The City of Tulia, Texas, within the corporate limits as now established or as hereafter may be established, shall continue to be a municipal body politic and corporate in perpetuity under the name of “City of Tulia,” hereinafter called the city. It shall succeed to and possess all the property heretofore belonging to the city; and it shall have such powers, privileges, franchises, rights, duties, and immunities as are provided herein. The city shall be liable for all debts and other obligations for which the corporation is legally bound at the time this charter goes into effect.
The municipal government provided by this charter shall be a “council-manager government.” All powers of the city shall be exercised, in the manner prescribed by this charter, or, if the manner is not thus prescribed, then in such manner as the council may prescribe by ordinance.
The city shall have full power of local self-government and all other powers possible for a city operating under a home-rule charter to have under the constitution and general laws of this state as fully and completely as though they were specifically enumerated in this charter.
Without limitation of the foregoing general grant of powers, the following powers among others that may be exercised by the city are hereby enumerated for greater certainty:
To adopt a corporate seal and to alter it at pleasure;
to sue and to be sued;
to make contracts;
to acquire property of all kinds within or without its corporate limits for any municipal or public purpose in fee simple or any lesser interest or estate, by purchase, gift, devise, lease, condemnation, or other lawful manner, and to own, hold, maintain, improve, enlarge, manage, control, operate, lease, sell, or otherwise dispose of such property;
to raise revenue and to make appropriations;
to borrow money and to issue general obligation and revenue bonds evidencing the indebtedness;
to adopt and to enforce municipal legislation for the proper organization and functioning of the city government, for the preservation and enforcement of good government and order, for the protection and enhancement of health, life, morals, property, and welfare of the city and its inhabitants, and for all other purposes within the power of the city to legislate;
to define, prohibit, and abate nuisances within and without the city as authorized by law;
to own, operate, and regulate public utilities and public services, and to grant, renew, and extend franchises; and
to accept property in trust for the use and benefit of the city and its inhabitants and to administer such trusts.
The boundaries of the city as they exist at the time this charter goes into effect shall be and remain the boundaries of the city until they are changed in a manner authorized by this charter or by general law of the state.
The council shall have power by ordinance to fix the boundary limits of the city, and to provide for the alteration of the boundary limits, the detachment of territory, and the annexation of additional territory lying adjacent to the city, with or without the consent of the owners of the territory or inhabitants annexed or detached, subject to such procedural rules as may be prescribed by law, including notice and hearing as required by law.
Territory may also be annexed to or detached from the city in any other manner which is now or may hereafter be provided by law.
The city shall have the full power and right to exercise the power of eminent domain when necessary or desirable to carry out any of the powers conferred upon it by this charter or by the constitution and laws of the state. The city may exercise the power of eminent domain in any manner authorized or permitted by the constitution and laws of this state. The power of eminent domain hereby conferred shall include the right of the city to take the fee in land so condemned, and such power and authority shall include the right to condemn public property for such purposes. The city shall have and possess the power of condemnation of property within and without its corporate limits for any municipal or public purposes even though not specifically enumerated in this charter.
The city shall have the power, in connection with its power to develop and improve or cause to be developed and improved any and all public streets, sidewalks, waterways, alleys, and other public ways and facilities within the corporate limits of the city, to assess the cost of such development and improvement partly or entirely by assessments levied as a lien against the property benefited thereby and against the owners thereof. These assessments may be levied in any amount and under any procedures not prohibited by the constitution or laws of the state. The city may prescribe the time, terms, and conditions of payment thereof, and the rate of interest; and may include reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of collection, if incurred. No assessment may be made against land or owners of land in excess of the enhancement in value to the property occasioned by such development or improvement. If improvements are ordered constructed in any part of any area used or occupied by the tracks or facilities of any railway or public utility, then the city shall have the power to assess the whole cost of improvements in such area and the added costs of improvements in areas adjacent thereto made necessary by such use or occupancy against such railway or public utility, and shall have the power, by ordinance, to provide for the enforcement of such assessment.
As an alternative and cumulative method of developing, improving and paving any and all public streets, sidewalks, waterways, alleys, highways, and other public ways and facilities within its corporate limits, the city shall have the power to proceed in accordance with article 1105b, Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, as now amended or as hereafter amended.
The powers of the city under this charter shall be construed liberally in favor of the city, and the specific mention of particular powers in the charter shall not be construed as limiting in any way the general powers stated in this article.
All powers of the city shall be subject to the limitations imposed by the constitution and general laws of the state and this charter.
The city may exercise any of its powers or perform any of its functions and may participate in the financing thereof, jointly or in cooperation, by contract or otherwise, with any one or more states or political subdivisions or agencies thereof, or the United States or any agency thereof.