[Ord. 174, 11/22/2005]
Short Title. This Part shall be known as the Township of Smithfield Mandatory Water Connection Ordinance.
Purpose. This Part is adopted for the following purposes:
To protect and provide for the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Township.
To adopt rules and regulations pertaining to the making of connections to the regional water supply and distribution system of the Brodhead creek Regional Authority (the “Authority”) serving portions of the Township, which is a member of the Authority.
To insure an adequate and safe water supply for the people of the Township.
To further define the relationship between the Township and the Authority.
Application of Ordinance. This Part applies to all buildings, presently existing and later constructed, abutting Authority water distribution mains.
Legal Conflicts.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Part are repealed.
The invalidity of any section or provision of this Part shall not affect the validity of any other part of this Part which can be given effect without the invalid parts. The Township intends that this Part would have been adopted had an invalid provision not been included.
[Ord. 174, 11/22/2005]
General Interpretation. For the purpose of this Part, the present tense shall include the future tense; the singular shall include the plural; words used in masculine gender shall include the feminine and the neuter; the word “shall” is always mandatory; the word “may” is always permissive.
Definitions. The following terms shall have the meanings set forth below when used herein:
Any property whose boundary line is adjacent to a distribution line of the water system and which contains a building any part of which is located within 200 feet of such line.
The Municipality Authorities Act of 2001, as amended, as codified at 53 Pa.C.S.A., Chapter 56.
Brodhead Creek Regional Authority
A registered professional engineer in Pennsylvania designated by the authority, as the authority engineer.
Each single or multiple residential structure or unit or apartment unit, store, shop, office, business, commercial or industrial unit, or family unit contained within any structure in the Township intended for continuous or periodic habitation, which contains facilities for use of water for human consumption.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
An individual, partnership, corporation, private or governmental, or other legally recognized entity.
Board of Supervisors of the Township.
The Township of Smithfield, Monroe county.
The water supply and distribution system owned and operated by the authority.
[Ord. 174, 11/22/2005]
Connection Required. All persons holding legal title or an interest therein (the “owner”) to real property in the Township containing a building which abuts a main of the water system must make connections to such main, shall use exclusively water from such main as their water supply for human consumption, except as hereinafter provided, and shall be responsible to pay for all related connection costs.
Unlawful to Maintain Private Supply System. It shall be unlawful for any owner who is required to connect to the water system pursuant to this Part to construct or maintain any other supply system from wells or other private sources, except as provided in 53 P.S. § 67603. Such private facilities shall be disconnected in the manner required by regulations of the authority and DEP.
Application Required. All owners required to connect to the water system shall file with the authority an application for connection in the form provided by the authority and shall pay the tapping fee and connection charge, if any, then in effect. Thereafter, the authority shall issue a connection permit, tap its main and provide water service the main to the curb for all such new connections.
Use of Contractors. Any owner who has applied for permission to connect to the authority's main, who has paid the tapping fee, and connection charge, if any, and received a connection permit from the authority may construct a connection to the water system, at the curb, utilizing his own contractor. Such connection shall be made in strict conformity with the rules and regulations of the authority, and the owner will indemnify and hold harmless the Township and the authority from all loss and damage arising from construction by such owner.
Township or Authority as its Agent may Perform Uncompleted Connection. In the event that any owner fails to make the required connection within 90 days of receiving notice by personal service or registered mail of the connection requirement, the Township, or the authority as the Township's agent, shall be empowered to enter the subject property and perform the necessary work.
Billing of Property Owners. Where the Township or the authority as its agent constructs a connection because of a property owner's failure to do so, the Township, or the authority, as applicable, shall submit an itemized bill to the owner for the completed work, which shall be immediately payable. In case of neglect or refusal by such owner to pay said bill within 30 days thereafter, it shall be the duty of the Township or the authority as its agent to file municipal liens for the amount of such bill, or collect such bill by an action in assumpsit. In the alternative, the Township or the authority as the Township's agent, may authorize the payment of the cost of construction in equal monthly installments, to bear interest at the rate not exceeding 6% per annum, due and payable in full in one year pursuant to the provisions of 53 P.S. § 68303.
Powers and Authority of Inspectors. The authority anal/or authority engineer and other duly authorized representatives or employees of the authority bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted, at all reasonable times, to enter upon any premises connected or about to be connected or required to be connected to the water system for the purpose of inspection and testing in accordance with the provisions of this Part and the Act.
Rates and Charges Payable by Those Required to Connect. The owner of property required to connect shall be responsible for paying the tapping fee, connection charge and water rates, in accordance with the authority's applicable resolution, beginning on the date such owner is required to connect to the water system. This responsibility shall continue whether or not the property is actually connected.
Required Permits. No person shall connect to the water system or otherwise use, alter or disturb said system in any manner without first filing an application far and obtaining a permit, in writing, from the authority.
[Ord. 174, 11/22/2005]
Notice and Correction of Violations. Any person who violates any provision of this Part shall be served by the Township with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a time limit of 60 days or other period specified in the notice for the satisfactory correction of the violation. The offender shall correct all violations within such period of time stated in the notice.
Continuing Violation. Any person who continues any violation beyond the specific time limit shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount not exceeding $600 per violation. A new and separate violation shall be deemed to have been committed for each day the violation continues beyond the specific time limit. The provisions of this Part may also be enforced by an action in equity.
Use of Penalties. All penalties imposed for violation of any provision of this Part shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Township for the Township1s use.
Additional Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Part, in addition to being liable for a penalty, shall be liable to the Township and the authority for any expense, loss or damage suffered by the Township or the authority by reason of the violation.
Enforcement by Authority. The Supervisors hereby authorize and direct the authority to act as agent for the Township to enforce the provisions of this Part.
[Ord. 174, 11/22/2005]
Tapping Fees. All tapping fees, connection charges and similar fees charges by the authority for the water system shall be calculated in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Act.
Reimbursement of Property Owners Expansions. Where a property owner or owners construct or cause to be constructed any addition, expansion or extension to or of the water system which provides capacity to accommodate future development upon the lands of others, the authority shall provide for reimbursement to the property owner or owners in accordance with the provisions of the Act.