When an application is submitted for a building permit on any property subject to this chapter, a landscape plan shall accompany the building permit application. The landscape administrator shall review the landscape plan to determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
Contents of plan.
A landscape plan shall include sufficient information to determine compliance with this chapter and shall at a minimum contain the following information:
The title, date, scale, directional arrow, street address and legal description of the property, and name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
A scale of not more than ten feet to one inch, provided that the scale may be reduced if necessary to contain the plan on one sheet 36 inches by 24 inches in size. If the scale has been reduced as provided herein, the applicant shall produce larger scale copies upon request of the landscape administrator or the planning and zoning commission;
The location of all existing and proposed buildings and other structures, paved areas, utility lines, planted areas, power poles, light standards, fire hydrants, signs, fences, sidewalks and permanent features to be added and/or retained on the site;
The location and height of all trees to be preserved or retained;
The type, size, and location of all plants and landscaping material to be used including trees, shrubs, paving, benches, screen, fountains, statues or other features;
A delineation of the designed landscaped area;
A special list of all plant material to be used, along with a legend indicating the specific type and size of trees and shrubs to be planted at each location, and a list of any existing trees and shrubs to be preserved or retained, along with a legend indicating the specific type, size and location of any existing trees and shrubs to be preserved or retained;
The spacing of plant material where appropriate;
Notes, drawings, or other confirmation that an irrigation system equipped with rain and freeze sensor controls will be provided for all landscaping areas; and
The name, address and telephone number of the person or firm responsible for the reparation of the landscape plan.
Who may draft the landscape plan.
The required landscape plan for lots larger than one acre in size shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect or certified nurseryman. Landscape plans for lots one acre in size or smaller may be prepared by the applicant or other person other than a licensed landscape architect or certified nurseryman.
Required plantings.
All landscaping and plants required by this chapter shall be of one or more desirable species referenced in the approved plant list contained in Exhibit A of this chapter.
Water-saving design encouraged.
All landscape plans are encouraged to use low-water or drought-resistant plants and designs (e.g. xeriscape) and drip irrigation.
Adjustment of requirements to comply with other governmental regulations.
The requirements of this chapter applicable to the area abutting any public street right-of-way which is owned or regulated by any governmental entity other than the city, such as the Texas Department of Transportation, shall be modified to the extent necessary to comply with such other regulations, but shall be applied to the greatest extent permitted under such circumstances.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
All landscaping and other improvements which are required by this chapter or which are shown on the approved landscape plan shall be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, except as otherwise provided herein. The chief building official shall not issue a certificate of occupancy until the landscape administrator determines that all landscaping has been installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan, provided, however, that if it is determined by the landscape administrator that planting of live material is hindered by adverse weather conditions, or that the viability of such plantings would be threatened by such adverse weather conditions, the chief building official may grant an extension of time of up to six months, and in such case, the chief building official shall issue a conditional temporary certificate of occupancy prior to completion of the required landscaping if all other requirements for such a certificate of occupancy have been met. If the chief building official issues a conditional temporary certificate of occupancy prior to completion of the required landscaping, such a conditional certificate of occupancy shall be limited in duration to the period of any such extension granted.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
Requirements for single-family and two-family residential properties.
All one-family and two-family residential dwellings subject to this chapter shall have installed not less than six shrubs and two three-inch caliper canopy trees. Two ornamental trees may be substituted for each required canopy tree at the applicant's discretion. Such required landscaping shall be located within the front yard and be in a thriving condition at time of final inspection of the main structure.
Requirements for commercial, industrial, and multi-family properties.
The following requirements shall apply to all commercial (including C-1 restricted commercial, C-2 general commercial, and C-3 multi-story general commercial), industrial (including I-1 light industrial and I-2 heavy industrial) and multi-family (including R-3 residential multi-family medium density and R-4 residential multi-family high density but not R-2 two-family) properties:
Landscaping area percentage.
Landscaping shall be maintained on an area not less than 15 percent of the total lot area. Only those areas with live plant materials shall be included in the calculation for determining compliance with the percentage of lot coverage. Any required landscaped areas may be included in the overall calculation of the percentage of required landscaping.
No bare soil permitted.
All ground surfaces not used for buildings, sidewalks, roadways or other impervious surfaces shall be covered with live grass, turf, shrubbery, trees, ground cover, flowering plants or appropriate mulching, so that no area shall be maintained with bare soil. Any plant type or species may be used in the landscape plan, but in those instances this chapter requires a specific number of trees or shrubs, only those trees and shrubs listed in Exhibit A to this chapter may be used to satisfy such requirements.
