[Ord. 577, 10/2/1989]
Sketch Plan. Review materials shall be submitted to the designated municipal official (D.M.O.) for discussion with the Planning Commission as to the suitability of a parcel of land for a specific subdivision or land development use and for direction or advice from the Planning Commission. The sketch plan materials shall be submitted to the Borough Engineer and the Joint Planning Commission for review.
Preliminary Plan. Plans, supplementary data, and fees shall be submitted to the D.M.O. for distribution to various review bodies. All reviews shall be submitted to the Planning Commission, which shall take action and advise the applicant in writing of their decision.
Final Plan. Plans, supplementary data, and fees shall be submitted to the D.M.O. for distribution to various review bodies. The final plan shall be submitted within one year of preliminary plan approval. All reviews shall be submitted to the Planning Commission, which shall take action on the plan and advise the applicant in writing of their decision. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall enter into improvement and maintenance agreements with the Borough. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall pay all fees and costs as required by resolution of Council. No permits shall be issued until said agreements have been executed and secured to the satisfaction of the Borough Solicitor and until the approved final plan has been recorded in the County Recorder of Deeds Office by the Borough Engineer.
[Ord. 577, 10/2/1989]
Sketch Plan maps and materials shall be submitted for all proposed subdivisions and land developments, for purposes of discussion between the Planning Commission and the developer, and for the review of the Joint Planning Commission of Lehigh-Northampton Counties.
Ten copies of all sketch plan maps and materials as set forth in § 22-301, shall be submitted to the D.M.O.
The D.M.O. shall refer five copies of sketch plan maps and materials to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendations.
The D.M.O. shall refer one copy of the sketch plan maps and materials to the Borough Engineer for review and recommendations except for plans exempted from standard procedure.
The D.M.O. shall refer one copy of sketch plan maps and materials to the Joint Planning Commissions for review and recommendations.
[Ord. 577, 10/2/1989; as amended by Ord. 595, 10/7/1991]
When sketch plan maps and materials have been submitted to the Planning Commission, the data presented will be reviewed by that body at its next regular meeting, provided that submission has occurred no less than 21 days prior to such scheduled meeting.
The Planning Commission shall review the sketch plan data to determine the development potential of the site, as indicated by the natural features analysis presented. The general development concepts of the developer will be reviewed to determine their compatibility with the development potential of the site and with relevant plans and ordinances. Also, the sketch plan stage is designed to offer the developer an opportunity to informally discuss his plans for the proposed subdivision or land development with the Planning Commission.
No recommendations shall be made by the Planning Commission until the Commission has received and considered the written report of the Joint Planning Commission of Lehigh-Northampton Counties or until 30 days have passed from the date that the plans were forwarded to the JPC.
Within 60 days of submission of sketch plan maps and materials to the Planning Commission, the Commission shall make any recommendations to the developer which it deems necessary or advisable in the public interest in order to provide an acceptable subdivision or land development plan for the site. Within 15 days after such meeting, the Borough Engineer shall send written notice of the Commission’s recommendations to the developer or his representative.
Within six months after completion of the sketch plan by the Planning Commission, the developer shall submit a preliminary plan.
[Ord. 577, 10/2/1989]
Preliminary plans and all required supplementary data for all proposed subdivisions and land developments shall be submitted to the D.M.O.
If the preliminary plan submission complies with § 22-302 of this Part, the D.M.O. shall accept the preliminary plan for distribution to the various review bodies.
Official submission of a preliminary plan to the D.M.O. by a developer shall comprise:
Three copies of a completed Application for Review of Preliminary Subdivision Plans.
Submission of 10 black-on-white or blue-on-white prints on paper of the preliminary plan, which shall fully comply, with the provisions of this Chapter as set forth in § 22-302.
Submission of three copies of all required supplemental information as set forth in § 22-302, Subsection 6.
The D.M.O. shall refer preliminary plan submission materials to the various review bodies as follows:
One application, five plan prints, and one copy of the supplemental information to the Planning Commission.
One application, one plan print, and one copy of the supplemental information to the Borough Engineer.
One plan print, and one copy of the § 22-302, Subsection 6A, supplemental information to the Municipal Authority.
One application and one plan print to the Joint Planning Commission of Lehigh-Northampton Counties.
Additional copies of the preliminary plan materials shall be referred by the D.M.O. to the respective agencies in the following circumstances:
Whenever the property being subdivided or developed abuts a State Legislative Route, one application and one plan print shall be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation District Office.
Whenever a proposed subdivision or land development is located adjacent to another municipality, one application and one plan print shall be referred to that municipality.
[Ord. 577, 10/2/1989; as amended by Ord. 595, 10/7/1991]
By the Planning Commission.
When a preliminary plan has been officially submitted, such plan shall be placed on the agenda of the Planning Commission for review at its next regular monthly meeting, provided that such official submission has occurred no less than 21 calendar days prior to such regular meeting. The Planning Commission may hold a public hearing on the preliminary plan at this time.
The Planning Commission shall review the preliminary plan to determine its conformance with the standards contained in this Chapter and other applicable municipal ordinances, and shall require or recommend such changes and modifications, as it deems necessary.
No action shall be taken by the Planning Commission with respect to a preliminary plan until the Planning Commission has received and considered the written report of the Joint Planning Commission; provided, however, that if the Joint Planning Commission shall fail to report thereon within 30 days after receipt of a preliminary plan, then the Planning Commission may officially act without having received and considered such report.
Within 90 days following the date of the regular meeting of the Planning Commission next following the date of the application (unless the next meeting does not fall in a thirty-day period following the date of the application in which case the ninety-day period commences on the 30th day following the date of the application), the Planning Commission shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant ordinances, take action by approving, conditionally approving or disapproving the preliminary plan and document the findings upon which that action is based, in writing to: (however, in no case shall the decision be communicated to the applicant in more than 15 days from the date that the decision has been made).
