It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or association to discharge, fire, or set off, or cause to be discharged, fired, or set off, any fireworks of any kind, torpedo, rocket, squib, grenade, firecracker or combustible fireworks of any kind within the city.
(1977 Code, sec. 8-21; Ordinance adopting 2004 Code)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or association to exhibit or have in his possession, with intent to give away or sell or offer for sale or sell within the city, any squib, rocket, firecracker, torpedo, grenade, or other combustible fireworks of any kind.
(1977 Code, sec. 8-22)
Nothing in this article shall be construed to apply to the sale, storage, or use of railroad track torpedoes, or other signaling devices used by railroads, nor to the sale, storage, or use of flashlight composition by photographers or dealers of photographic supplies, or prevent any public or private demonstration of fireworks of any kind if conducted under proper police supervision after first obtaining written consent of the city manager specifying the time and place of such display or demonstration.
(1977 Code, sec. 8-23)