Firearms defined.
The word firearms as used in this section shall mean any type of gun, rifle, shotgun, revolver, pistol, bb gun or pellet gun which is used or may be used for the firing of a bullet or pellet or pellets caused from the explosion of any type of powder or explosives or any type of mechanical device used for the firing of a bullet or pellet.
Discharging firearms prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for anyone to discharge any firearms within the city. It shall also be unlawful for any parent or those in charge of or charged with the duty of the custody of minor children to permit such children to fire or discharge any firearms within the city.
Nothing contained in this section shall ever be construed as to prohibit any police official from firing firearms in the discharge of official duties and providing further that this section shall not be interpreted to prohibit a person from protecting his home, property or life.
(Code 1984, ch. 7, § 1)
It shall be unlawful for any person who is under the influence of drugs, dope or any preparation that is designed to stupefy to such an extent as to have lost the normal control of his or her physical or mental faculties, to appear or be on any public street, in any public place or, as a trespasser, to appear upon any privately owned property in the city.
(Code 1984, ch. 7, § 3)