The following definitions apply to the revision of and the operation of the drainage (stormwater) utility system:
means V.T.C.A., Local Government Code ch. 402, subch. C, as amended.
Allocated portion of a parcel
means that portion of a parcel which has been allocated to an owner or customer based on the area utilized by the owner or customer compared to the total area of a parcel.
Benefitted property
means an improved parcel, lot or tract to which drainage (stormwater) service is made available.
means the City of Richland Hills.
means the person(s) or entity(ies) recorded as the customer or user of utility services for a parcel or an allocated portion of a parcel as recorded in the records of the city's utility billing system.
Director of public works
means the city's director of public works or the director of public works' designee.
Dwelling unit
means any building or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, as required by applicable city codes, for not more than one family, including a single-family house, a townhome, a manufactured home or a portion of a duplex, triplex or quadplex.
Equivalent residential unit (ERU)
means a unit of measurement of impervious surface area upon the average single-family residential parcel within the city, measured in square feet (SF), and includes the residential structure, garage, driveway sidewalks, patios, out buildings and other impervious areas.
Impervious area (or impervious surface)
means a surface that has been compacted or covered with a layer of material so that it is resistant to infiltration by water and does not have a natural state of vegetative cover. Impervious areas include, but are not limited to, compacted soils with a surface treatment, gravel, crushed stone or soil compacted by vehicle traffic, asphalt or concrete pavement, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks and private roadways, buildings, and other manmade structures, surfaces, or uses that change the natural surface of the land and have the effect of increasing, concentrating, polluting or otherwise altering stormwater runoff from that experienced under natural vegetative conditions.
Improved parcel
means a lot or parcel that has been changed from its natural state by construction of a structure or other improvement on all or a portion of it that causes an impervious surface or change in the natural state of the vegetated soil on the parcel or property.
Nonresidential property
means an improved parcel which is not a residential property, including commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, apartments, condominiums, home owners' association and similar properties.
means the person(s) or entity(ies) identified as the owner of a parcel in the records of the Tarrant County Appraisal District.
means one or more lots or tracts, or portions of lots or tracts.
Residential property
means an improved parcel upon which not more than four dwelling units are constructed.
Service area
means the area within the boundaries of the city.
Stormwater infrastructure or drainage infrastructure
means the property, real, personal or mixed, that is used in providing stormwater capacity to manage and control stormwater runoff for the drainage (stormwater) utility system, including bridges, catch basins, channels, conduits, creeks, culverts, detention ponds, retention ponds, ditches, draws, creeks, flumes, pipes, pumps, sloughs, treatment works and appurtenances to those items, whether natural or artificial, or using force or gravity, that are used to draw off surface water from land, carry the stormwater runoff away, collect, store or treat the stormwater runoff, or divert the stormwater runoff into natural or artificial watercourses. "Drainage infrastructure" has the same meaning as "stormwater infrastructure."
Stormwater only account
means a utility billing account established for the sole purpose of billing applicable drainage (stormwater) utility fees where other utility services are provided privately or through suppliers other than the city or its contractors.
Stormwater operations and maintenance expenditures
means any expenditures that are required to finance, operate and maintain stormwater infrastructure including debt service, equipment, personnel, educational and administrative expenditures.
Stormwater runoff potential
means relative potential for causing stormwater runoff quantities, velocities or qualities from a parcel based on the type of structures, development, land use, and impervious area on the parcel and the size of the parcel.
Stormwater utility fee or drainage utility fee
means the charge, including interest and penalties, charged to and paid by the owner or customer of a benefitted property for drainage (stormwater) services provided by the drainage (stormwater) utility system, including but not limited to the items described in the definition of "cost-of-service" in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 402.044(2). "Stormwater utility fee" and "drainage utility fee" shall have the same meaning.
Stormwater utility system or drainage utility system
means the drainage (stormwater) utility system owned or controlled, in whole or in part by the city, including the city's existing stormwater facilities, materials and supplies and any stormwater facilities, materials and supplies hereafter constructed or utilized, and dedicated to the service of benefitted property, and including provision for additions to the system. "Stormwater utility system" and "drainage utility system" shall have the same meaning.
