[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
This Part shall be known and may be cited as the “Smithfield Township Community Antenna Television Franchise Ordinance.”
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
An arrangement or combination of apparatus whereby television signals broadcast over the air are received at one or more towers, antennas or other devises from television stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and other information sources and which for a consideration are transmitted by means of a coaxial cable or other suitable device to television receiving sets or subscribers to such service.
Blue Ridge Cable Television, Inc., the grantee of rights under this franchise.
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
All public streets, ways, alleys and parkways owned by or under the jurisdiction of Smithfield Township.
The governing body of Smithfield Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania.
Smithfield Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
There is hereby granted by the Township to the Company an exclusive franchise in the place and stead on the nonexclusive franchise previously granted, to construct a community antenna television system (CATV) for television related services as may be prescribed or permitted by the Federal Communications Commission and to use poles, wires, conduits and appurtenances under, along, across or upon any or all public streets, ways, alleys or parkways, as the same now or hereafter exist within Smithfield Township and within the boundaries of the said Smithfield Township, and distributing electricity and electrical impulses and signals for television purposes, namely to produce reproduction of sights and sounds in combination to the residents of Smithfield Township, upon the terms and conditions and subject to the limitations herein set forth.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
Upon the annexation of any territory to the Township, the portion of any said utility that may be located or operated within said territory, upon the streets, alleys or public ways thereof, shall thereafter be subject to all the terms of this franchise as though it were an extension made thereunder.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
The Company shall, at all times during the life of this franchise, be subject to all lawful exercise of the public power by the Township, and to such reasonable regulations as the Township shall hereafter by resolution or ordinance provide.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
Company shall indemnify and save the Township and its agents and employees harmless from all and any claims for personal injuries or property damages, and other claims and costs, including attorney's fees, expenses of investigation and litigation of claims and suits thereon which may arise from the installation and/or operation of Company's television antenna system or any equipment of the Company. In case suit shall be filed against the Township, either independently or jointly with said Company, to recover for any said claim or damages, said Company, upon notice to it by said Township, shall defend said Township, its agents and employees, against said action, and, in the event of a final judgment being obtained against said Township, either independently or jointly with said Company, the said Company will pay said judgment and all costs and hold the Township harmless therefrom. For this purpose Company shall carry and at all times maintain on file with the Secretary of the Township and at all times keep in force, a public liability policy or policies in the name of Company and the Township as their respective interest may appear, insuring Company and the Township against any and all liability arising from the installation and/or operation of said system, which policy or policies shall be approved by the Solicitor of the Township. Such liability policy or policies shall be in the sum of $25,000 from damage to property in any one accident, and not less than $100,000 for injury or death to any one person, and not less than the sum of $200,000 for death or injury to all persons affected by any one accident. Such policies of insurance shall be issued by a company licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Company shall also carry workmen's compensation coverage for all of its employees subject to such coverage, and shall submit to the Secretary of the Township a certificate of insurance showing that workmen's compensation coverage is in effect.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978; as amended by Ord. 128, 4/26/1994]
The Company shall annually pay a franchise fee to the Township during the life of this franchise, said fee to be 2% of the total gross revenue, said fee being for the regulation and privilege of using the streets and alleys of the Township for the operation of its system. The franchise fee shall be due and payable on the first day of April of each and every year hereafter.
“Total gross revenues” means all cash, credits, property of any kind or nature, or other consideration whatsoever in any form arising from or attributable to the sale or exchange of cable communications services by the franchisee within the Township or in any way derived from the operation of its cable communications system including, but not limited to, any interconnection between its system in the Township and any system whatsoever or the sale, exchange or cablecast of any programming developed on or for community communications channels of the franchisee's system. The franchisee's fee shall not be charged to the customer in addition to other charges.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
The Company shall during the continuance of this franchise provide facilities and service sufficient to meet the needs of the public welfare, and shall maintain its facilities and service up to date and in keeping with technical progress. Company shall maintain and operate its system and render efficient service on a minimum of seven TV channels as permitted by the FCC and in accordance with rules and regulations as are, or in the future maybe, set forth by the Supervisors of the Township. The system shall be installed and maintained in accordance with good engineering practices, and any spurious electromagnetic radiation must fall within the limits specified by the Federal Communications Commission. All construction must be done in a good and workmanlike manner free of obvious defects which may be a hazard to life and limb, and in conformance with the standards as set forth in he National Electric Safety Code.
Notice of Interruption for Repairs. Whenever it is necessary to shut off or interrupt service for the purpose of making repairs, adjustments or installations, the Company shall do so at such time as shall cause the least amount of inconvenience to its customers, and unless such interruption is unforeseen and immediately necessary, it shall give reasonable notice thereof to its customers.
Continuous Service. Company service shall be continuous daily during the regular telecast operating hours of the stations whose TV broadcasts are being transmitted.
Non-discrimination of Service. The Company shall serve any person residing in or owning property in the Township desiring service who shall pay the charges hereafter enumerated.