Required landscaped setbacks.
The following landscaped areas are required:
Landscaped street setback area.
There shall be a landscaped street setback area having a minimum width of five feet adjacent to all public street right-of-way. No paving, parking areas, loading areas, outside storage or outside display areas shall encroach into these required landscaped setback areas with the exception of ingress and egress drives.
Landscaped buffer setback area.
There shall be a landscaped buffer setback area having a minimum width of five feet adjacent to any abutting single-family residentially-zoned property (R-1L single-family residential large lot, R-1 single-family residential) or a two-family residentially-zoned property (R-2 two-family residential), or a city park, regardless of whether such single-family or two-family residential property or park abuts the side or rear property line. Commercial and industrial properties with a depth of 250 feet or greater that abut single-family or two-family residential property or park along the rear shall have a landscaped buffer setback area having a minimum width of ten feet along the rear of such property, and commercial and industrial properties with a width of 250 feet or greater that abut single-family or two-family residential property or park along a side shall have a landscaped buffer setback area having a minimum width of ten feet along each side of such property that abut single-family or two-family residential property or park. Roof overhangs and awnings are permitted within this landscaped buffer setback area as long as no conflict exists with the required landscaping or any other city ordinance. No paving, parking areas, loading areas, outside storage or outside display areas shall encroach into these required landscaped buffer setback areas. To the extent any landscaped buffer setback area overlaps with a landscaped street setback area, the requirements for the landscaped street setback area shall govern in the area of such overlap.
Parking entrance islands.
Each drive approach for a property shall be constructed with parking entrance islands on each side of the driveway. Each parking entrance island shall be located on the property being developed, and shall not extend into any required landscaped street setback area or landscaped buffer setback area. Each parking entrance island shall be at least 18 feet in depth and six feet in width.
Required trees.
Landscaped street setback area.
No trees shall be required within a landscaped street setback area.
Landscaped buffer setback area.
No trees shall be required within a landscaped buffer setback area.
Parking entrance island.
Each parking entrance island shall contain one canopy tree at least three caliper inches in size.
Additional tree requirements.
In addition to any trees otherwise required by this chapter, there shall be planted one canopy tree at least three caliper inches in diameter for each 5,000 square feet of lot or property area (including any areas of impervious coverage).
Substitution of trees.
Two ornamental trees at least two caliper inches in size may be substituted for each required canopy tree at the applicant's discretion. Existing approved trees at least three caliper inches in size may be used to meet the requirements of this chapter provided that such existing tree is situated within the area in which the tree for which substitution is requested is to be located, provided, however, that if an existing tree is counted as a required tree under this chapter, no landscaping credits shall be available for such existing tree under this chapter.
Required shrubs.
Landscaped street setback area.
Each landscaped street setback area shall contain low-growing shrubs the entire length of the area planted on three-foot centers. To the extent permitted by space considerations, such shrubs shall not be planted in a straight line, but instead shall be offset. All shrubs in this area shall be at least 24 inches in height when planted and maintained between 24 inches and 36 inches in height.
Landscaped buffer setback area.
Each landscaped buffer setback area shall contain tall shrubs the entire length of the area planted on five-foot centers. To the extent permitted by space considerations, such shrubs shall not be planted in a straight line, but instead shall be offset. All shrubs in this area shall be at least 48 inches in height when planted and maintained thereafter at a height between 12 inches below and 12 inches above the solid screening fence, or, in the absence of a solid screening fence, between 72 and 96 inches in height.
Parking entrance island.
Each parking entrance island shall contain no less than 12 low-growing shrubs. All shrubs in this area shall be at least 24 inches in height when planted and shall be maintained between 24 inches and 36 inches in height.
Screening fence.
A solid screening fence or screen shall be required as provided in chapter 90 of this Code.
Commercial roll-off waste container buffering requirements.
Each commercial waste container shall be completely screened from view of public streets and adjacent properties by a solid screening fence surrounding such refuse facility on three sides by masonry walls not less than one foot higher than the height of the bin or container. The opening shall be situated so that the container is not visible from adjacent properties or public streets unless the opening is equipped with an opaque gate. Opaque gates are required, which gates shall remain closed except during refuse collection or servicing of the commercial waste container. Gates must have tie-backs to secure them in the open position.
Applicability to existing development.
If a commercial waste container is placed on existing development either where no such commercial waste container was previously located, or if one or more commercial waste containers are added, all commercial waste containers shall be screened in accordance with this section, provided, however, that this shall not be constructed as requiring such screening if a new commercial waste container is replacing a previously-existing commercial waste container.