Wholly sufficient and privately owned stormwater system
means land and facilities owned and operated by a person or entity other than the city and from which stormwater does not discharge under any storm frequency event or conditions into a creek, river, slough, culvert, channel or other infrastructure that is part of the city's drainage (stormwater) utility system.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008]
The city hereby reaffirms its adoption of the Act for operation of a drainage (stormwater) utility system to serve the city, which boundaries shall be the boundaries of the city. The city declares the drainage (stormwater) utility system to be a public utility and further finds and declares that the city shall:
Establish a schedule of drainage (stormwater) charges against all real property in the city subject to charges under the Act; and
Provide drainage (stormwater) facilities and services for real property in the city on payment of drainage (stormwater) charges, except such real property which may be exempted therefrom as authorized by law; and
Offer such drainage (stormwater) service on nondiscriminatory, reasonable and equitable terms.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008]
Duty of director of public works.
It shall be the duty of the director of public works to administer the drainage (stormwater) utility system. The director of public works shall keep an accurate record of all properties benefitted or served by the drainage (stormwater) utility system and the drainage (stormwater) utility fee charged for each parcel or portion of a parcel. The record may be maintained within the city's utility billing system or in other recordkeeping systems that may be developed.
Program implementation.
By the adoption of this article, the city makes no representation that all of drainage (stormwater) problems will be remedied. The city council is given full discretion in establishing the time and quantitative priorities in expending funds on a reasonable basis as the same becomes available to meet the stormwater needs of the city. The adoption of this article shall not be construed to relieve private land owners, developers or other individuals or entities from providing stormwater improvements pursuant to the ordinances of the city and the laws of this state which relate to stormwater or stormwater improvements. Further, the city does not waive any immunity granted under any law.
Access to benefitted properties.
Employees of the city shall have access, at all reasonable times, to any benefitted properties served by the drainage (stormwater) utility system for inspection or repair or enforcement of the provisions of this article and the Act.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008]
Stormwater utility rate classes.
A drainage (stormwater) utility fee is established, and the fee shall be imposed on each benefitted property within the city for services and facilities provided by the drainage (stormwater) utility system. For purposes of imposing the drainage (stormwater) utility fee, all eligible parcels within the city are classified into the following categories:
Residential; and
Responsible party.
The drainage (stormwater) utility fee shall be billed monthly along with other utilities provided to the property, including water, wastewater or refuse (or garbage) services.
The bill imposing the drainage (stormwater) utility fee will be mailed to the customer who is currently established as the responsible party for water, wastewater and/or refuse service for the parcel. The customer recorded in the city utility billing system will be responsible for payment of the fee, regardless of whether such customer is the owner of the property.
When there is no active customer account recorded in the city utility billing system for an improved parcel for water, wastewater, refuse or other utility service, or the improved parcel is otherwise considered by the city to be vacant, either on a temporary or permanent basis, or when an improved parcel is not served by other city utility services for any reason, the city may establish a "stormwater only account" and bill the owner of the parcel for the drainage (stormwater) utility fee, and the owner will be responsible for payment of the fee.
Revision of rates.
The city council shall establish the rates for the drainage (stormwater) utility fee by ordinance. The city council may review the schedule of rates at any time and may, by ordinance, increase or decrease the rates within the schedule, upon a determination that said increase or decrease is warranted.
Billing procedures and policies.
Any partial payment of the drainage (stormwater) utility fee will be applied against the amount due in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the city with regard to all utility services provided by the city.
A late charge and interest may be imposed in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the city with regard to all utility services.
In addition to any other remedies or penalties provided by law or in this article, failure of a customer or owner to pay the charges of the drainage (stormwater) utility system promptly when due shall subject such customer or owner to discontinuance of any utility services provided by the city and/or placement of a lien against the property. The city may file suit to recover any charges due hereunder, together with maximum interest, attorney's fees and other costs and charges that may be allowed by the Act or other law, which is not paid when due.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008]
Applicability of stormwater utility fees.
The city council hereby establishes the drainage (stormwater) utility fees as set forth herein. Drainage (stormwater) utility fees will be levied against all real property in the established service areas except real property that is exempted in the stormwater utility ordinance, article III of chapter 86 of the Richland Hills City Code. These fees shall be imposed and issued with utility billing statements issued on and after January 1, 2019.
Calculation of stormwater utility fee.
Stormwater utility fee calculation.
The drainage (stormwater) utility fees contained herein shall be included in and become part of the city fee schedule contained as appendix A to the city Code and shall be calculated based on the total stormwater runoff potential for improved parcels for each customer class within the city measured as impervious area in square feet (SF). The monthly stormwater fee calculation is based on the average impervious area of 2,600 square feet for an equivalent residential unit (ERU).