Interference. The Company shall at all times operate the community system so as not to adversely affect or interfere with existing radio and television reception and shall prevent radiation from Company's cables or antennas located in Township.
Malfunctions. The Company shall immediately investigate and resolve all service complaints and equipment malfunctions. The Company shall maintain a local business office for these purposes in Stroudsburg where a complete tariff governing the service to customers is on file. Said tariff shall also be on file with the Secretary of the Township. Notice of procedure for reporting and resolving complaints shall be given to each subscriber at the time of initial subscription.
The Secretary of the Township has primary responsibility for administration of the franchise and implementation of complaint procedures.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
The Company shall not further increase rates without first securing the permission and approval of the Supervisors after a full public proceeding affording due process. Further, the Supervisors will not unreasonably withhold approval of a rate increase upon a showing of the need by the Company or as a result of the modification of copyright fees by the approving governmental agency. The approval of any changes in the rates shall be by resolution of the Supervisors.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
The sole stockholder of the Company is presently Pencor Services, Inc. The Company shall not sell, transfer or assign this franchise nor shall its owners transfer majority ownership of their stock of said Company, unless to one of its wholly owned subsidiaries, without the approval of the Supervisors which said approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Provided, further that no sale or transfer shall be effective until the vendee, assignee or lessee has filed with the Township Secretary an instrument accepting the terms of the franchise and agreeing to perform all the conditions thereof.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
Use. All transmission and distribution structures, lines and equipment erected by the Company within the Township shall be located with the approval of the Supervisors and shall be so located as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets, alleys and other public ways and places, and to cause minimum interference with the rights and reasonable convenience of property owners who adjoin the streets, alleys or other public ways and places.
Restoration. In case of any disturbance of pavement, sidewalk, driveway or other surfacing, the Company shall, at its own cost and expense and in a manner approved by the Supervisors, replace and restore all paving, sidewalk, driveway or surface of any street or alley disturbed, in as good condition as before said work was commenced and. shall maintain the restoration in improved condition for one year.
Relocation. In the event that at any time during this franchise the Township shall lawfully elect to alter or change the location or grade of any street, alley or other public way or if in the opinion of the Supervisors a pole or pole line interferes with the necessary convenience of the Township or a property owner, then upon reasonable notice by the Township the Company shall remove, relay and relocate its poles, wires and cables or other television fixtures at its own expense.
Placement of Fixtures.
It is to be the general policy of the Township and it is understood by Company that where distribution lines are to be installed along any public street the same shall preferably be attached to existing utility poles rather than to additional poles placed by Company, and that where poles are to be placed in alleys, the same shall be located whenever possible on the same side of the alley as existing utility poles. It is understood and agreed that this restriction and limitation shall extend to any and all streets within the limits of the Township, even though some of said streets may be part of the State highway system. Special exception or exceptions may be granted to Company by the Supervisors upon written application to it by Company, but said exceptions shall be for good cause shown.
Before Company sets poles or constructs any structure on Township property it shall file with the Township detailed specifications showing the exact location, height and dimensions of the poles or structures to be erected. The poles or structures shall not be erected thereafter until such specifications shall be approved in writing by the Supervisors and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has issued a license when and if required. All wires, cables and other overhead equipment shall be at such minimum heights as are or may be required of telephone or power lines by the Public Utility Commission or by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Where the Supervisors of the Township are uncertain as to the exact location of the limits of the right-of-way of any street or alley, then in its discretion it may require the same to be surveyed by a surveyor selected by it, the cost of said survey to be paid by Company.
Tree Trimming. The Company shall have the authority to trim trees upon and overhanging streets, alleys, sidewalks and public places of the Township so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with wires and cables of the Company, all trimming to be done under the supervision and direction of the Supervisors and at the expense of the Company.
Use of Poles and Fixtures. The Company agrees that it will furnish a copy of any contract entered into with any utility for the use of their poles by the Company and setting forth the terms, conditions and duration of said contract.
Removal of Wires and Installations from Premises of Subscriber. The Company shall, on request of any subscriber, promptly remove all wires and installations from the premises of such subscriber.
