Public uses.
Where a park, neighborhood recreational open space, a school site, or other areas for public use shown on an official map or on a plan adopted by the planning commission is located in whole or in part in the proposed subdivision, the planning commission shall attempt to secure or to acquire the reservation of the necessary land for such use.
Easements for utilities.
The planning commission may require easements not exceeding ten (10) feet in width for poles, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas and water mains, or other utility lines on each side of the common rear lot lines and along side lot lines if necessary or advisable in the opinion of the planning commission.
Dedication to public use.
There shall be no reserved strips of land except those which are conveyed to the government having jurisdiction.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-231)
The city shall withhold all city improvements of whatever nature including the furnishing of sewerage facilities and water service from all subdivisions which have not been approved as provided by law; and further, no permits shall be issued by the building official on any piece of property other than an original or a resubdivided lot in a duly approved and recorded subdivision or on a lot of separate ownership of record prior to the adoption of the subdivision ordinance.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-232)
A comprehensive group housing development including the construction of two or more buildings together with the necessary drives and ways of access, and which is not subdivided into the customary lots, blocks, and streets, may be approved by the planning commission if, in the opinion of the commission, any departure from the foregoing regulations can be made without destroying the intent of the regulations. Plans for all such developments shall be submitted to and approved by the planning commission whether or not such plat is to be recorded, and no building permits shall be issued until such approval has been given.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-233)