Requirements for educational uses, and public, civic and utility uses.
The following requirements shall apply to all educational uses and all public, civic, and utility uses, as defined herein, regardless of which zoning district they are located:
Landscaping area percentage.
Landscaping shall be maintained on an area not less than 15 percent of the total lot area. Only those areas with live plant materials shall be included in the calculation for determining compliance with the percentage of lot coverage. Any required landscaped areas may be included in the overall calculation of the percentage of required landscaping.
No bare soil permitted.
All ground surfaces not used for buildings, sidewalks, roadways or other impervious surfaces shall be covered with live grass, turf, shrubbery, trees, ground cover, flowering plants or appropriate mulching, so that no area shall be maintained with bare soil.
Required landscaped setbacks.
The following landscaped areas are required:
Landscaped street setback area.
There shall be a landscaped street setback area having a minimum width of five feet adjacent to all public street right-of-way. No paving, parking areas, loading areas, outside storage or outside display areas shall encroach into these required landscaped setback areas with the exception of ingress and egress drives.
Landscaped buffer setback area.
There shall be a landscaped buffer setback area having a minimum width of five feet adjacent to any abutting single-family residentially-zoned property (R-1L single-family residential large lot, R-1 single-family residential) or a two-family residentially-zoned property (R-2 two-family residential), or a city park, regardless of whether such single-family or two-family residential property or park abuts the side or rear property line. Educational uses and all public, civic, and utility uses with a depth of 250 feet or greater that abut single-family or two-family residential property or park along the rear shall have a landscaped buffer setback area having a minimum width of ten feet along the rear of such property, and educational uses and all public, civic, and utility uses with a width of 250 feet or greater than abut single-family or two-family residential property or park along a side shall have a landscaped buffer setback area having a minimum width of ten feet along each side of such property that abut single-family or two-family residential property or park. Roof overhangs and awnings are permitted within this landscaped buffer setback area as long as no conflict exists with the required landscaping or any other city ordinance. No paving, parking areas, loading areas, outside storage or outside display areas shall encroach into these required landscaped buffer setback areas. To the extent any landscaped buffer setback area overlaps with a landscaped street setback area, the requirements for the landscaped street setback area shall govern in the area of such overlap.
Parking entrance islands.
Each drive approach for a property shall be constructed with parking entrance islands on each side of the driveway. Each parking entrance island shall be located on the property being developed, and shall not extend into any required landscaped street setback area or landscaped buffer setback area. Each parking entrance island shall be at least 18 feet in depth and six feet in width.
Required trees.
Landscaped street setback area.
No trees shall be required within a landscaped street setback area.
Landscaped buffer setback area.
No trees shall be required within a landscaped buffer setback area.
Parking entrance island.
Each parking entrance island shall contain one canopy tree at least three caliper inches in size.
Additional tree requirements.
In addition to any trees otherwise required by this chapter, there shall be planted one canopy tree at least three caliper inches in diameter for each 5,000 square feet of lot or property area (including any areas of impervious coverage).
Substitution of trees.
Two ornamental trees at least two caliper inches in size may be substituted for each required canopy tree at the applicant's discretion. Existing approved trees at least three caliper inches in size may be used to meet the requirements of this chapter provided that such existing tree is situated within the area in which the tree for which substitution is requested is to be located, provided, however, that if an existing tree is counted as a required tree under this chapter, no landscaping credits shall be available for such existing tree under this chapter.
Required shrubs.
Landscaped street setback area.
Each landscaped street setback area shall contain low-growing shrubs the entire length of the area planted on three-foot centers. To the extent permitted by space considerations, such shrubs shall not be planted in a straight line, but instead shall be offset. All shrubs in this area shall be at least 24 inches in height when planted and maintained between 24 inches and 36 inches in height.
Landscaped buffer setback area.
Each landscaped buffer setback area shall contain tall shrubs the entire length of the area planted on five-foot centers. To the extent permitted by space considerations, such shrubs shall not be planted in a straight line, but instead shall be offset. All shrubs in this area shall be at least 48 inches in height when planted and maintained thereafter at a height between 12 inches below and 12 inches above the solid screening fence, or, in the absence of a solid screening fence, between 72 and 96 inches in height.
Parking entrance island.
Each parking entrance island shall contain no less than 12 low-growing shrubs. All shrubs in this area shall be at least 24 inches in height when planted and shall be maintained between 24 inches and 36 inches in height.
Screening fence.
A solid screening fence or screen shall be required as provided in chapter 90 of this Code.
Commercial roll-off waste container buffering requirements.
