Accessory buildings detached from or attached to the main building by an enclosed or unenclosed structure may be permitted within the allowable building area of any lot defined by the required front, side, and rear building lines.
No accessory building shall be permitted in the front yard or in the required side yard.
Accessory buildings may be permitted in the required rear yard provided that:
They are detached from the main building or structure and separated therefrom by a distance of not less than 10 feet; and
Said accessory buildings have a rear and side yard of not less than 3 feet.
In no case shall the total floor area of all accessory buildings or portions thereof within the required rear yard exceed 30 percent of the area of the required rear yard.
The area of the required rear yard shall be the product of the rear yard setback and the mean width of the lot.
Where the necessary building is adjacent to a side street, the minimum side yard setback from said street shall be 10 feet.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-111)
The central business area is designated on the official zoning map attached to this article by a heavy solid black line and shall include the No. 1 Fire Zone.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-112)
Outer courts and open spaces between walls of residential buildings.
Where any wall or portion thereof of a residential building is parallel or within 30 degrees of another wall or portion thereof of the same building or of another residential building on the same lot, the distance between the two walls shall not be less than one-fourth of the length of the shorter wall. The distance between walls of buildings shall not be less than 8 feet and need not exceed 30 feet.
Distance between walls of buildings.
The shortest horizontal distance measured between the vertical walls of a building or buildings perpendicular to an axis, all points along which are midway between said walls.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-113)
Notwithstanding other provisions of this division, fences, walls and hedges may be permitted in any yard or along the edge of any yard with the following restrictions:
No fence, wall or hedge along the side or front edge of any front yard shall be over two and one-half (2-1/2) feet, except that a fence may be a maximum of four (4) feet in height if the fence is constructed of see-through material.
No fence, wall or hedge along the rear yard or side yard shall be over six (6) feet, except that a fence, wall or hedge may be a maximum of eight (8) feet in height if approved prior to construction by the building official.
A building permit shall be required as set forth in section 14.02.277 prior to any fence, wall or hedge being erected, moved, added to or structurally altered, other than general maintenance and repair.
Dilapidated fences.
It is unlawful for any person to allow, permit or cause any fence to lean or to have missing, loose or broken slats or panels, or to have symbols, writings or other graffiti except for symbols or writings which pertain to the address or occupancy of the property.
However, any fences, walls and/or hedges constructed and/or grown on property in violation of the foregoing subsection of this section prior to the adoption of the ordinance from which this section derives are hereby granted a variance or exception from said provisions and such fences and/or walls are designated nonconforming structures and such hedges are designated a nonconforming use of the property as long as the following conditions and circumstances are in existence and maintained:
The fences, walls and/or hedges, as of the date of the adoption of the ordinance from which this section derives, are in good condition and do not, in the sole opinion of the building official of the city, constitute a traffic or health hazard and/or public nuisance;
The fences, walls and hedges in violation of this section shall not be expanded, increased or added to in violation of this section;
The fences and/or walls shall be maintained in a good condition, provided, that if all or a significant portion of the fences and/or walls that require repair or replacement, the variance or exception and nonconforming status of such fences and/or walls shall be terminated and the repair or replacement of such fences and/or walls shall be required to be modified to be in conformance with the first subsection of this section. The phrase “a significant portion of the fences and/or walls that require repair or replacement” shall mean that the costs for such repair shall exceed 25% of the cost of replacement of the fences and/or walls;
The hedges shall be maintained in a healthy, good condition in accordance with standards of good husbandry and, if all or a significant portion of the hedge needs to be replaced with new plants to remain in conformance with this section, the variance or exception and nonconforming use status of such hedge shall be terminated and replanting and required relocation of the plants constituting the hedge shall be in conformance with the first subsection of this section. The phrase “a significant portion of the hedge needs to be replaced with new plants” shall mean that the cost of new plants shall exceed 25% of the cost of replacement of all plants constituting the hedge.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this section shall constitute a violation of this section and shall be subject to the penalties provided for in section 1.01.009 of the code adopted September 21, 2004, as amended. Additionally each day in violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense, also as provided in section 1.01.009 of the code adopted September 21, 2004, as amended.