Removal of Wire, Poles and Installations from Township Streets. The Company shall remove or cause to be removed from the streets, alleys, and public ways of the Township of Smithfield and from all public property all of the wires, poles and installations of any kind or nature whatsoever which have been installed under the authority of this franchise upon the termination of this franchise, the cessation of operation under this franchise by the Company, its successors or assigns, for any reason whatsoever, or the forfeiture of this franchise under the provisions of § 13-415 herein. In order to insure the performance of this provision, and the provisions, terms and conditions of this Part, the Company shall post an adequate performance bond and continue the same in effect during the term of this franchise, said bond to be in they amount of $5,000 in favor of the Township without surety to be approved as to form by the Township Solicitor.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
The Supervisors, their Treasurer, Solicitor, auditors or accountant shall have the right at reasonable times to inspect the books and records of the Company for the purpose of verifying the statement of rentals received.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978; as amended by Ord. 63, 10/24/1978]
The franchise and rights granted herein shall take effect on the effective date of this Part and shall continue in force and effect for a period of 15 years thereafter. At the option of the Company and with the approval of the Supervisors, upon review of the applicant's qualifications, the franchise may be extended for additional terms of 15 years. Any modifications of 76.31 of the Rules of the Federal Communications Commission shall be incorporated into this franchise Part within one year of adoption, or at the, time of franchise renewal, whichever occurs first.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
The Company shall assume the cost of publication of this Part as such publication is required by law. A bill for publication costs shall be presented to the Company by the Secretary of the Township and upon Company's filing of acceptance shall be paid at that time.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
The Supervisors may at any time declare a forfeiture of this grant for violation or default by the Company of any of the terms thereof, provided that none of the terms of this grant shall be deemed to be violated so as to permit such forfeiture unless the Company shall first be given notice by the Township of such violation or default and of the attempt to declare a forfeiture and thereafter if such violation or default shall continue for a period of more than 90 days all the rights and privileges of said Company under the provisions of this Part may be forthwith declared forfeited and revoked. If any action shall be instituted or prosecuted directly or indirectly by the Company, or by its stockholders, or creditors, to set aside or have declared void any terms of this grant, the whole of this grant may be thereupon forfeited and annulled at the option of the Supervisors, to be expressed by ordinance. Provided, however, the Company shall not be deemed to be in default for performance of any provision of this grant, nor shall any forfeiture be invoked for any violation or failure to perform any provision hereof due to strikes, lockouts, insurrections, acts of God, or any cause beyond the control of the Company.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
Whenever, by the terms of this Part, notice is required to be given by the Township to the Company, it may be given by delivering to an officer of the Company a paper writing thereof during the ordinary business hours at the principal office of the Company. Whenever the Company is required to give notice to the Township it shall do so be leaving or delivering a paper writing thereof at the office of the Secretary of the Township during ordinary business hours.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
The Company will hold the Township harmless from the alleged violation of any utility franchise previously granted by the Township. The granting of a franchise under this Part shall not be construed as any undertaking or guarantee of the efficiency of the Company or maintenance of the service of Company. The Township assumes no responsibility for the acts or omissions of the Company other than to require compliance with this Part.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
This grant is made upon the express condition that the Company within 30 days after this Part takes effect and becomes operative, shall file with the Secretary of the Township a written acceptance of the same, and when this Part shall have been accepted by the Company, such ordinance and acceptance shall constitute a contract between the Township and the Company for all the uses, services and purposes set forth in this Part, and the Company by its acceptance of the provisions of this Part binds itself to provide the necessary television antenna system and to establish, operate and maintain the local television antenna system contemplated in this Part, continuing without substantial interruption except for causes beyond its control until the expiration of the term of this grant. Any rights previously granted to Blue Ridge Broadcasters by Resolution dated February 2, 1965, are merged in this Agreement. In the event that said Company fails to file said written acceptance within the time herein before specified, this grant, together with any rights or liabilities arising out of the proposal heretofore made for the furnishing of an adequate television antenna system for the benefit of inhabitants of said Township, and the acceptance of such proposal by the Township, shall be of no effect and void.
[Ord. 62, 10/10/1978]
CATV service under this franchise shall be extended within four years of the date hereof to all portions of this Township (excluding those areas with a population density of less than 20 homes per mile) commencing one year after receiving a certificate of compliance from the FCC and shall cover not less than 20% per year.
[Ord. 129, 9/27/1994]
This Part shall be known and may be cited as the “Township of Smithfield Community Antenna Television Franchise Ordinance.
[Ord. 129, 9/27/1994]
An arrangement or combination of apparatus whereby television signals broadcast over the air are received at one Fir more towers, antennas or other devices from television stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and other suitable device to television receiving sets or subscribers to such service.
Blue Ridge Cable Television, Inc., or any other CATV company, which the Township may enter into a franchise agreement with in the future.
The Township of Smithfield, Monroe County, Pennsylvania.
The governing body of the Township of Smithfield, Monroe County, Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 129, 9/27/1994]
It is hereby levied and imposed upon the cable company a franchise fee of 5% of the cable company's gross revenues derived from connections within the Township of Smithfield as outlined and defined in the franchise agreement dated November 1, 1994, between the Township and the Company (Blue Ridge Cable Television, Inc.) or any other franchise agreement which may be entered into between the Township and any other cable TV company in the future.
[Ord. 129, 9/27/1994]
The Company shall annually pay a fee to the Township during the life of this Part. Said fee is to be based upon 5% of the gross annual receipts of the company arising within the Township from monthly subscriber service charges; said fee being for the regulation and privilege of using the streets and alleys of the Township for the operation of its system.
This Part shall become effective immediately after enactment by the Township Supervisors and the fee shall be effective November 1, 1994, per the agreement with the Blue Ridge Cable Television, Inc., or the fee shall be effective on the date set forth in a franchise agreement with any other cable TV company.