The D.M.O.
The Borough Engineer.
The Municipal Authority.
[Ord. 577, 10/2/1989]
Within 12 months after approval of the preliminary plan, a final subdivision or land development plan and all required supplemental data shall be submitted to the D.M.O. The Planning Commission upon written request may grant an extension of time. Otherwise, the plan submitted may be considered as a new preliminary plan.
The final plan shall conform in all significant respects to the preliminary plan as previously approved by the Commission and shall incorporate all modifications required by the Planning Commission in its preliminary plan approval. The Planning Commission may, however, accept a final plan modified so as to reflect any substantial changes, which have occurred on the site of the proposed subdivision, or in its surroundings, since the time of preliminary plan review.
The final plan may be submitted in sections or stages, each covering: a reasonable portion of the entire proposed subdivision as shown on the reviewed preliminary plan, in accordance with the regulations set forth in § 22-303. In the case of the final subdivision or land development plan which is to be submitted in sections or stages over a period of years, the time between submission of application for final approval of each stage or section shall be no greater than 12 months.
Final plans and all required supplementary data set forth in § 22-303 for all proposed subdivisions and land developments shall be submitted to the D.M.O.
Official submission of a final plan to the D.M.O. by a developer shall comprise:
Three copies of a completed Application for Review of Final Subdivision Plan.
Submission of 10 black-on-white or blue-on-white prints on paper of the final plan, which shall fully comply, with the provisions of this Chapter as set forth in § 22-303.
Submission of three copies of all required supplemental information as set forth in § 22-303.
The D.M.O. shall refer final plan submission materials to the various review bodies as follows:
One application, five plan prints, and one copy of the supplemental information to the Planning Commission.
One application, one plan print, and one copy of the supplemental information to the Borough Engineer.
One plan print, and one copy of the § 22-302, Subsection 6A, supplemental information to the Municipal Authority.
One plan print to the Joint Planning Commission of Lehigh-Northampton Counties.
Additional copies of the final plan materials shall be referred by the D.M.O. to the respective agencies in the following circumstances:
Whenever the property being subdivided or developed abuts a State Legislative Route, and the plan differs from plans previously submitted to PENNDOT with reference to access points, proposed external road improvements, or traffic impact, one application and one plan print shall be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation District Office.
Whenever the subdivision or land development requires a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan, as described in § 22-409, Subsection 1, of this Chapter, one application, one plan print, and one copy of supplemental information shall be submitted to the County Conservation District.
Whenever a proposed subdivision or land development is located adjacent to another municipality, one application and one plan print shall be referred to that municipality.
[Ord. 577, 10/2/1989; as amended by Ord. 595, 10/7/1991]
When a final plan has been officially submitted, such plan shall be placed on the agenda of the Planning Commission for review at its next regular monthly meeting, provided that such official submission has occurred no less than 21 calendar days prior to such regular meeting. The Planning Commission may hold a public hearing on the final plan at this time.
The Planning Commission shall review the final plan to determine its conformance with the standards contained in this Chapter and other applicable municipal ordinances and shall require or recommend such changes and modifications, as it deems necessary.
No action shall be taken by the Planning Commission with respect to a final plan until the Planning Commission has received and considered the written report of the Joint Planning Commission or until 30 days have passed from the date that the plans were forwarded to the JPC.
Within 90 days following the date of the regular meeting of the Planning Commission next following the date of the application (unless the next meeting does not fall in a thirty-day period following the date of the application in which case the ninety-day period commences on the 30th day following the date of the application), the Planning Commission shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant ordinances, take action by approving, conditionally approving or disapproving the final plan and document the findings upon which that action is based, in writing to: (however, in no case shall the decision be communicated to the applicant in more than 15 days from the date that the decision has been made)
The developer or his representative.
The D.M.O.
The Borough Engineer.
The Municipal Authority.
The action of the Planning Commission shall be noted, together with the date of action and signatures of its Chairman and Secretary, on the record plan.
[Ord. 577, 10/2/1989]
After completion of the procedures set forth in § 22-503 and after the Planning Commission approves the final plan, six copies of the final plan shall be endorsed by the Planning Commission. The signature of the JPC shall also be placed on the plans indicating JPC review of the plans.
The record plan shall be on Mylar film, or other medium designated by the Recorder of Deeds in and for Northampton County, and shall be legible, suitable for microfilming, and sized according to standard engineering survey practices.
After endorsement by the Planning Commission and the Joint Planning Commission, the Borough Engineer shall file the record plan with the County Recorder of Deeds within 90 days of the date of final approval by the Planning Commission.
At the time the record plan is signed by the Joint Planning Commission, the Joint Planning Commission shall receive one endorsed black-on-white or blue-on-white print of the final plan as approved by the Planning Commission.
[Ord. 577, 10/2/1989]
In the case of any proposed residential subdivision which does not, and will not in the future, involve more than a total of two lots and does not involve the provision of any new street or easement for access (i.e., one in which all proposed lots will have frontage on an existing public street), the following procedure shall be followed:
The applicant shall prepare and submit a sketch plan in accordance with the requirements of § 22-301 of this Chapter.
The sketch plan will be processed according to the provisions of §§ 22-202 and 22-203 of this Chapter.
Within one year of the completion of the sketch plan by the Planning Commission, the applicant shall submit a final plan in accordance with the requirements of § 22-303 of this Chapter. The Planning Commission, upon written request, may grant an extension of time. Otherwise, the plan submitted may be considered as a sketch plan.
The final plan submission shall be processed according to the provisions of §§ 22-206 and 22-207.
If the plan receives final approval, the provisions of § 22-208 shall apply.