent for the Township; this includes, but is not limited to, issuance of written directions and notices of violation, the scheduling and hearing of Show Cause Hearings, and the suspension or revocation of wastewater discharge permits. On the appeal of an action by the Authority by an industrial user, the Township may assign the hearing of the appeal and the right to make final decisions to the Authority. This appointment may be revoked only upon the amendment of this part by majority vote of the Township Supervisors of the Township of Foster, at a duly scheduled and publicly advertised regular or special public meeting.
All enforcement procedures authorized by Articles VI and VII of this part may be undertaken, without prior consultation with the Township, by the Authority and the Authority shall in such instances be authorized to act for and in the name of the Township. It is the intent of the Township Supervisors of the Township of Foster that the industrial pretreatment program be administered and enforced by the Authority and that all action taken by the Authority in administering and enforcing this part are actions on behalf of the Township and may be taken in the name of the Township. This authorization may be revoked only upon the amendment of this part by a majority vote of the Township Supervisors of the Township of Foster at a duly scheduled and publicly advertised regular or special public meeting.
Information acquired by the Township which pertains to the provisions of the industrial pretreatment program shall be provided to the Authority in a timely manner. Such information shall include but not limited to:
Information regarding new industrial users or changes in use of existing users.
Information pertaining to the quality, quantity, or rate of flow discharges.
Information regarding violations of this part or any of its provisions or of the industrial pretreatment program.
The Township may provide such services as may be required or requested in aid of the administration or enforcement of the provisions of the industrial pretreatment program. Such aid and assistance may include, but not limited to, assistance in obtaining information, recordkeeping, sampling, inspections or enforcement.
Notwithstanding the above, the Township retains the right to administer and enforce the industrial pretreatment program in keeping with the provisions of this part. When so notified by the Township, users shall provide such information as is required by this part or its provisions to the Township. The Township may take such administrative or enforcement actions as it deems necessary to comply with the provisions of this part.