Each commercial waste container shall be completely screened from view of public streets and adjacent properties by a solid screening fence surrounding such refuse facility on three sides by masonry walls not less than the height of the container. The opening shall be situated so that the container is not visible from adjacent properties or public streets unless the opening is equipped with an opaque gate. Opaque gates are required, which gates shall remain closed except during refuse collection or servicing of the commercial waste container. Gates must have tie-backs to secure them in the open position.
Applicability to existing development.
If a commercial waste container is placed on existing development either where no such commercial waste container was previously located, or if one or more commercial waste containers are added, all commercial waste containers shall be screened in accordance with this section, provided, however, that this shall not be construed as requiring such screening if a new commercial waste container is replacing a previously-existing commercial waste container.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
Separate requirements.
Each landscaped area required by this chapter is a separate requirement, and the requirements for any required landscaped area cannot be satisfied by landscaping or plants used on any other part of the lot or property, including any other required landscaped area, except as expressly permitted otherwise in this chapter.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as permitting any obstruction to view which may constitute a traffic hazard. Landscaping shall not be erected or installed in such a manner as to interfere with traffic view or impose a safety hazard. All landscaping shall comply with requirements for visibility sight triangles and other traffic safety laws and regulations, and to the extent of any conflict with such provision, the provisions of this chapter shall be modified, but only to the extent required to conform to such other regulations.
Requirements for landscaped areas.
All required landscaped areas shall be covered with grass, ground covers, shrubs, trees or a combination thereof, in compliance with the requirements for any specific type of landscaped area as provided by this chapter. No part of any landscaped area shall be maintained with bare soil.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
The provision of credits as described herein for preservation of existing quality approved trees and shrubs and the planting of additional quality approved trees and shrubs is intended to encourage the enhancement of property through additional landscaping elements and to provide relief to applicants whose property is configured so as to make the requirements of this chapter impractical.
General criteria.
As an alternative to providing the required 15 percent total landscaped area, the applicant may utilize landscape credits as provided herein to reduce the total amount of land area dedicated for landscaping purposes. However, in no instance shall the credits reduce the total amount of landscaping on a lot to less than ten percent of the total land area. Credits are allowed for both existing or newly planted trees and shrubs, but only if the trees or shrubs are approved species listed in Exhibit A of this chapter and are maintained as a permanent element of the landscape plan.
Credit for trees.
Credit shall be allowed as shown in Table 1. However, landscaping credit shall be allowed only for those trees contained in Exhibit A of this chapter.
Table 1
Equivalent Landscape Area for Trees
Caliper of trees at 12 inches above grade, when planted
Equivalent landscaped area credits
(square feet)
6" and above
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
All landscaping maintenance shall be the responsibility of the property owner. The following minimum standards shall apply:
All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained in healthy growing condition in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, regardless of whether such landscaped area is required by this chapter.
Irrigation systems requirements.
All landscaped areas shall be irrigated with an automatic irrigation system equipped with rain and freeze sensor controls. A licensed irrigator or master plumber shall install the irrigation system, and certify in writing that it has been properly installed in conformance with all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and the approved landscape plan.
No overflow.
Irrigation of all landscaped areas abutting any parking and/or driving surfaces shall be installed and maintained to minimize the amount of water applied to parking and/or driving spaces.
Irrigation in right-of-way.
Irrigation systems may be buried on public street right-of-way only with the approval of the city engineer, provided, however, that neither the city nor any franchised utility will be responsible for damage to any landscaping material or equipment while performing repairs of maintenance to its system.
Maintenance of landscaped areas.
Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds, and other such material not a part of the approved landscape plan, provided, however, that the property owner may install additional plants so long as such additional plants are not an undesirable species listed in Exhibit B to this chapter, and so long as any such additions are otherwise in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances.
Maintenance of plant materials.
All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as appropriate for the season of the year. The property owner is responsible for regular weeding, mowing, irrigation, fertilizing, pruning, and other maintenance as needed to comply with this chapter and other applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and the approved landscape plan. Where a maximum height is specified by this chapter or other city regulation, the property owner shall maintain the plant materials in compliance with such requirements.
Replacement of plants.
If plants required by this chapter or the approved landscape plan die, the owner of the property shall replace them within 30 days with live, healthy plants of similar size of the same species, or of other desirable species of a similar type and size listed in Exhibit A to this chapter. If plants which are not required by this chapter or the approved landscape plan die, the owner of the property shall remove the dead plants within 30 days, and may, but is not required to, replace the dead plants. If the owner elects to replace the dead plants with other plants, so long as such replacement plants are not an undesirable species listed in Exhibit B to this chapter.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]