Appointments and qualifications.
The Council shall appoint a City Manager who shall be the chief administrative officer of the City, and shall be responsible to the Council for the administration of all the affairs of the City. The City Manager shall be chosen by the Council solely on the basis of their executive and administrative training, education, experience, ability, and character, and need not, when appointed, be a resident of the City. No member of the City Council shall, during the time for which they are elected and for two (2) years thereafter, be appointed City Manager.
Term and salary.
The City Manager shall be appointed by the affirmative vote of five (5) members of the City Council, and may be removed at the will and pleasure of the Council by the affirmative vote of five (5) members of the Council. The action of the Council in suspending or removing the City Manager shall be final; it being the intention of this Charter to vest all authority and fix all responsibility of such suspension or removal in the Council. In case of absence or disability to the City Manager, the Council may designate some qualified person, other than an elected officer of the City, to perform the duties of the office during such absence or disability. The City Manager shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the Council.
Powers and duties of the City Manager.
The powers herein conferred upon the City Manager shall include but shall not be limited to the following:
Appoint and remove any officer or employee of the City except those officers and employees whose appointment or election is otherwise provided for by law or this Charter.
Direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the City, except as otherwise provided by law or this Charter.
See that all State laws and City ordinances are effectively enforced.
Prepare and submit the annual budget and a five (5) year capital improvement program to the Council as prescribed in Article XII of the Charter.
Submit to the Council monthly a report thereof on the finances and administrative activities of the City and a complete report at the end of each fiscal year.
Attend all meetings of the Council, except when excused by the Council.
Provide for an employee grievance system as approved by the Council.
Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or required of him by the Council, not inconsistent with provisions of this Charter.
[Ordinance 1473-23 adopted 5/16/2023]
The City Council shall appoint or remove the City Secretary with approval of a majority of the Council. The City Secretary shall give notice of Council meetings, shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of such meetings, shall authenticate by his/her signature and record in full, in a book kept and indexed for that purpose, all ordinances and resolutions, and shall perform such other duties as the City Council shall assign to him/her and those elsewhere provided for in this Charter, and shall keep and affix the City seal to all official documents.
[Ordinance 1473-23 adopted 5/16/2023]
The City Attorney shall be appointed by a majority vote of the City Council. The City Council may remove the City Attorney at any time upon the affirmative vote of a majority of all its members.
The City Attorney shall:
Serve as the legal advisor to the Council and City Manager;
Represent the City in litigation and legal proceedings as directed by the Council and City Manager;
Review and provide opinions as requested by Council or the City Manager on contracts, legal instruments, and ordinances of the City; and
Perform other duties prescribed by this Charter, by ordinance, or as directed by the Council or City Manager.
The Council may contract with an attorney or with a firm of attorneys who may designate one (1) member of said firm, with Council approval, to serve as City Attorney.
Compensation shall be fixed by contract with the approval of Council or by appointment subject to the approval of Council.
Council shall have the right to retain separate counsel at any time that it may deem necessary and appropriate.
[Ordinance 1473-23 adopted 5/16/2023]
The City Council may create or establish, abolish or consolidate, as many departments or offices as it may deem necessary for the best interest of the City. It may divide the administration of such departments or offices as it may deem advisable.