The 2018 Edition of the International Building Code is hereby adopted as the official building code of the City of Richland Hills, Texas. This building code is fully incorporated by reference as though copied into this article in its entirety. The material contained in the International Building Code, and any local amendments thereto, shall not be included in any formal municipal codification of ordinances but shall be maintained as a public record in the office of the city secretary and will be available for public inspection and copying during regular business hours.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 1(A); Ord. No. 999-04, § 1, 10-12-2004; Ord. No. 1110-08, § 1, 5-27-2008; Ord. No. 1261-14, § 1, 1-21-2014; Ord. No. 1418-20, § 1, 10-12-2020]
The 2018 Edition of the International Building Code, as adopted herein, is hereby amended as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto.[1]
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 1(B), (C); Ord. No. 858-99, § I, 4-13-1999; Ord. No. 999-04, § 2, 10-12-2004; Ord. No. 1029-05, § 1, 10-11-2005; Ord. No. 1043-06, § 1, 1-10-2006; Ord. No. 1110-08, § 2, 5-27-2008; Ord. No. 1261-14, § 1, 1-21-2014; Ord. No. 1418-20, § 1(Exh. A), 10-12-2020]
Editor’s note–Exhibit A, 2018 IBC Amendments, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
No building permit shall be issued for the construction of any type of building until and unless such building is located on property fronting on a public street which meets the city specification for street construction.
The application for building permits shall include statement of stormwater management compliance as provided in section 42-132.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 2]
Where, in any specific case, the provisions of the International Building Code specify different materials, methods of construction or other requirements from those contained in other sections or provisions of the Code of Ordinances, the most restrictive or stringent requirement shall govern. Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable.
[Ord. No. 858-99, § II, 4-13-1999; Ord. No. 999-04, § 1, 10-12-2004]
As a prerequisite to obtaining permits as required by the building code, any person or firm operating under the provisions of this code within the city shall register with the director of planning and community development or the director's designee as a contractor and shall pay an annual fee unless otherwise exempted by state law from such fee requirement, as set forth in appendix A of this code, which shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance.
Each such contractor shall maintain this registration with the city until the completion of work being performed under such permit. Each contractor shall furnish the director of planning and community development or the director's designee with a written notice of contractor's permanent business and residential address, telephone numbers and drivers' license number. Registration under this section may not be assigned or transferred. In extending the rights and privileges of such registration, the city makes no statement or representation regarding the technical competency of those so registered and no manner of license is proffered.
Every contractor subject to this section shall carry general commercial liability insurance issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in Texas in amounts not less than $300,000.00 for each occurrence for personal injury or death, and not less than $100,000.00 for each occurrence for property damage, unless lower limits are mandated by state law, in which case such lower limits shall apply. Each such policy shall provide for coverage regardless of whether the claim arises in negligence or on a contract. The contractor shall present proof of insurance at the time of registration.
The term "contractor" shall be defined as any person or firm performing work for which a permit is required, provided, however, that homeowners performing work on their own place of residence or homestead in accordance with state statutes and local regulations shall be exempt from contractor registration fees.
The registration may be renewed for the ensuing year by the filing of a new registration and the payment of a renewal fee as set for herein. No refund will be paid in the event of the revocation or surrender of any such certificate of license.
The director of planning and community development may revoke a registration issued under this section for any violation of any part of this code or violation of other city ordinances or for any other act deemed a detriment to the city or citizens. A contractor whose registration is revoked shall have the right to appeal such action to the building board of appeals, and such appeal shall be governed by the procedure provided for appeals to such board.
[Ord. No. 962-03, § 1, 3-4-2004; Ord. No. 1151-09, § 1, 8-11-2009]
Stucco, as defined in chapter 90 of this Code, as amended, may be used only more than three feet above the top of the slab or, if a type of construction other than concrete slab is utilized, it is used only more than four feet above grade level.
EIFS reinforced systems may be used only more than eight feet above grade.
[Ord. No. 1089-07, § 1, 6-26-2007]