Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the provisions of this article shall apply to all boards and commissions and committees created by the city council. The term "board" shall mean boards, committees or commissions.
Except as otherwise clearly provided, all boards created by this chapter shall serve in an advisory capacity to the city council.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012]
Every board created pursuant to this chapter shall adopt such rules of procedure as deemed advisable by the board not inconsistent with the city charter or the provisions of this chapter to govern its business, subject to approval of the city council. In the absence of a governing rule, the board shall abide by parliamentary procedure. The agenda for all meetings shall follow the format of the city council agendas and shall be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to any meeting at the place where city council agendas are customarily posted. All meetings shall be open to the public, except that to the extent any such board is subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act or other applicable law relating to open meetings and is authorized to convene in executive session under such law, such board shall be entitled to consider only the portion of such agenda in executive session as is permitted by such law.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012; Ord. No. 1491-24 adopted 1/22/2024]
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any member of the council shall be entitled to nominate a member to any vacancy to a board provided for in this chapter, be it for appointment of members for full terms or for the remainder of the unexpired term of members whose place becomes vacant.
Each nomination shall be subject to approval by majority vote of the city council present. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all board members and alternates shall serve two year terms commencing in October. The council shall review applications and make board appointments in September. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all board members shall be registered voters within the city.
Prior to appointment and re-appointment, each applicant for a place on a board shall complete an application on a form approved by the city manager, which shall be made available to the city council prior to appointment. Each applicant shall affirmatively show an interest and competency in the purpose, duties and tasks of the board.
The city secretary shall maintain all such applications for a period of two years after their filing, for consideration by any councilmember considering an appointment to any city board. The city secretary shall indefinitely maintain previously filed applications of an appointed board member if such member is to be considered for re-appointment by the city council and such member has expressed a desire to continue service on such board.
When a person is appointed to a board, removed from a board or their term is up and they are not re-appointed to a board, the city secretary shall promptly call and email the chair of the board and the person to inform them of the council's appointment, removal, or that their term is up and not re-appointed.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012; Ord. No. 1255-13, § 1, 10-1-2013]
A city staff representative to the boards shall be designated by the city manager to assist with board duties and tasks, and to coordinate with the city secretary regarding the preparation of agendas and meeting minutes.
All board member contact with the city attorney shall be through or approved by the city manager.
Unless authorized by the city manager, board members shall not give an order to any employee of the city.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012]
Board members attending public meetings must maintain a professional appearance, with business casual clothing the standard.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012]
No board, committee, or commission member, except sitting city council members, may serve in any capacity on more than one other board, unless it is a special committee organized for a finite term.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012; Ord. No. 1491-24 adopted 1/22/2024]
No debt of any kind or character shall be made or incurred by any board, by any board member, or by anyone acting on its behalf except in strict accordance with a budget approved by the city council. Any expenditures made pursuant to an approved budget must be pre-approved by the city manager. All board members shall serve without compensation.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012]
On any board with appointed alternates, alternates shall be given preferred consideration over any person who is not currently a member of the board for appointment to an expired term or vacant seat.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012]
All boards shall submit to the city council a written or oral report as requested.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012; Ord. No. 1369-18, § 1, 10-22-2018]
All boards shall have an organizational meeting in October of each year to review rules and procedures. Except as otherwise provided by state law, City Charter, or this chapter, the officers of the boards shall be a chairman and vice chairman selected by a majority vote of the city council. Each board shall have a secretary, who shall be appointed by the city manager.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012; Ord. No. 1255-13, § 2, 10-1-2013]
The board secretary or a staff liaison shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the boards. The minutes shall be approved at each meeting thereafter and shall be promptly submitted to the city secretary. Such minutes shall become a part of the city council's informational reports. The secretary or staff liaison shall also keep attendance records on each member for submission to the city council along with the board's minutes and will make specific notation if a member misses three consecutive meetings. Members must attend at least 75 percent of all meetings of the board based on a 12-month period beginning October 1 of each year.
[Ord. No. 1234-12, § 1, 9-11-2012]