The use of so-called “portable service stations” or similar units constructed to dispense flammable liquids and designed so that the unit can be easily picked up and moved, is hereby prohibited; provided, however, tank trucks or tank wagons or other movable tanks may deliver gasoline direct to approved aboveground and underground installations; provided further, that tank trucks or tank wagons or other movable tanks may deliver gasoline to persons engaged in street building, excavations, or construction of large buildings, provided such delivery is made into approved installations such as underground storage tanks or approved skid tanks of not over 250 gallons capacity; and provided, further, that tank trucks or tank wagons or other mobile tanks may deliver gasoline directly into the supply tanks of heavy construction equipment which cannot feasibly be taken to an approved installation only after the point of delivery has been inspected and approved by the fire marshal of the city or his representative.
(1977 Code, sec. 8-41)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to store anhydrous ammonia of any kind in any quantity within the city limits.
(1977 Code, sec. 8-61)
Except as hereinafter set forth, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, acting for himself or itself individually, or as agent, servant or employee of any other person, firm or corporation, to ignite and burn, or knowingly cause to be ignited and burned any unsanitary matter, weeds, yard waste, garbage, junk, refuse, rubbish, trash or any other combustible matter or materials inside the limits of the city.
Exceptions to the foregoing subsection are as follows:
Use of barbeque grills, smokers or similar equipment for the cooking of food products;
Burning of properties by the city’s fire department for training or for use in destruction of house or other structures for which the city has ownership or permission from the owner of the property and the fire marshal and the city code enforcement officer have deemed such action in the best interest of the health and safety of the citizens of the city;
Burning of such items as defined above for which the owner of the property has obtained a permit from the city fire marshal, which permit authorizes such burning as being in the best interest of the health and safety of the citizens of the city and sets forth the matter to be burned and the manner, location, fire protections, date and time in which such burning may take place;
Any outdoor heating equipment, including gas or wood burning fire pits or fireplaces, which is being used for intended purpose;
Any heating unit, stove, oven or other similar appliance installed in a residence or other enclosed building which is being used for its intended purpose.
(Ordinance 2013-04 adopted 7/10/13)