[Ord. 212, 7/9/2013]
Map Elements. The Official Map, as enacted and as subsequently amended, may show appropriate elements or portions of elements of the:
Smithfield Township Comprehensive Plan
Eastern Monroe Open Space and Recreation Plan
And any other plan or study of the Township with regard to public lands and facilities. The Official Map may include, but need not be limited to:
Existing and proposed public streets, watercourses and public grounds, including widenings, narrowings, extensions, diminutions, openings or closing of same.
Existing and proposed public parks, playgrounds, and open space reservations.
Conservation easements.
Bicycle and pedestrian ways and easements.
Railroad and transit rights-of-way and easements.
Flood control basins, floodways and flood plains, storm water management areas and drainage easements.
Support facilities, easements and other properties held by public bodies undertaking the elements of Township plans and studies.
Identification and Acquisition. For the purposes of initially identifying land on the Official Map, property records, aerial photography, photogrammetric mapping or other method sufficient for the identification, description and publication of areas for reservation on the Official Map will be sufficient. For the acquisition of lands and easements, boundary descriptions by metes and bounds shall be made and sealed by a licensed surveyor, registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Size and Location of Reservations. The size and location of a reservation shall be determined as follows:
Reservations shown on the Official Map which are shown as constituting an entire property shall be the same size and the same location as that of the property designated on the Official Map.
Reservations shown on the Official Map which are shown as constituting only a portion of a property shall be sized and located based on the approximate size and location of the designation as shown on the Official Map.
Reservations shown on the Official Map as corridors or rights-of-way, such as bicycle or pedestrian ways or streets, shall be of a sufficient width to allow for the designated purposes. Bicycle and pedestrian ways shall be at least five feet wide for pedestrian ways or 10 feet wide for off-street bicycle ways, plus a buffer on both sides of the path which would amount to a twenty-foot wide easement or right-of-way. See § 30-201, Subsection 5, for streets.
At the Board of Supervisors’ discretion, the size and/or location may deviate from the requirements listed above if the Board determines that the new size and/or location will allow sufficient size and access for the proposed public use and that new size and/or location will meet the intent of the reservation.
Additions or Modifications. The Board of Supervisors, by amending this Chapter, may make additions or modifications by ordinance to the Official Map or parts thereto by following the provisions included in Article IV of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended. Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent the Smithfield Township Board of Supervisors from vacating any existing or proposed public street, watercourse or public ground, or part thereof, contained in the Official Map.
Street Design Requirements. Unless otherwise specified, on the official map or within other controlling ordinance provisions, all proposed public street rights-of-way and widenings of existing public street rights-of-way shall meet the design requirements specified in the Smithfield Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 22) for the highway functional classification as designated by the Township and/or PennDOT or other applicable study or plan.
[Ord. 212, 7/9/2013]
The Official Map, as signed and dated by the Board of Supervisors and including all notations, references, and other data shown thereon, is hereby incorporated by reference into this Chapter as if it were fully described herein.[1]
Certification of the Official Map. The Official Map shall be identified by the signatures of the Board of Supervisors, attested by the Smithfield Township Secretary, under the following words: This is to certify that this is the Official Map of Smithfield Township referred to in the Official Map Ordinance of Smithfield Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, together with the date of enactment of this Chapter. The Official Map shall be kept on file with the Smithfield Township Secretary.
Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. The Official Map and Official Map Ordinance have been adopted pursuant to the provisions provided in Section 402 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended.
Changes in the Official Map. If, in accord with the provisions of this Chapter, changes are made to the location of lines designating existing or proposed public streets, watercourses, or public grounds or easements, such changes shall be entered promptly on said Map. All changes, except those resulting from subdivision and land development plans as specified in § 30-402 shall be certified by initialing of the Map by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors together with the amending ordinance number and date of enactment, or by the republication of the Official Map and certification in accord with § 30-202.1.
Editor's Note: The Official Map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Ord. 212, 7/9/2013]
If the Official Map shows any street or other public land intended to lead into any adjacent municipality, a certified copy of the Official Map, or amendment thereto, shall be forwarded to such adjacent municipality in accord with Section 408 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended.