Multimember bodies shall possess and exercise all powers given to them under the constitution and General Laws and shall have and exercise such additional powers and duties as may be granted and delegated by this charter, by-law, vote of the town meeting or the charge adopted for the body by the select board consistent therewith.
All multimember bodies shall:
Organize annually at the first meeting of the fiscal year;
Elect a chairperson, clerk and any other necessary officers;
Adopt rules of procedure and voting;
Establish that a quorum, a simple majority of the membership of a multimember body as constituted unless otherwise provided in a general or special law or applicable state regulation, must be present at all meetings;
Create accurate minutes that fulfill all the requirements set out in the attorney general's guide to the open meeting law, which shall be subject to mandatory disclosure as provided by chapter 66 of the General Laws. Approved minutes of open session meetings, and of executive session meetings where the multimember body has voted to release the same, shall be filed with the town clerk within 5 days of such action;
Submit a report for inclusion in the annual report; and
Conduct all meetings in accordance with sections 18 to 25, inclusive, of chapter 30A of the General Laws;
Each appointed body shall consist of an odd number of members, who shall be appointed for 3-year overlapping terms unless otherwise specified in the charge to that body;
No member shall be appointed to the same multimember body for more than 3 consecutive full terms, except as provided below. After reaching the maximum term of service, an individual may be reappointed after 1 year elapses.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, however, the appointing authority may reappoint an individual for more than 3 consecutive terms when no other individual is available or when membership on an appointed committee, board or commission requires by statute special training, certification or technical skills. An individual shall be considered available for purposes of this section when they have applied for membership on the committee and, after being interviewed, are considered to be qualified.
No person may be appointed to more than 3 permanent multimember bodies; provided, however, that this section shall not prohibit the appointment of a person to any number of ad-hoc or otherwise temporary multimember bodies.
Any person duly appointed or elected to any office or multimember body shall take up the duties thereof immediately upon the date specified by statute and as soon as such person shall have been sworn to the faithful performance of those duties by the town clerk.
The absence of any member of an appointed multimember body from 3 consecutive meetings without advance notice to the chair with an appropriate explanation may serve as cause to deem that the office has been vacated by such person. The decision to recommend that the office be deemed to have been vacated shall be made by majority vote of the multimember body. After such a majority vote, the chairperson of the body shall advise the appointing authority forthwith. Upon receipt of such a recommendation, the appointing authority shall vote on whether to declare a vacancy. For any vacancy created in this manner, the appointing authority shall fill the vacancy in accordance with the General Laws and this charter.
While a compensated town employee may be appointed to serve on a multimember body other than the finance committee, no compensated town employee may be appointed to a multimember body with administrative authority over such employee.
When any new multimember body is established by town meeting, by by-law or vote of the select board, notice thereof and of the opportunity for interested persons to apply to become members of such body shall be posted on the town website and in a local newspaper for no less than 14 days prior to appointments being made.
Members of appointed multimember boards may receive such compensation as may be authorized by the town meeting. During the term for which a member is appointed and for 1 year following expiration of such term, no member of any appointed board shall be eligible to accept any additional paid position under any other multimember board.
A search committee consisting of 7 members shall be appointed for 3-year overlapping terms. 3 members shall be appointed by the select board; 2 members shall be appointed by the moderator; and 2 members shall be appointed by the finance committee. The committee shall advise the select board and the moderator concerning the names and qualifications of residents of the town available to serve on multimember bodies. The search committee may establish procedures for soliciting candidates for consideration and may consult with town committee members or chairs to assist in determining preferred skills for the individuals to be considered. The search committee shall periodically review all town committee charges. If any appointed member resigns or otherwise is no longer able to serve, the body that appointed that member shall appoint a replacement.
A board of assessors consisting of 3 members shall be appointed by the select board for 3-year overlapping terms. The select board may also appoint 1 alternate member for a 3-year term. The role of the alternate will be to exercise the duties and responsibilities of a regular board of assessors member, in the absence of 1 or more regular members or in the event of a conflict of interest of 1 or more members such that a quorum is not present. The alternate and regular members shall possess appropriate qualifications or obtain the necessary training, at town expense, after appointment. If any appointed member resigns or otherwise is no longer able to serve, the select board shall appoint a replacement.
A finance committee consisting of 9 members shall be appointed for 3-year overlapping terms, of whom 3 members shall be appointed by the select board, 3 members shall be appointed by the moderator and 3 members shall be appointed by the finance committee. No compensated town employee shall be a member of the finance committee. If any appointed member resigns or otherwise is no longer able to serve, the body that appointed that member shall appoint a replacement.
A board of health consisting of 5 members shall be appointed by the select board for 3-year overlapping terms. The board of health shall cooperate with the conservation commission and the planning board and shall participate in joint meetings with them at least once annually. If any appointed member resigns or otherwise is no longer able to serve, the select board shall appoint a replacement.
A board of highway surveyors and public works consisting of 3 members shall be appointed by the select board for 3-year overlapping terms. If any appointed member resigns or otherwise is no longer able to serve, the select board shall appoint a replacement.
The capital projects committee shall oversee the management of any municipal project of $1,000,000 or more financed through the issuance of bonds, including the expenditure of funds. The capital projects committee shall consist of 5 voting members, who shall be permanent committee members, and the committee may be supplemented as described below for specific projects:
The 5 permanent committee members shall be:
The town manager or, at the town manager's discretion, the director of municipal finance, serving ex officio;
2 members appointed by the select board for 3-year overlapping terms; and
2 members appointed by the finance committee for 3-year overlapping terms.
Up to 2 additional voting members may be appointed for each specific project by the committee to serve for as long as the committee is overseeing that project and who may only participate as committee members with regard to the project for which they are appointed; provided, however, that where the project was sponsored or requested by a multimember body or the project would impact on the facility of a multimember body, there shall be at least 1 appointee who is a member of the multimember body.
In addition, in its consideration of a specific project, the committee shall rely on such other resources as may be desirable or include such other nonvoting members as may be required for that project by statute or town meeting vote.
If any appointed member resigns or otherwise is no longer able to serve, the body that appointed that member shall appoint a replacement.
The select board shall have the power:
To enlarge or decrease the number of members of any multimember bodies not established under this charter or by by-law, subject to any state law requirements; provided, that such bodies shall always consist of an uneven number of members and no fewer than 3 members;
To dissolve any appointed boards, committees or commissions not established under this charter or by by-law, subject to any state law requirements; and
To appoint members of multimember bodies established by General Laws, by-law, town meeting vote or vote of the select board and for which no other method of appointment is provided in this charter.
The town clerk shall maintain a list of all existing multimember bodies that includes their composition and appointing authorities.