The subdivider of each tract of land will be required to construct, at his own expense, those improvements required to serve the land platted. Such improvements shall include paved streets, curbs and gutters, storm sewer, water and/or sanitary sewer line, and any other improvements required by city ordinances. The subdivider shall install, construct or reconstruct the same, all according to current city standards and specifications provided by ordinance, and shall pay all costs, including engineering costs, covering design, layout and construction supervision by the city, as well as all city inspection fees. If the subdivision is adjacent to a street or storm drainage facility not meeting current city standards and specifications, such shall be reconstructed to current standards at developer’s expense unless the developer secures a waiver in writing from the city council. As a condition to such waiver, the city council may require a deposit of an escrow amount sufficient to pay for improvement of one-half (1/2) of the street and all adjacent improvements, subject to such oversize participation as the city may agree to under this article. Such escrow, without interest, shall be applied against any assessment for improvements levied on such property, but shall not be deemed to relieve such property from liability for any costs assessed which exceed the escrow. Preliminary plans for improvement shall be submitted to the planning and zoning board for study and approval. Detailed construction plans, including a plan and profile for each street, shall be filed with the submission of the final plat in the same number of copies as required for the final subdivision plat, and failure to supply the same shall be grounds for denial of the final plat. If participation in the costs of construction of oversize streets by the city is desired by the subdivider, the subdivider may request the same and the city council will consider each such request upon its individual merits prior to construction. The city shall not be bound unless and until it enters into a written contract setting forth in detail the amount and extent of the city’s participation. The city shall not participate in any cost of any street which is not either immediately adjacent to city property or which is oversized due to factors other than the proposed development.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 9; 1993 Code, art. 9.900)
Monuments shall be required as necessary to establish lot, block and street right-of-way boundaries. Monuments shall be iron pins not less than three-quarters inch (3/4") in diameter and no less than eighteen inches (18") in length. All monuments shall be installed flush with or slightly below the finished grade.
Reserve strips.
There shall be no reserve strips or other restrictions acting to inhibit access to land dedicated to public use.
Block lengths shall be consistent with good street design. Irregular rather than grid patterns are encouraged to enhance and control land utilization.
Lots shall be of a size dependent upon land conditions, proposed usage and sewerage provisions.
Supervision and inspection.
All work done on subdivision improvements shall be done under the city’s supervision or by a person or firm so designated by the city. Inspection and test reports shall be furnished to the city planning and zoning board by an independent state registered engineer showing compliance with requirements of construction and materials in this article. The inspection cost/fee incurred by the above requirement shall be borne by the person, subdivider or corporation proposing the street construction.
Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction adopted.
There is hereby adopted by the city council of the City of Willow Park, Texas, for the purpose of providing uniform specifications for public works construction in new subdivisions, that certain publication referred to as Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), 1st edition, as amended, be and the same is hereby adopted as the code of the City of Willow Park, Texas, for the purpose of providing specifications for public works construction in new subdivisions. Not less than one (1) copy shall remain on file in the office of the city secretary of the City of Willow Park, Texas, and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this section shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the city limits of the City of Willow Park, Texas.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 9(A); 1993 Code, sec. 9.901)
Adequate streets shall be provided by the subdivider and the arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, contour, curve radii and location of each shall be planned in consideration of existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, public safety and convenience, and the proposed uses of land to be served by such streets.
Whenever possible, street jogs with centerline offsets of less than one hundred fifty feet (150') shall be avoided. Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as practicable, giving due regard to terrain and topography.
The platting of half streets shall be prohibited. Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except as short stubs to allow for the future development of adjacent property. In general, cul-de-sacs shall not exceed five hundred feet (500') in length, and shall have a right-of-way turnaround of not less than one hundred twenty feet (120') in diameter.