Stormwater utility fees.
The total stormwater runoff potential for the service area shall be divided into the two customer classes of residential and non-residential based on the relative amount of impervious area in each class.
Residential property fees.
Drainage (stormwater) utility fees for residential property, as defined in the stormwater utility ordinance, article III of chapter 86 of the city Code, shall be calculated as:
A monthly flat rate fee per equivalent residential unit (ERU).
One flat rate ERU fee will be charged for each dwelling unit on each residential parcel.
The flat rate fee to be charged is established in the schedule of charges include in subsection (3) below.
Non-residential property fees.
Drainage (stormwater) utility fees for each improved non-residential property or allocated portion of a property shall be calculated based on the impervious area in square feet (SF) at the rate established in the schedule in subsection (3) below.
Schedule of monthly drainage (stormwater) utility fees.
The monthly drainage (stormwater) utility fees, as defined in the stormwater utility ordinance, article III of chapter 86 of the city Code, shall be as provided below:
The monthly drainage (stormwater) utility fees for each residential dwelling unit, or ERU, as defined in the stormwater utility ordinance, article III of chapter 86 of the city Code, shall be $8.00 beginning January 1, 2019, and for each fiscal year thereafter.
The monthly drainage (stormwater) utility fees for the impervious area, on each non-residential parcel, measured in square feet (SF), as defined in the stormwater utility ordinance, article III of chapter 86 of the city Code, shall be $0.00500 per square feet beginning January 1, 2019 and for each fiscal year thereafter.
Revision of rates.
The drainage (stormwater) utility fee may be revised by the city council by ordinance from time to time as permitted by law.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008; Ord. No. 1372-18, §§ 1, 2, 12-10-2018]
Appeal of issues relating to drainage (stormwater) utility fees to the director of public works.
An owner or customer may appeal any decision or action of the city under this article to the director of public works.
The director of public works shall evaluate all appeals based on the provisions of this article, the applicable rate ordinance, and other applicable law.
Appeal process.
A person desiring to appeal the fee determination to the director of public works shall file a notice of appeal in writing with the director of public works within 15 days of being notified of the fee determination. The notice of appeal must set forth in detail the grounds upon which relief is sought and include all documentation supporting the appeal. The director of public works may decide the appeal based upon the notice of appeal and supporting documentation presented and the information contained in the city's file and any other information relied upon by the city in the original fee determination. No evidence not included with the notice of appeal will be considered, and no hearing will be held, unless the director of public works determines in the director's sole discretion that an informal hearing would assist the director in determining the merits of the appeal, in which case the director shall provide at least three business days' written notice to the appellant of a date and time for such informal hearing. In any case, the director of public works shall decide on the appeal based upon a preponderance of the evidence.
Until October 1, 2009, the director of public works shall issue a decision on the appeal within 120 days from the date that the director of public works receives the appeal. If the director of public works determines an adjustment is warranted, the director shall authorize an adjustment which shall be prospective and retroactive for one year prior to the receipt of the appeal.
Beginning on October 1, 2010, the director of public works shall issue a decision on the appeal within 30 days from the date that the director of public works receives the appeal. If the director of public works determines an adjustment is warranted, the director shall authorize an adjustment which shall be prospective and shall also be retroactive to the date of receipt of the appeal.
The director of public works shall issue a written decision on an appeal.
Supporting information for appeal.
The appellant may be required, at the appellant's cost, to provide supplemental information to the director of public works, including but not limited to survey data sealed by a Texas licensed professional land surveyor, engineering reports sealed by a Texas licensed professional engineer qualified in civil engineering, or other documentation that the director of public works deems necessary to properly evaluate the appeal. If so requested, the appellant shall provide such information within 30 days of such request, and the deadline for determination of the appeal will be extended accordingly. Failure to provide requested information in a timely manner may be considered by the director of public works in determining the appeal, and shall be sufficient grounds for denial of the appeal.
Appeal of issues relating to drainage (stormwater) utility fees to the city council.
An owner or customer may appeal the following decisions of the director of public works to the city council:
The applicability of a drainage (stormwater) utility fee for a parcel;
The calculation of applicable stormwater runoff potential for a parcel;
The calculation of the drainage (stormwater) utility fee for a parcel; or
The discontinuance of utility service, filing of a lien, or other legal actions for nonpayment of drainage (stormwater) utility fees.