(Ordinance 2012-06 adopted 4/10/12; Ordinance 2014-05, sec. 3, adopted 7/8/14)
All residential carports shall be constructed of either:
Pre-engineered metal-based carport systems; or
Conventional building materials of similar type, size, shape, texture, and colors of the building materials of the main residence.
No carport of metal construction shall be located in front of a single-family residence or within a side yard adjacent to a street unless approved by the board of adjustment.
A carport of metal construction may be located at the rear of a single-family residence so long as access to the carport is from an alley at the rear of the property.
A carport that is located in front of a single-family residence or within a side yard adjacent to a street shall be restricted to eight (8) feet in height unless otherwise approved by the board of adjustment.
A carport that is located in the rear yard of a one-story single-family residence shall be restricted to a height not to exceed the height of the peak of the roof of the residence or fifteen (15) feet, whichever is greater. A carport that is located in the rear yard of a two-story (or greater) single-family residence shall be restricted to a height of fifteen (15) feet.
All construction plans submitted for permit approval shall meet applicable load span specifications required by the building code or bear the stamp of an engineer licensed in the state.
These requirements shall apply only to carports constructed after the effective date of this section.
(Ordinance 2014-05, sec. 4, adopted 7/8/14)
Where a building line has been established by special ordinance and such line required a greater setback than is prescribed by this article in the district in which the building line is located, no building shall be erected closer to the street than the line so established.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-115)
Except as permitted in this article, no lot shall contain any building used in whole or in part for residential purposes unless such lot abuts for at least 30 feet on a street or officially approved place which means of access shall have the minimum right-of-way width of 35 feet.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-116)
Open and unenclosed building projections such as outside stairways and fire escapes, balconies, terraces, or porches, awnings, eave and roof extensions, and ornamental features may project into the required yards for a distance not to exceed 4 feet, provided, however, that no supporting structures for such extension may be located within the required yards. In no such case shall such projections be located closer than 3 feet from any lot line. Supporting members for stairways and fire escapes only, however, shall be permitted within the required yards.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-117)
A site plan is a plan of development drawn to scale indicating:
The location and arrangement of buildings on subject property.
Building setbacks and yards.
Landscaping and/or walls and fences for screening purposes.
Off-street parking and loading area and design of ingress and egress to and from abutting streets.
Where a site plan is required, a zoning permit shall not be issued until a site plan of development has been approved by the building official.
For any specific use permit application or whenever two or more main buildings, or portions thereof, are placed upon a single lot or tract and such buildings will not face upon a street or officially approved place, a site plan shall be submitted to and reviewed by the planning and zoning commission prior to being approved by the building official for the purpose of issuing a zoning permit.
For any temporary use permit application, a site plan shall be submitted to and reviewed by the board of adjustment prior to being approved by the building official for the purpose of issuing a zoning permit.
The reviewing body (the planning and zoning commission or the board of adjustment) may recommend disapproval of a site plan, or in recommending approval of a site plan may require revisions of the proposed arrangement of buildings, streets, parking areas, and ingress and egress. They may recommend the installation of storm sewers, storm sewer inlets, sidewalks, paving, platting of streets, protective screening and/or additional open space for rights-of-way or other public use.
Disapproval, approval, or conditional approval of a site plan together with all recommendations or revisions shall be indicated on the site plan together with the date of review and the signatures of the chairman of the reviewing body and the building official. This site plan shall be the official copy and kept on file together with all previous site plans.
A duplicate copy of the official site plan, disapproved, approved, or conditionally approved, shall be given to the applicant together with all the recommendations of the reviewing body.
The purpose of site plan approval is to determine compliance with this article and to promote the orderly and harmonious development of the city.
(1977 Code, sec. 13-118)