Curbs shall be installed by the subdivider on both sides of all streets where lots are less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or lot frontages are less than one hundred twenty-five feet (125'). The subdivider, at his option, shall install either a retainer curb or a curb and gutter. The curb and gutter shall have three (3) #3 bars of reinforcing steel running horizontally; two (2) bars shall be in the gutter section and one (1) bar in the curb section. Retainer curbs shall be eight inches by eight inches (8" x 8") and two (2) #4 bars of reinforcing steel running horizontally. Curb radii at street intersections shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'). Where necessary, property lines shall be adjusted accordingly.
Shoulders abutting pavement shall be raised to the level of the pavement surface, compacted to a minimum density of ninety-five percent (95%) standard proctor, and sloped away from the pavement. All shoulders shall be sloped to ensure the proper drainage of surface water.
All streets and street rights-of-way shall be designed to provide for the discharge of surface water from the pavement and from the right-of-way by grading and drainage. Such designs shall provide for the adequate discharge of water from the street into the storm drainage system at strategic points.
Construction of the street surface shall conform to the following:
Surface treatment.
Streets in subdivisions may, at the subdivider’s option, have a surface treatment of hot-mix asphaltic cement (HMAC) or concrete. The following table is provided as minimum requirements for base and surface dimensions:
Surface Thickness
6" of crushed rock base
8" of crushed rock base
6" of lime stabilized subgrade
6" of lime stabilized subgrade
Compaction tests are required at each phase of construction. These tests should be performed by a certified testing laboratory and submitted to the city engineer or other representative designated by the city. Also, cross-sections are required to be tested every two hundred feet (200') to check road crown and must be submitted to the city engineer or designated city representative.
All streets should be designed to conform to the following:
Street Type
Minimum Design Speed
Maximum Percent Grade
Minimum Percent Grade
One- and two-family residential driveways.
The location and size of ingress and egress driveways for one (1) and two (2) family residences shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer or the city’s designated representative.
Residential driveways to serve single-car garages, carports and/or storage areas shall be not less than eleven feet (11') nor more than fifteen feet (15') in width, measured at the property line. Residential driveways to serve two (2) car garages, carports and/or storage areas shall be not less than eleven feet (11') nor more than twenty-four feet (24') in width, measured at the property line. When residential driveways are required to serve three (3) or more car garages, carports and/or storage areas, the size and location of the driveway(s) shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer, after an adequate engineering analysis of the parking, maneuvering and access requirements. A driveway should not begin less than five feet (5') from the point of tangency of the corner radius of an intersection.
The radius of all driveway returns shall be a minimum of five feet (5'), however, if in the professional opinion of the city engineer a situation justifies, driveways may be built at an angle other than perpendicular to the roadway and/or with driveway return radii of as much as twenty feet (20'). Residential driveways shall not be constructed closer than ten feet (10') apart. Joint driveway approaches may be approved provided a letter of agreement signed by all adjoining property owners is delivered to the city engineer.
Multifamily residential, commercial and industrial driveways.
The location of ingress and egress and the size of all multifamily residential, commercial and industrial driveways shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Driveways should not exceed sixty-five percent (65%) of the property frontage. Multifamily residential, commercial and industrial driveways shall be a minimum of fifteen feet (15') and a maximum of thirty-five feet (35') in width measured at the property line. When the property frontage is seventy-five feet (75') or greater, the driveway measured at the property line shall not begin less than ten feet (10') from the property corner. When the property frontage is less than seventy-five feet (75'), the driveway measured at the property line may begin a minimum of five feet (5') from the property corner, provided there is not an existing driveway within fifteen feet (15') of the property corner on the adjacent property. A minimum of twenty feet (20'), measured at the property line, should be maintained between driveways.
The radius of all driveway returns shall be a minimum of five feet (5), however, if in the professional opinion of the city engineer a situation justifies, driveways may be built at an angle other than perpendicular to the roadway and/or with driveway return radii of as much as twenty feet (20'). The larger radius driveway returns may only be approved if a minimum of ten feet (10') of tangent curb can be constructed between the driveway returns. Joint driveway approaches may be approved provided a letter of agreement signed by all adjoining property owners is delivered to the city engineer.
