A preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision at a scale not smaller than two hundred (200) feet to the inch shall first be submitted to the city planning commission for approval before the preparation of the final plat. Six (6) copies of such plat must be filed in the office of the city secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which the plat is to be considered.
Prior to the planning commission’s consideration of a preliminary plat, the city engineer shall review the same and transmit a copy of the proposed plat to the city manager for review and recommendation in relation to specific service problems.
The planning commission shall render a decision on the preliminary plat within thirty (30) days after its submission to such commission unless such time is extended by agreement of the subdivider or his agent. Such decision may consist of approval, disapproval, or conditional approval. Conditional approval shall be considered to be the approval of a plat or replat subject to conformity with prescribed conditions, but shall be deemed to be a disapproval of such plat or replat until such conditions are complied with. All objections made to the preliminary plat, or conditions imposed, shall be furnished to the subdivider in writing. If no decision is rendered by the commission within a thirty-day period described above or such longer period as may have been agreed upon, the preliminary plat, as submitted, shall be deemed to be approved.
Approval of the preliminary plat shall be deemed an expression of approval of the layout only.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-221)
Two copies of the final plat shall be submitted to the planning commission within six (6) months of date of approval of the preliminary plat, or such approval shall became null and void unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the planning commission.
Upon approval of the final plat, the plat shall be submitted to the city council for approval. After approval by the city council, one copy shall be retained in the files of the city, and one copy shall be returned to the subdivider to be recorded in the deed records of the county.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-222)