The subdivider shall cause to be prepared a preliminary plat by a professional engineer, registered public surveyor and/or land planner, in accordance with this chapter.
Until a preliminary plat of a subdivision shall have been approved in accordance with this chapter, no person shall subdivide or submit a final plat thereof, or file a record of survey, or a map or plat for record, or proceed with any grading construction or other work on the subdivision. The planning and zoning commission shall approve or disapprove any preliminary plat within 30 days from the date at which it is filed for consideration by the planning and zoning commission.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 4(A), 6-10-1997]
Application for preliminary plat approval shall be made on an application form provided by the city. The subdivider shall submit one full size mylar, ten full size blue line prints, one 11 inches by 17 inches reduction, and one inch to 200 feet scale copy of the preliminary plat to the city planner together with other required data, showing all preliminary information as required in this chapter at least 20 calendar days prior to the date at which it will be considered by the planning and zoning commission. Also, one full size mylar and two full size prints of the preliminary water and sanitary sewer plan along with a preliminary drainage study shall be submitted to the city engineer at the same time. Prior to the date set for planning and zoning commission consideration, the city planner shall submit one copy of the preliminary planning information to the city engineer to obtain his recommendations for the planning and zoning commission. The preliminary information will be furnished to the planning and zoning commission by the city planner.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 4(B), 6-10-1997]
Such preliminary planning information shall be accompanied by a filing fee as specified by city regulations. No application will be accepted or processed unless the filing fee has been paid. This fee shall not be refunded should the plat be disapproved.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 4(C), 6-10-1997]
Formal application for preliminary approval of plats shall be made by the subdivider at least 20 days prior to the date of the planning and zoning commission meeting at which the subdivider desires the preliminary plat to be considered.
No application shall be accepted or processed unless accompanied by:
A completed application form;
Application fee;
The required preliminary water and sanitary sewer plan, and storm drainage plans;
Preliminary drainage study; and
The required preliminary plat drawings.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 4(D), 6-10-1997]
Preliminary planning information shall consist of at least the following separate sheets: A description of the proposed project including identification of all tracts and the proposed uses and their layout.
The plans will be drawn to a scale of not more than 100 feet to one inch. Whenever the size of the subdivision is such that the full area cannot be covered on a single sheet with space for titles and other required identification, the plans may be drawn on a number of separate sheets with matching lines to facilitate joining them together as a continuous composite plat. When more than one sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire tract proposed for subdivision, an index map showing the entire subdivision shall be furnished and each portion of the subdivision shall be indicated on the index map.
Where more than one sheet is so used, they shall also be accompanied by photographic reductions of the various sheets reduced in scale and joined together to form a single overall composite of the plat on a sheet not more than 36 inches wide and 22 or 24 inches high.
Where the proposed subdivision constitutes a unit of a larger tract owned by the subdivider which is intended to be subsequently subdivided as additional units of the same subdivision, the preliminary plats shall be accompanied by a layout of the entire area showing the tentative proposed layout of streets, blocks, drainage, water, sewerage, and other improvements for such areas.
Preliminary planning information shall consist of at least the following separate sheets:
Sheet No. 1—Preliminary plat.
Name and address of the subdivider, record owner, and of the engineer, planner or surveyor.
Proposed name under which the subdivision is to be recorded, which shall not have the same spelling as or be pronounced similar to the name of any other subdivision located within the city.
Name of contiguous subdivisions, location of contiguous lots and the name of owners of contiguous parcels of unsubdivided land and an indication of whether or not contiguous properties are platted and filed of record.
The location of existing blocks, lots, building lines, watercourses, ravines, bridges, culverts, present structures and any pertinent natural features in the area affected, with principal dimensions and all significant information in regard to property, immediately adjacent on all sides.
The tract designation and other description according to the real estate records of the city or county assessor and recorder; also designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision.
Primary control points or descriptions, and ties to such control points to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, block numbers and similar data shall be referred.
A vicinity map showing location of tract by reference to existing streets or highways.
Subdivision boundary lines accurate in scale and indicated by heavy lines, of the total area proposed for subdivision and the computed acreage of the total area. Bearing and length of each boundary line shall be shown and description by metes and bounds of the subdivision perimeter shall be supplied separately on 8½ by 11 or 8½ by 14 inch paper.
The location, dimensions, and name (if applicable) of all existing or recorded streets, alleys, reservations, easements or other public rights-of-way within the proposed subdivision, intersecting or contiguous with its boundaries or forming such boundaries. All existing or recorded residential lots, parks, public areas, permanent structures within or contiguous with the proposed subdivision shall be shown.
Other conditions adjacent to the tract affecting design of the subdivision including such information as may be available from field observation, aerial photographs and available maps.
The location, dimensions and name, if applicable, of all proposed streets, alleys, drainage structures, parks, public areas, reservations, easements or other rights-of-way, blocks, lots, commercial areas and other sites within the proposed subdivision. When curved streets are proposed, the radius of the curve shall be shown. For lots facing on curved streets the chord width of the lot at the front building set back line shall be shown. A number or letter shall be used to identify each lot or site and block.
The location of lots and blocks proposed for inclusion in the first section of development.
Front building setback lines on all lots and sites. Side yard building setback lines at street intersections and crosswalk ways.
Twenty-foot by 20-foot public open space easement on corner lots at the intersection of an alley and a street.
Thirty-five-foot by 35-foot public open space easement on corner lots at the intersection of two streets, also, place easement statement on plat.
Fire lane easement statement as applicable.
Floodplain and floodway lines, flood map number and date, and floodway restriction statement.
Utility easement statement.
Location of city limits line, and zoning district boundaries, if they traverse the subdivision, form part of the boundary of the subdivision, or are contiguous to such boundary.