Emergency access and fire lane easements shall be provided in multifamily residential, commercial and industrial developed property. These easements shall have a minimum width of twenty feet (20') and a minimum height clearance of fourteen feet (14'). Any emergency access and fire lane easement more than one hundred feet (100') in length shall either connect at each end to a dedicated public street or be provided with a cul-de-sac having a minimum radius of fifty feet (50') right-of-way. These easements shall be paved with a hard surface material.
Residential streets shall have a minimum right-of-way width of fifty feet (50') and a minimum pavement width of twenty-seven feet (27'). Collector/arterial streets shall have a minimum right-of-way width of sixty feet (60') and a minimum paving width of thirty-six feet (36'). Paving width is determined from face of curb to face of curb or from shoulder edge to shoulder edge where curbs are not present.
All street improvements shall be made in accordance with the manual Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction prepared by the North Central Texas Council of Governments and at the developer’s expense.
Street signs shall be installed by the subdivider at all intersections within or abutting the subdivision. Such signs shall be, as specified by MUTCD, of a durable type acceptable to the planning and zoning board.
The subdivider must purchase a maintenance bond in an amount equal to the total amount of street construction to be kept in effect for a period of two (2) years and shall be made payable to the City of Willow Park, Texas.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 9(B); 1993 Code, sec. 9.902)
Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, natural channel or stream, there shall be provided, at the discretion of the planning and zoning board, an easement or right-of-way conforming substantially to the limit of such watercourse, plus additional width to accommodate future access and possible drainage structures. Storm drainage structures may be required by the planning and zoning board to accommodate the runoff of stormwater and to control undesirable erosion.
Storm drainage easements of ten feet (10') minimum width shall be provided for existing and proposed enclosed drainage systems. Easements shall be centered on the systems. Larger easements, where necessary, shall be provided as directed by the city engineer or the city’s representative.
Storm drainage easements along proposed or existing open channels shall provide sufficient width for the required channel and such additional width as may be required to provide ingress and egress of maintenance equipment; to provide clearance from fences and space for utility poles; to allow maintenance of the channel bank; and to provide adequate slopes necessary along the bank. Such widths shall conform with those specified, determined and required by the city engineer or the city’s representative and as delineated in exhibit A attached hereto.
Storm drainage easements shall be provided for emergency overflow drainageways of sufficient width to contain within the easement stormwater resulting from a one hundred (100) year frequency storm less the amount of stormwater carried in an enclosed system.
Floodway easements shall be provided along natural drainageways and lakes or reservoirs. Easements shall be provided in accordance with any and all applicable floodplain management or flood prevention programs, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Texas Department of Water Resources and the flood hazard boundary map for the City of Willow Park, Texas.
The width of the easements described in items (1) through (4) above shall be substantiated by a drainage study submitted to and approved by the city engineer or the city’s representative.
All drainage facilities shall be designed and constructed in conformance with exhibit A “Storm Drainage” attached hereto.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 9(C); 1993 Code, sec. 9.903)
Utility easements shall be provided for the use of public utility lines, conduits and equipment. These shall be in the form of streets, or special easements along lot lines, as desired by utility firms operating within the city or as required by the board. In general, it is desired that rear lot line easements be used to supply telephone and electrical services. Normally, water distribution lines shall be laid behind the curb line to the north and east sides of street easements; normally sewer and gas lines shall be laid on the south and west sides of street easements, with gas lines being behind the curb lines and sewer lines, and sewer lines being along the outer edge of street easements.
All services for utilities shall be made available for each lot in such manner as will obviate the necessity for disturbing the street pavement, curb, gutter and drainage structures when connections are made.
All water facilities shall be designed and constructed in conformance with exhibit B “Design Criteria for Water Projects” attached hereto.
All sewer facilities shall be designed and constructed in conformance with exhibit C “Design Criteria for Sewer Projects” attached hereto.
All septic tank systems must be designed and constructed in conformance with the plumbing code of the City of Willow Park, Texas, Code of Ordinances and any and regulations of the Texas Department of Health.
Other utility facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with local utility regulations.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 9(D); 1993 Code, sec. 9.904)