In order to appeal, the owner or customer shall file a written appeal to the city council with the city secretary within 15 days following receipt of the director of public works' decision that is being appealed. The city council shall hear the appeal within 60 days of receipt of the appeal by the city secretary. Notice of the hearing shall be mailed to the address given in the appeal form or, if no address is given, to the address on the utility billing statement at least 15 days prior to the hearing.
Any appeal shall be governed by the following rules and procedures:
Such appeal shall be set as an item on the regular city council agenda.
At the hearing of the appeal, the city council may consider facts or evidence as the city council determines is appropriate. The director or administrator shall present the facts and evidence relied upon by the director of public works and the reasons for the ruling; the appellant shall then have an opportunity to present the facts and evidence relied upon by the appellant; the city council shall then consider any facts or evidence from the public or other interested persons. The city council may ask questions of the director, the appellant, or any other interested persons as the city council determines is appropriate. The city council may limit the time for any presentation in its sole discretion, and may continue the hearing to a subsequent meeting at the council's discretion. Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the city council may render its decision or it may take the appeal under advisement and make or render its decision on the appeal within 30 days of the hearing. Any appeal shall be determined by majority vote of the members of the city council then present at a meeting of the council. The city council's decision shall be final.
Written documents or evidence which any party, including the director, wishes to submit must be filed with the city secretary and submitted to the city council no less than three business days prior to the appeal hearing. Any interested party may review any documents so submitted prior to the hearing upon request, during normal business hours. The owner or customer may submit a report describing the basis for the appeal prepared by a Texas licensed professional engineer qualified in civil engineering. The failure to submit such a report shall be considered in determining whether the applicant has met the burden of proof and shall be sufficient grounds for denial of the appeal.
The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to demonstrate that the fee is not applicable or that the determination of the value of the fee was not calculated according to the applicable stormwater fee schedule or the methodologies established in this article.
No appeal for the same or related issue on the same piece of property shall be allowed from a previous ruling on any appeal absent a material change of circumstances. If the appellant asserts such a change of circumstances and seeks rehearing of an appeal, such appeal need not be considered unless the applicant presents in writing evidence establishing such change of circumstances. Any such subsequent appeal shall be considered entirely on its merits and the peculiar and specific conditions related to the property on which the appeal is brought.
If the appeal is accompanied by a bond or other sufficient security satisfactory to the city attorney in an amount equal to the original determination of the drainage (stormwater) utility fee due, any discontinued utility services may be reinstated while the appeal is pending. The city council shall apply the standards and review criteria contained in this article.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008]
Termination of utility service.
The city shall keep an itemized account of the amounts owed pursuant to this article. If any account is not paid within 45 days of the date billed, the city shall send notice to the customer, the city will send notice of intent to terminate utility services within seven days of the date of the letter, and if the customer fails to pay the amount owed or make other arrangements satisfactory to the city, the city is authorized to terminate utility services pursuant to its normal and customary business practices.
Notice of intent to place lien.
If any amount is not paid within 60 days of the date billed, the city shall send notice to the owner both at the property address and at the billing address maintained by the Tarrant Appraisal District. Such notice shall contain the following information:
The name and address of the customer to whom utility bills were sent pursuant to this article III;
The street address and a legal description of the real property on which the building is or was located;
A statement of charges and the balance due, including any late charges and administrative fees incurred; and
A statement that the charges are unpaid and delinquent, and that if not paid within 30 days, a lien will be placed upon the premises.
Appeal of notice of intent to place lien.
The owner may appeal the decision to impose the lien on the property to the director of public works by filing a written notice of appeal as provided in this article. If such an appeal is filed, either with the director of public works or the city council, the filing of the notice of lien pending the decision on such appeal.
Notice of lien filed in county records.
If full payment or a notice of appeal and sufficient bond guaranteeing payment in form acceptable to the city as provided herein is not received by the city within 15 days of such notice, if no appeal of such notice is pending, the city secretary shall file a notice of lien in the deed records of the county in which the premises are located. Such notice shall contain the following information:
The name and address of the customer to whom utility bills were sent pursuant to this article III and the name and address of the owner of the property; and
The street address and a legal description of the real property on which the building is or was located; and
An itemized statement of charges and the balance due, including any late charges and administrative fees incurred.
Personal obligation of property owner.