The date of preparation, the scale of the drawing, and a north arrow.
All proposed planning shall conform to the current city zoning ordinance.
Each proposed street, within the subdivision area, shall be named and shall conform with names of any existing streets of which they may be or become extensions. The names shall not duplicate, or be similar to, the recognized name of any other street located elsewhere in the area subject to these rules and regulations.
Designation of all tracts intended to be for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry or other uses.
Data specifying the gross area of the subdivision, the proposed number of residential lots and area therefor, and the approximate area in parks and in other nonresidential uses.
All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose of conditions or limitations of such reservations, if any.
The following notice shall be placed on the face of each preliminary plat by the subdivider:
The following certificates shall be placed on the preliminary plat by the subdivider:
Sheet No. 2—Topography, street and drainage plan.
This sheet may be prepared on a reproducible copy of Sheet No. 1 so that the same information will be repeated together with the following:
Topographical information including contour lines on a basis of two-foot intervals. All elevation shall be on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey datum or referenced to a city benchmark on the same datum. The datum used shall be specified on the drawing.
Any proposed changes in topography shown by contour lines on a basis of five feet vertical interval in terrain.
Areas contributing drainage to the proposed subdivision shall be shown on small scale supplemental drawings. The information to be submitted shall include the area, slope and type of development and quantity of drainage in the contributing area.
At points where drainage enters or leaves the proposed subdivision the following information shall be provided:
Location of entrance and discharge points.
DA (drainage area).
All drainage must be planned in the best interests of the immediate and adjacent properties. Any present adverse drainage situations shall not be made any worse than existing.
Drainage arrows shall be shown for all lots, streets and drainage easements. When the maximum permissible capacity of streets to carry stormwater is exceeded, the location of storm sewers, curb inlets, open channels and other drainage facilities shall be shown.
Supplemental information showing the preliminary design calculations for drainage shall be furnished and attached to the topography and drainage plan. Calculations shall conform to the current design criteria adopted by the city. Areas subject to flooding shall be shown, delineating the 100-year flood limits if applicable.
The exact location, dimension, description, and flow line of existing drainage structures and the location, flow line, floodplain and floodway of existing water courses within the subdivision or contiguous tracts.
The width of surfacing measured from back-to-back of curbs shall be shown for all streets. The width of drainage and other easements shall be shown.
The responsible entity for the operation and maintenance of any building, park, equipment, pools, plantings, lawns or other legal interests if it is proposed that they are to be shared by owners of the real property within the subdivision.
Sheet No. 3—Water and sewerage plan.
May be prepared from Sheet No. 1, but should also include topographical contours at the intervals specified for Sheet No. 2.
Existing sewers, water mains, gas mains, electric and telephone lines, culverts, or other underground structures or utilities within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes, grades, locations, and elevations indicated. If water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of the nearest ones, showing invert and flowline elevations of sewers; and depths of water lines and valve locations for water lines.
The size and location of all proposed water distribution mains including valves and fire hydrants.
The size and location of all proposed sanitary sewer mains including manholes. Preliminary grades for each main between manholes and the depth at each manhole and the material used for each manhole shall be shown.
The size of water and sewer mains shall conform to the current design criteria adopted by the city.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 4(E), 6-10-1997; Ord. No. 1063-06, § 8, 8-22-2006]
The city planner shall collect the prescribed fees for the city and shall check the preliminary data as to its conformity with the master plan, major street plan, land use plan, zoning districts and as to whether or not the information heretofore specified has generally been submitted. The city planner shall make a determination of completeness of the application in accordance with section 74-59.
After the city planner has determined that the application is complete, he shall forward one full size mylar and two full size prints of all preliminary engineering data to the city engineer. The city engineer shall check the engineering data for conformity with the standards and specifications contained or referred to in this chapter.
The city engineer for the city shall return his findings on the preliminary data to the city planner with his comments as to modifications, additions or alterations of the proposed preliminary plat for streets, drainage, water and sewer plans. The city planner shall make these comments available to the subdivider and the planning and zoning commission.
Within 30 days after the filing date, the planning and zoning commission shall make its recommendation for approval, disapproval, or tabling action of the preliminary plat. Failure to act within 30 days shall be deemed approval of the preliminary plat.
The recommendations of the planning and zoning commission shall be considered for final action at the next available regularly scheduled meeting of the city council. The city council shall either approve or disapprove any such preliminary plat within 30 days of approval or disapproval by the planning and zoning commission. Upon its own motion or upon request of the subdivider, the reasons for such disapproval shall be set out in writing.
Approval of a preliminary plat by the city council shall be deemed an expression of approval of the layout submitted on the preliminary drawings as a guide to the installation of streets, water, sewer and other required improvements and utilities and to the preparation of the final plat. Approval of a preliminary plat shall not constitute approval of the final plat.
The approval of the preliminary plat by the city council shall be effective for a period of 180 days after the approval date, unless reviewed by the city council in the light of new or significant information, which would necessitate the revision of the preliminary plat, such revision being subject to the same procedures as the original preliminary plat. If a final plat for the subdivision, or a portion thereof, has not been submitted, at the end of the 180 days after approval, the preliminary plat shall become null and void, unless the subdivider has requested and received an extension of time from the city council.
No construction other than rough site grading and the rough cutting of streets shall be commenced on the subdivision prior to approval of the final plat.
The city council through the procedure specified in section 74-4 may waive any of the above requirements with respect to a small subdivision of no more than five lots, and one not involving opening of additional streets or alleys or where otherwise the cost of compliance appears disproportionate to any legitimate municipal interest.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 4(F), 6-10-1997; Ord. No. 1063-06, § 9, 8-22-2006]