[Ord. 117, 2/26/1991]
The Supervisors of the Township of Smithfield hereby establish a park and recreation commission to be known as the Smithfield Township Park Commission pursuant to the Second Class Township Code, 53 P.S. §§ 65734 and 66901 to 56907.2.
[Ord. 117, 2/26/1991]
The Commission shall be comprised of seven members and shall be appointed by the Smithfield Township Supervisors. The members shall serve for a term of five years except the members of the Commission first appointed shall be appointed as follows: one member shall be appointed for two years, two members shall be appointed for three years, two members for four years, and two members for five years. All members shall serve without pay. All persons appointed shall serve their full terms unless they voluntarily resign or are removed by the Supervisors for dereliction or neglect of duty. Any vacancies in the Commission occurring otherwise than by expiration of the term of a member shall be filled by the Supervisors for the unexpired term.
[Ord. 117, 2/26/1991]
The Commission shall elect its own Chairperson and Secretary and select all other officers necessary for the operation of the Commission. All officers shall be elected to serve for a period of one year. The Commission shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its business within the jurisdiction of this Part.
[Ord. 117, 2/26/1991]
The duties and responsibilities of the Commission shall be as follows:
To recommend to the Township Supervisors the selection, employment and discharge of employees to include recreation directors, play leaders, life guards, laborers, or general recreation workers, or to recommend the discharge of any recreational personnel, but the actual hiring or discharge of any recreational personnel shall rest with the Supervisors.
To recommend to the Supervisors what equipment shall be purchased, what hours of operation, and how the park shall be staffed and supervised.
To make financial recommendations to the Board of Supervisors relative to the operation and cost of the park and recreation area.
It shall be the duty of the Commission to submit an annual report to the Township Supervisors including an analysis of the existing community recreation areas and facilities together with an analysis of any proposed changes or needs for future recreational facilities or needs, and the adequacy of existing programs and their effectiveness in view of the public expenditures involved and the public needs to be met.
The Commission shall have not authority to make any expenditures without Township approval.
To adopt rules and regulations for the parks and recreation areas subject to ratification by the Township Supervisors.
[Ord. 117, 2/26/1991; as amended by Ord. 147, 8/24/1999]
The Township Supervisors have caused a plan to be prepared by R.K.R. Hess Associates, Surveyors, Planners, Engineers and Architects, dated November 30, 1990, entitled Master Plan, Smithfield Township, Park Drawings NO. S1, Project No. 9022701, designating the park and recreation area, said lands being south of the dotted line on said plan marked reserved for future municipal use. The lands south of the dotted line marked reserved for future municipal use shall be known as the official lands for administration by the Smithfield Township Park Commission pursuant to this Part and said plan shall be duly filed with the Township Secretary. The Township Supervisors may, in their discretion, acquire other parks and recreational areas in which case they shall cause to have official plans drafted and filed with the Township Secretary. Each new official plan shall indicate lands to be administered by the Smithfield Township Park Commission.
[Ord. 117, 2/26/1991]
Any and all rules and regulations adopted by the Commission and approved by the Supervisors shall be conspicuously posted on park and recreation property.
[Ord. 117, 2/26/1991; as amended by Ord. 160, 6/25/2002]
The sports fields are maintained by Smithfield Township for recreation and the enjoyment of its residents. Use of these fields must be in accordance with the following rules and regulations. Fees for use of park facilities may be assessed at certain times by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
Penalties for violations of one or more of these rules and regulations are set forth.
Parks and recreation areas shall be open during daylight hours only unless special arrangements have been established with the Board of Supervisors.
Parking is allowed in designated areas only. Also parking of licensed vehicles shall be in accordance with the Smithfield Township Code, Chapter 15, as amended. No unlicensed vehicles are allowed in or on Township parks and recreational areas.
Sports fields must be assigned a group leader when they are used by a group. Assigned groups have priority on sports fields.
Only one game at a time shall permitted on a sports field.
Sports field/fields are open to the public when not assigned.
No vehicles are allowed on sports field/fields at any time except for mowing and maintenance.
Group leaders are personally responsible for the control and behavior of their respective group/groups.
All groups and individuals will collect all litter after use of the field or fields.
All pets are to be kept on a leash at all times, and pet owners shall be responsible for cleaning up after their pets.
No alcoholic beverages are allowed on or in any Township park or recreational area.
No horses are allowed in any of the Township parks and recreational areas.
No snowmobiles or ATVs are allowed in any of the Township parks and recreational areas.
No hunting or target practice is allowed in any of the Township parks and recreational areas.
No fires are allowed in any Township parks or recreation areas without special permission of the Township Supervisors. The exception shall be for cooking on charcoal or gas grills.
Digging or intentionally searching or scavenging for any artifact, collectible, or other item of value by any means in any of Smithfield Township's parks and recreation areas is prohibited. Any artifact, collectible, or other item of value found in any of the Township parks and recreational areas shall not be removed, and the Township office shall be notified immediately of the find. Any inquiries regarding lost artifacts, collectibles or other items of value shall be made to the Township Office or to the Smithfield Township Park Commission.
In addition to any of the penalties set forth in § 16-108 of this Part, any infraction of the above rules and regulations will be cause for the Township Supervisors to automatically suspend privileges of any offending individual, group or group leader for the entire season.
[Ord. 117, 2/26/1991; as amended by Ord. 128, 4/26/1994; by Ord. 141, 4/28/1998; and by Ord. 160, 6/25/2002]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, or who violates or who fails or refuses to comply with the rules and regulations adopted by the Commission and the Township Supervisors shall, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a district justice in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.