No cuts, trenches, manholes and/or excavations shall be made in the streets in the city, until and after any person expecting to make such cuts, dig such trenches or manholes or to make such excavations shall have:
Delivered to the city a bond in the sum of $5,000.00, conditioned that all of the provisions of this section shall be faithfully discharged and performed in accordance with this division.
Obtained the written approval of any person or persons designated or to be designated, by the city council to approve such bonds.
Paid and deposited with the city the following sums:
For manholes, the sum as provided in appendix A for each estimated square foot, or fractional part thereof, for the surface of such excavation, with a minimum deposit and payment as provided in appendix A.
For ditches and cuts, the sum as provided in appendix A for each estimated square foot or fractional part thereof for the surface of such cut or excavation, with a minimum deposit and payment of the sum as provided in appendix A. If the actual surface area of the portion of any street disrupted or excavated shall exceed the estimated number of square feet for which an initial payment or deposit has been made, then any balance shall be paid to the city immediately upon the cutting or disruption of the surface of such street.
Obtained a permit from the city authorizing such cutting, digging, and/or excavation.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 9(A)]
Any person cutting, digging manholes, trenches or making excavations in the streets of the city shall comply in detail with the requirements and specifications as prepared by the engineering firm of Reaves and Gregory, as approved, they shall especially comply with and their acts shall conform to all of the terms and provisions of paragraph 4 under Item 12 of such specifications as to all "backfilling" and all other requirements and specifications under Item 12 as to streets, storm drainage, and "fills." All "base" shall be replaced with concrete, mixed four sacks of concrete to the cubic yard of gravel, and comply with all provisions of Item 14 of the plans and specifications. A copy of the specification as prepared by the engineering firm of Reaves and Gregory is on file in the office of public works.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 9(B)]
Any person cutting, digging manholes, trenches, or making any excavations in the streets of the city shall complete all of such operations according to the plans and specifications contained and referred to in this division within a period of ten calendar days from the beginning of such operations and such time shall not be extended except by action of the city council.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 9(C)]
It is hereby made unlawful for any person to make any excavations of whatsoever kind in the city whether such excavation be in, along, or near any street and sidewalk, alley, or highway of any kind, without placing proper guard rails and signal lights or other warnings at, in, or around such excavation, sufficient to warn the public of such excavations and/or embankments and to protect all persons using reasonable care from accidents on account of such excavation.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 9(D)]
Any person who shall be found guilty of failing to comply with and who shall violate any of the provisions, conditions, and requirements of this division, shall, upon being convicted or found guilty of such violation, be fined as provided in section 1-14. In addition thereto, any such person failing to comply with this division shall be liable in damages for any cost and expense in backfilling and causing such ditch or excavation to conform to this division.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 9(E)]