The expenses incurred by the city as set forth in the notice of lien shall be a personal obligation of both the customer and the owner and shall constitute a priority lien against the property. The city attorney may bring an action in any court of proper jurisdiction against the owner of the property to recover the costs incurred by the city.
Lien shall be valid and privileged.
Upon filing of the notice of lien in the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, the lien shall be valid against the property so assessed. The lien shall be privileged and subordinate only to tax liens, existing special assessment liens, and shall be paramount to all other liens. The lien shall continue until the assessment and all interest due and payable thereon has been paid.
Assessment must be paid.
No utility service, building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be allowed on any such property until the assessment is paid and such lien is released by the city.
Release of lien.
After the expenses incurred by the city, as set forth in the notice of lien have been fully paid with interest of ten percent per annum, the city secretary shall execute a release of lien which shall be filed in the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008]
If, after at least five years of substantially continuous operation of the drainage (stormwater) utility system, the city council determines that the drainage (stormwater) utility system should be discontinued, the powers under the Act should be revoked, and the provision for financing municipal stormwater costs should be made by using other revenues, the city council may adopt an ordinance that in effect, after providing notice and a public hearing as required by the Act, discontinues the drainage (stormwater) utility system.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008]
Drainage (stormwater) utility fund.
A drainage (stormwater) utility fund is established and may consist of one or more accounts. All drainage (stormwater) utility fees shall be deposited as collected and received into this fund, and shall be used exclusively for drainage (stormwater) services as provided in the Act, including but not limited to the following:
The cost of the acquisition of land, rights-of-way, options to purchase land, easements, and interests in land relating to structures, equipment and facilities used in draining the benefitted property;
The cost of the acquisition, construction, repair and maintenance of structures, equipment and facilities used in draining the benefitted property;
The cost of architectural, engineering, legal and related services, plans and specifications, studies, surveys, estimates of cost and of revenue, and all other expenses necessary or incident to planning, designing, providing, or determining the feasibility and capability of structures, equipment and facilities used in draining the benefitted property;
The cost of all machinery, equipment, furniture and facilities necessary or incident to the provision and operation of draining the benefitted property;
The cost of funding and financing charges and interest arising from construction projects and the start-up cost of a stormwater facility used in draining the benefitted property;
The cost of debt service and reserve requirements for funding of stormwater infrastructure, equipment and facilities paid with revenue bonds or other securities or obligations issued by the city and supported by pledge of stormwater revenues including any fees and expenses incidental thereto;
The cost of constructing, sampling, monitoring, building, inspecting and maintaining structures needed for the state's regulation and permitting requirements imposed on the city for providing stormwater quality improvements for the benefitted property; and
The administrative costs of the drainage (stormwater) utility system.
Drainage (stormwater) utility fund accounting.
The city shall clearly account for revenues and expenditures authorized for operation of the drainage (stormwater) utility system.
The revenues collected from drainage (stormwater) utility fees shall be segregated and completely identifiable from other city funds and accounts.
Funds and revenues in the drainage (stormwater) utility fund may be transferred to the city's general fund as allowed by law.
Drainage (stormwater) service deposit.
A deposit shall not be charged for initiation or continuation of stormwater utility service.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008]
The following entities or persons shall be exempt from payment of the fees established by this article:
State government entities.
A state governmental entity listed below, and a parcel in which such a state governmental entity holds a freehold interest:
The State of Texas; and
A state agency.
Institutes of higher education.
A public or private institution of higher education;
The city;
Undeveloped property exemption.
Any property to which a mandatory exemption under V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 402.053 applies, including without limitation:
Property with proper construction and maintenance of a wholly sufficient and privately owned stormwater system that does not discharge under any storm frequency event or conditions to waterways controlled or maintained by the city; and
Property held and maintained in its natural state, until such time that the property is developed and all of the public infrastructure constructed has been accepted by the city for maintenance; and
A subdivided parcel or lot, until a structure has been built on the lot and a certificate of occupancy has been issued, or the city has taken another official action to release the property for occupancy or use.
Proof of exemption.
If the owner of property asserts that such property is exempt pursuant to this section or any other applicable law, such property owner has the burden to assert such exemption by filing notice of eligibility for such exemption and sufficient evidence of entitlement to such exemption with the director of public works. If the exemption is not granted, the owner may appeal using the procedures for appeal provided in this article.
[Ord. No. 1120-08, § 1, 8-12-2008]